Actually yes, gamergate can be summarized as delusional ugly women framing all criticism of their radical leftist incursion as “harassment by incels”.
Ugly women and trannies - especially trannies - are obsessed with being “sexually harassed” and calling everyone “incels” because these behaviors and labels are premised upon desire. Ugly women and trannies know that they are not desired, so they desperately promote the idea that they are targeted by sexually frustrated men who are uncontrollably horny… for ugly women and trannies.
In reality, men are sexually disgusted by ugly women and trannies.
I swear these people see gamergate and racism everywhere. And I’ve heard plenty of women who have said they wouldn’t sleep with certain dudes. Or women who rudely reject guys. Is that ok?
True. I just get sick of the double standards in that area. Like if a guy tells a woman she is too fat for him they go nuts but women tell dudes all the time to hit the gym
It's projection. Piss off a woman and the first thing she'll do is make it sexual; you have a small dick, you're a virgin, no woman will ever date you, etc. Like any single woman has the power to deprive you of pussy for the rest of your life.
People even do this by proxy, like if you ever have a woman upset with you "get used to jacking off and being alone." lol wut? My girlfriend sucks my dick twice as hard when I'm mad at her.
That's because woman go through life being able to rely on their body to get what they want. When they're on the internet, they can't tempt men with the ability to fuck them and they end up lashing out.
Actually almost all of the episodes were never made (just like the promised DVDs were never sent, of course). But it's hilarious in retrospective how "transphobic" was this idea of Josh back then.
The floating tiny character I don't even recognise was to for the oddly specific Harmful Trope "Tribal Sorceress", also never made like the most.
Cliffyb is such a dumbass. After he left epic he’s done nothing. Started up a company, ran his mouth, didn’t take running his business seriously and then the game and his company nose dived less than a year after release. I will never understand how he got to where he is.
Something something Bechdel test, which was made up by a (self described) "feminist" dyke (she literally made a comic strip with the word dyke in the title - "Dykes to watch out for", a fag comic strip) because two women talking about men is pRoBlEmAtiC. Bleszinski went out of his way to "pass" the test. In a game about warfare, where women are obviously going to talk to each other about men. A lot. He's been the same the whole time. A beta bitch.
The Bechdel test is a measure of the representation of women in fiction. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women be named is sometimes added.
Because you can't have that. It's still a current year idea even it was first made in 85. But the strip that features it has all the red flags.
The context of the strip referred to alienation of queer women in film and entertainment, where the only possible way for a queer woman to imagine any of the characters in any film may also be queer was if they satisfied the requirements of the test
Soooo...the usual leftist bullshit, in other words.
Actually yes, gamergate can be summarized as delusional ugly women framing all criticism of their radical leftist incursion as “harassment by incels”.
Ugly women and trannies - especially trannies - are obsessed with being “sexually harassed” and calling everyone “incels” because these behaviors and labels are premised upon desire. Ugly women and trannies know that they are not desired, so they desperately promote the idea that they are targeted by sexually frustrated men who are uncontrollably horny… for ugly women and trannies.
In reality, men are sexually disgusted by ugly women and trannies.
I swear these people see gamergate and racism everywhere. And I’ve heard plenty of women who have said they wouldn’t sleep with certain dudes. Or women who rudely reject guys. Is that ok?
I mean, in this tweet she's literally saying that. One is ok apparently. 😂
Also most of the time a guy says it he's not doing it just to be insulting, he's serious.
True. I just get sick of the double standards in that area. Like if a guy tells a woman she is too fat for him they go nuts but women tell dudes all the time to hit the gym
they really love living in a world of their own self created delusions dont they?
uwu don't hit on me silly boys -- every coping mid reaching for a humblebrag
It's projection. Piss off a woman and the first thing she'll do is make it sexual; you have a small dick, you're a virgin, no woman will ever date you, etc. Like any single woman has the power to deprive you of pussy for the rest of your life.
People even do this by proxy, like if you ever have a woman upset with you "get used to jacking off and being alone." lol wut? My girlfriend sucks my dick twice as hard when I'm mad at her.
That's because woman go through life being able to rely on their body to get what they want. When they're on the internet, they can't tempt men with the ability to fuck them and they end up lashing out.
The Tits Or GTFO Principle. A misunderstood classic, and much more profound than most people realize.
Yep, an absolute classic. Love reading it every time.
If it makes you feel better, Mermaid, then by all means, think of it that way. Lord knows you need all the self-esteem you can get.
Actually almost all of the episodes were never made (just like the promised DVDs were never sent, of course). But it's hilarious in retrospective how "transphobic" was this idea of Josh back then.
The floating tiny character I don't even recognise was to for the oddly specific Harmful Trope "Tribal Sorceress", also never made like the most.
It's been 10 years btw.
Uh oh! You make a woman mad! Get ready for one of the following:
Your penis is too small to pleasure woman!
Your penis will never be inside of a woman!
Your penis only gets inserted into other men!
You can't argue with holes. Don't even try.
How long has Cliffy B been irrelevant for? Like 20 years now?
There's gotta be a name for these washed-up has-beens in the gaming industry.
Overrated would fit
5 or so.
I have seen girls that not even a desperate virgin would fuck
I am amazed that these people think anyone would want to fuck... Zoe Quinn.
That's not fair. Quinn's claim to fame is that at least six people wanted to fuck her.
"Wanted to" and "were willing to" are two very different things.
(And at least 7)
Evidently a plenty did. (RIP Alec)
I've never heard anyone respond to "I hope that cuck cliffyB falls into an active volcano" with "gesundheit" before, but I'll take your word for it.
Cliffyb is such a dumbass. After he left epic he’s done nothing. Started up a company, ran his mouth, didn’t take running his business seriously and then the game and his company nose dived less than a year after release. I will never understand how he got to where he is.
2 games.
Lol what's this about Anya? She was super hot in Gears 3 but I didn't follow the series after that
Something something Bechdel test, which was made up by a (self described) "feminist" dyke (she literally made a comic strip with the word dyke in the title - "Dykes to watch out for", a fag comic strip) because two women talking about men is pRoBlEmAtiC. Bleszinski went out of his way to "pass" the test. In a game about warfare, where women are obviously going to talk to each other about men. A lot. He's been the same the whole time. A beta bitch.
Because you can't have that. It's still a current year idea even it was first made in 85. But the strip that features it has all the red flags.
Soooo...the usual leftist bullshit, in other words.