They can be pretty fucking based. Some of the comments on the image in e621 are pointing out how hard it glowed. Some are even just telling the dadmins and jannies to fuck off on years old accounts.
But say he does it for free and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out".
They are deviants of the worst kind, just because some of them have some sane views, it doesn't make them any less deviant. They literally larp as animals and have sex with each-other. How in world could that be based?
I just replied to a guy that thinks furries are based. This whole sub had a war over loli porn a year or two ago, so we have some deviants in our midst too, never forget that. We have to watch our own side as much as theirs.
They can be pretty fucking based. Some of the comments on the image in e621 are pointing out how hard it glowed. Some are even just telling the dadmins and jannies to fuck off on years old accounts.
They may have a correct take from time to time, but being a furry and being "based" are contradicting sets of behaviors that cannot be reconciled.
"They're not based, they just happened to have an opinion I agree with at times."
What's the difference?
They are deviants of the worst kind, just because some of them have some sane views, it doesn't make them any less deviant. They literally larp as animals and have sex with each-other. How in world could that be based?
Rad fems are based according to you because they hate trannies.
e621 admin is going on a crusade against internet funny men that are roasting him in the comments of the image. Everyone is mad, this is great.
Also, holy fuck, those big, fat mommy milkers.
these fucking ad s done with the internet for today.
>not using an adblocker in 2022
Nice job outing yourself as a zoomer. Try not to shoot up your Wal-mart.
Wasnt he also posting in some anti--white reddit too despite his manifesto was claiming he was a "radicalized white supremacist" a year prior.
Dude was a double vaxxed maskurbator.
Welcome to the biproduct of sociality isolated youths starting at a nightmare window without parental supervision for 2 years.
It's all downhill.
look at your name...
Could be a case of "the witch doth protest loudly". Self hatred seems common among extremists, left and right.
I dont think any right winger is clostedly sexualizing a talking dog from a PBS childrens' show, but I have been wrong before.
I just replied to a guy that thinks furries are based. This whole sub had a war over loli porn a year or two ago, so we have some deviants in our midst too, never forget that. We have to watch our own side as much as theirs.
Lol the loli wars came to .win too? The anime pedos rose up about the obscenity standard on kia2 reddit in 2019
Yes. There was a huge thread over it here.
No you didn't, you replied to someone who said some of their replies are based.
At least it seems to be some cartoon, and not Wishbone.
If Wishbone gets rebooted for the ‘modern’ era watch them do Lolita in the first season.
It is.
Martha Speaks smdh.
If you’re going to go furry at least go for something like Lola Bunny or Krystal from Star Fox.
You're thinking of two generations' ago. Today's furfags probably don't even know what a Gamecube is, or who Michael Jordan or Bill Murray are.
Jesus Wept.
I actually saw the book in one of my classes before the show went on air, and I think it was actually read to the class by the teacher.
but some woke holywood bistch is trying to cancel him for making a joke right now
Furries once again prove they have no taste and deserve eternal fire.
Toonphiles have worse taste than furries, trust me.
What is a toonphile? Someone jacks off to something like the Simpsons? I might just be a filthy weeb but even I have standards.
Trust but verify. Lay your cards on the table, bucko.
I don't even know who 2/3 of those names are.
What happened to just fetishizing Gardevoir or something like that, wasn't that a meme like only a year ago?
Either way, picking weird non-mainstream-meme stuff kind of implies they're definitely a furry and not, ironically, just in a fursuit of one.
Well most people hate furries
...then what happened was bizarre...
He would have lead with that if he was