Any time I see a correction like this, I know it's propaganda from the leftist MSM. Sweden actually banned the vaccine to protect there people. Lbtards don't care about people. They only give a damn about themselves. A sociopath is a sociopath, and they will never change until they are dead. Figure it out Forest Gump.
You people need to be exterminated Google. The truth always comes out no matter how hard you try to hide it. This is from an old combat veteran. A sociopath is a sociopath and you cannot change no matter what.
Apparently awards in journalism are for pushing narratives.
ahem they aren't NaRrAtIvEs, they're the truth. Stop watching fauxnews chud
We got literally everything wrong.
Please like and subscribe.
She knew most won't come back to see the correction.
What's several hundred thousand severely sick made up kids among friends?
Don't worry, it's something that only happens under certain situations.
Like the day ending in a "Y".
Why do these "mistakes" always, always take the form of grossly exaggerated numbers? Why don't they ever underreport?
Rhetorical question, obviously.
Because sensationalism sells.
50% of the time it happens every time!
They're still lying. They halted the vaccine for anyone 30 years old or younger.
Wait, isn't a vaccine pretty much anything that helps build immunity now according to Merriam-Webster? Like sunlight and Orange Juice?
Not even "immunity" -- just "protection".
I disbelieve all I hear and about half of what I see. Thanks Media!
Now if only we can get more people on your side of the fence, then MSM would collapse overnight.
Aboorva Mandavilli should try focusing more on the details if she wants to be taken seriously as a reporter on science and health.
Drive-By Media to the D.
How does one make that many mistakes in one article?
The Loch Ness Monster was not present at the press conference. The aliens came from Epsilon Indi and not Alpha Centauri. We apologize for the errors.
"Our new policy is to not edit articles until after we post the first correction."
Any time I see a correction like this, I know it's propaganda from the leftist MSM. Sweden actually banned the vaccine to protect there people. Lbtards don't care about people. They only give a damn about themselves. A sociopath is a sociopath, and they will never change until they are dead. Figure it out Forest Gump.
You people need to be exterminated Google. The truth always comes out no matter how hard you try to hide it. This is from an old combat veteran. A sociopath is a sociopath and you cannot change no matter what.
So, this propaganda is on the level of Radio Yerevan.
Google just censored my truthful comment about this farce.
Any chance for a source on this? I’d like an article to point to when the NPC inevitably asks.
Easy enough to find with a simple search
63 is indeed a satanic symbol, just like 36. It represents 3x6. 666.
Just the regular fake news coding. Once you spot the symbols, the veil drops.
Take your meds.
It's called research and having a keen eye, developed over years.
This is your brain on Common Core.
Edit: I have one better:
63 is 10, 10 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4 and 4 is cosmic.
36 is 8, 8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
666 is 18, 18 is 8, 8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
Sixty three thousand is 18, 18 is 8, 8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
There is a pattern there, you just found the wrong one.
I'm a Satanist and that sounds like a reach
Within their margin of error.
200,000 have died to covid because of biden. thats how this works, right?