They burned down pretty quickly after they bent the knee to the cabal and banned a bunch of guilds that went against the narrative.
They burned down pretty quickly after they bent the knee to the cabal and banned a bunch of guilds that went against the narrative.
And there you have it.
And nothing was lost.
How can one claim the "incel Nazis" destroyed the site if they're the reason it was solvent to begin with?
Naive christcuck idealism. Completely divorced from modern reality. And nothing of value was lost when they collapsed.
I am pretty sure the real reason was they banned people other than Neo-Nazi's/White Supremacists and the Incel community.
They could have avoided this had they explicitly chosen to ban those groups only along with any other questionable group as long as they were transparent and indicated this properly.
He is the kind of person that will refer to literally everyone he disagrees with or or anyone who doesn't want to conform to his comfy groupthink as an incel or Nazi.
Don't ban the groups, destory the groups by banning users for breaking TOS.
And it can be vague: 'We ban authoritarians.'
because they are shills.
hey if you're going to DDOS a website with a bunch of anti semitic / misogynistic content because you hate freedom of expression, be prepared to be labelled as an incel Nazi. Rightfully so
You post on KiA2, that means you are an Incel Nazi.
Jump off a building communist vermin. Only good commie is a dead commie. Commies arent people
"We didn't actually believe in free speech and were fucking cucks"
I like your version of events a lot better 😉
I'm astonished that was their interpretation of events. They really were retarded.
Its always the interpretation of events.
Rather than take responsibility for not effectively promoting and growing your site, just blame your users for being so toxic it stopped anyone from joining as the reason for stagnant/declining membership. And because "Nazi Incels" are meaningless words, it can apply to literally anyone you want to point to as proof of your claims.
Reddit itself used it very successfully, so clones of course would too.
Women are very talented at being what caused a man's downfall while convincing him to blame anything and everything else. Eventually you start saying stuff like this half believing it and half just knowing that if you name them as the real source of the problem they will hurt you.
If they truly believed in free speech they wouldn't care who used their platform or what they posted (with certain exceptions like CP). That means they don't champion or prioritize free speech, and thus they aren't worthy to run a platform who's entire premise is free speech.
Ruqqus sucked stalins and bernies dick
Low IQ morons. They're like a politician who answers a specific question with random platitudes and buzzwords. If you blame "nazis and incels" for various societal or personal problems, you fall into one of two camps:
You're just dumb. A stupid NPC. You speak passable English and appear as a human but there's no indication of deep thoughts or logic within. Perhaps autistic, smart enough to excel in the technical field but no subtle understanding of your user base, social dynamics, or how to answer a basic question.
You're a virtue signaler. You want to let others know just how woke you are so you answer in SJW code language. Those words carry a lot of connotative baggage in your social groups, but are meaningless to normal outsiders. You are either unaware or don't care that someone who doesn't talk like you hears your answer as "IKR those dumb retard virgins destroyed our site bro, it's a shame but what are you gonna do you can't win with haters bro."
Kind of leaning towards the first option. To destroy their own business so spectacularly doesn't speak to them being the brightest bulbs in the box. But they may be going for the second option to try and salvage their personal reputations with the Silicon Valley elites.
I think it's more likely they get attacked and threatened and repeating the lie is the act of contrivance to avoid being beaten further by the ones abusing them.
"We said we wanted a free speech platform and accidentally made one. Our bad."