Idk, normally you'd get lulz but they probably wouldn't be fazed by that so not much potentialy there. Rednecks are a.) hwhite, b.) Southerners, c.) "RaCiSt" [xeno/trans/homo]pHoBeS
And these same doctors keep telling me to get the covid vax even though I already had covid - and can't really explain why. Doctors are not really smart, they just do what they are told.
She noted that the report mentions the race of a person’s parents used to be included on the public portion of the birth certificate and that information was recognized to sometimes lead to discrimination.
And, yet, it is still relevant medical information. There's tons of conditions which impact different races differently. Which is why that information is asked every time you go to a new doctor. So tell me, why shouldn't that info be recorded? And, if discrimination is as bad as you all say, what good did taking it off of the birth certificate do?
"folks" is a dog whistle to progressives too. Take note of whenever you see it used and by whom.
For bonus lulz accuse the speaker of culturally appropriating redneck culture.
Idk, normally you'd get lulz but they probably wouldn't be fazed by that so not much potentialy there. Rednecks are a.) hwhite, b.) Southerners, c.) "RaCiSt" [xeno/trans/homo]pHoBeS
Folks is a traditional greeting of the wesosneaky tribe that has been appropriated by whitey.
who cares, but it makes them look dumb and gives them a chance to say something really stupid in response.
Do you really think more feigned victimhood from the right is good for optics?
And these same doctors keep telling me to get the covid vax even though I already had covid - and can't really explain why. Doctors are not really smart, they just do what they are told.
Not at all all doctors. Just DC dwelling political hacks.
equity and inclusivity. Freedom includes the freedom to offend.
This is the same AMA that artificially limits the number of doctors so medical costs remain high.
Not sure why you would be surprised. It's just a corrupt guild serving the interests of its members.
Just wait until they apply the concept of "equity" to health care. It's coming.
Black? Here's your liver you Stunning And Brave Hero!
White? Fuck off you piece of shit racist oppressor! Go die in an alley!
It's already here in some places. Last year in Pennsylvania and a few other places they straight up said they were prioritizing minorities.
Bubsy the Bobcat has some fine words for this situationt
Jesus, now there's a game I haven't thought about in years.
let's just remove the trannies and their simps instead
it'll be quicker and cheaper
Does that mean that "discrimination" against women is finally legal? After all, they can just identify as men.
And, yet, it is still relevant medical information. There's tons of conditions which impact different races differently. Which is why that information is asked every time you go to a new doctor. So tell me, why shouldn't that info be recorded? And, if discrimination is as bad as you all say, what good did taking it off of the birth certificate do?