They call it 'cracking the egg'.
Their idea is that any depressed, lonely male in a dark place is a potentially 'egg' waiting to be 'cracked', and by 'egg' they mean 'transgender', and by 'cracked', they mean 'realise they are transgender'.
There are large groups of these creeps who go around looking for depressed men desperate for company, meaning and a sense of belonging, and the second they find a guy thinking 'man, my life would be so much easier If I'd been born a girl', or 'man, I wish I got to dress up in pretty things like girls do', they tell them that this is proof that they are in fact, a girl trapped inside a male body, and that if they don't 'transition', they will literally be driven insane until they DIE (via suicide). They will love-bomb the target with constant outpourings of positivity and affection, with the goal of getting this person to transition.
The perpetrators of this cult indoctrination will often brag about how many eggs they've cracked, and their victims will often look up to them as mentors.
Of course, eventually, each victim becomes old news, the love-bombing dries up, and they're forced to either become an egg-cracker themselves, or wake up, realise the mistake they've made, and kill themselves.
This is what leftist scum do, they pal up to you when they think they can control you, when they find out they can't they try and destroy you.
I got taken aside by an antifa member in a private message on a conspiracy forum back in 2010 and told that I should 'be careful about being friendly with 'the nazis' cause they just wanted to get in my mind and 'fuck me up''....and I'm no fucking fool I sensed his serpentine aura and told him to shut up...the 'nazis' were always pretty chill and a good laugh but the leftists were savages.
I read every word and I'm proud of you bro. Thanks for sharing your story. To be honest I am completely blackpilled and demoralized. I've seen too much behind the curtains and now I can't unsee it and it's tiresome. I'm glad you have some hope though after all that
Teenage girls and people on the spectrum. I can attest to the latter personally, I and 5 other friends/acquaintances I had in college were all on the spectrum. 5 years out of college and I'm the only one that isn't trans. Coincidentally the only one that didn't fall into the woke flavor-aid btw.
Probably. It's a fool's errand and the term's long since become its own thing online. I don't bother with the autism community anymore since social justice subverted it but I'm sure my opinion would be in the minority if I were still involved.
Personally, it doesn't bug me when I see it. In general, words are just that, words, and they only have as much power as you give them. Not only that, but when I see someone use "autist" online, I don't really see it as them taking a cheap shot at autistic peoples' expense. It's less that and more something you'd use to describe another person online who is freaking out and having a fit over something not worth freaking out about; someone who is acting really obnoxiously; or what have you.
I see it similar to how "idiot" used to be a technical, medical term for someone with mental retardation but today everyone and their grandmother uses it to describe anyone acting stupidly.
That being said, I don't think my word on autism has any greater weight than any other person insofar as it relates to things outside of my own personal experience—a psychologist specializing in ASDs, say, would be able to tell you a lot more about it than I can—so don't take this as gospel from The Book of Autististics, but that's my take on the word. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not going give you any worthless pats on the back because you don't get stronger from that. You get stronger from what you did: recognize your faults and see where you went wrong in life. You corrected it by finding a solution, which is what a REAL man is supposed to do.
Only thing I would suggest -- which really stood out to me -- is that you mentioned you were overweight. Don't be. Buy some push-up bars from anywhere (avoid Amazon if you don't want to give the Leftist tycoon any of your hard earned cash). Do at least five a day and maybe five or 10 squats a day.
Start small, but DO IT because no one else will do it for you.
As for the rest of your story... I could see you were doomed from the start. No proper male role model in your life, and a mother who was likely abused when she was young and was roped into believing she was bisexual (a lot of women are being brainwashed into believing this and it's ruining marriages all across many first-world nations, just like the Leftist lunatics want, because as the saying goes: bisexuals have twice the opportunities to cheat).
In any case, it's a literal miracle you got out of that pickle without losing your genitals or your manhood (you would have been forgone had you engaged in gay sex, which would have completely screwed up your sexual orientation).
Your testimony isn't done, though. It's good you posted this here but you NEED to start opening up the eyes of your friends and people you know.
The sad truth is that the war is already lost; we won't be getting America back, sadly. Too many Centrists and weak-willed pussies aren't willing to do what needs to be done to win, so that card is off the table.
However, you can still inform and educate your friends. They're Leftists by choice through coercion. The brainwashing is everywhere and it's getting harder and harder to thwart the brainwashing because avenues for dispensing fact and truth are being railroaded by the Left-wing zeitgeist. Various search engines and sources I used to give to people are now vaporized, either due to credit processors cutting off funding or advertisers boycotting non-Leftist organizations.
Anyway, if you need help/info on how to combat the Rainbow Reich's bullcrap, let me know. A lot of what they preach is designed to disorient and disinform, they feed on vulnerability and ignorance, especially when it comes to all that LGBTQIA+ nonsense.
I'm glad you woke up, though. I genuinely pray and thank God every single day that I'm enlightened to this crap, because I read SOOOOOOO many horror stories about people who make irreversible decisions that ruin their lives forever, the lives of their loved ones, or their marriages and relationships.
It's sick seeing the outcome of poor kids who don't wake up and ask the questions you asked that led to your epiphany. But seriously, be thankful you did because you could have ended up as one of the 42% had you kept letting those tranny freaks whisper in your ear.
We have already seen the backlash beginning. Texas just had some elections, and in every race that progressives were running in, and anywhere that was pushing Critical Theory, saw them get absolutely smashed. 70/30 in favor of “our” side. And the Hispanic-heavy counties continued their move toward the anti-woke side. And while there are a lot of some young people, there are also a lot of anti-woke young people who are starting to fight back. And we see all the old institutions losing their power. Hollywood is dying. Celebrity culture is dying. The Dems are losing their hold and the Republicans are being taken over by the populist anti-wood types, whether they like it or not.
There will be pain. But rather than being depressed and saying it’s all over, we need to stand up and say “I have not yet begun to fight!”
When people compare us to the Roman Empire, I think a lot of people forget that Rome lasted WAY longer than its Republic period. Hell, I would argue Rome's Golden Age wasnt even until after the Republic fell.* And much like Rome, America seems to have this unnatural ability to survive events that have killed other nations, and come back stronger. And I truly believe we will do it again.
As I saw someone else on here put it, you dont get Reagan without Carter. Here is hoping that Carter in this context is Biden.
*/note: I am not saying that I believe America will become some global empire like Rome did. But the country may be changed for the better in response to the issues we currently have, like Rome before it.
I can't fault you for your optimism, and at least you're doing your part. But based on how corrupt every swing state is and the levels of subterfuge they've gone to in order to ensure they stay corrupt, I doubt much will change in 2022.
Unless there's a wide open bust on every party, institution, and procedure involved in the 2020 election rigging, expect a repeat in 2022.
Yeah, I'm surprised there's no videos of the fraud on the sidebar, or the live hacking demonstration by Pulitzer, or the adjudicator showing how the machines can easily be used to switch ballots, or all the other nefarious going-ons that have exposed the corruption that took place during the 2020 elections.
It’s good to get your feelings out (without the drama and oppression Olympics).
A lame “sorry this happened to you” seems like all I can muster up, since I can’t imagine growing up in that environment and coming out as you are now. I’m glad you got out of there and I hope you’re doing better :(
Can you elaborate a bit on your family history concerning your father(s)? Problems in this area, especially in the years from about 3 - 14, seem very common in almost all cases of "tranny infection".
Stepdad... I think meant well, but he wasn't very good at being a parent ... but it definitely upset little me and made me feel like my interests didn't matter.
I know what you mean. It can very hard for non-biological parents to have the patience to form a real connection with children, instead of just playing a parent program. I collect stories like yours and am convinced to have found a common pattern. Could you please indulge in a bit of my kitchen psychology and tell me what you think?
but I figured that my sole female friend might actually listen and care about me.
It explained why I was always such an effeminate sissy growing up - I never really WAS a boy at all! I was mentally a girl all along, trapped in a boy's body!
I ended up coming to my mother that I was trans though, and she was 100% supportive about it
A child has to learn how to control his bowel movement to be able to not shit his pants. He later has to learn how to control emotions, frustrations, and then sexual urges, so that his identity is based on more than sexuality and his emotional life. Basically so he doesn't become some weird pervert that gets shunned by polite society. It seems that men and women are fundamentally different in managing their emotions and especially their sexual urges. Boys without a good realtionship to their fathers have a hard time learning to control these in a healthy way, or control them at all. Men deal with a sexual build up they have to actively manage. For women sexual urges have more of a cyclical nature that resolves itself to a degree. From here on I have no real explanaition for a concrete mechanism. But long story short, the way a boy would learn to handle his sexuality from a woman would make him an effeminate, self-hating sex addict. He would be unable to differentiate between what feels good and what is good long term. It is as if women on some level actively encourage this shit, if there is no caring male around that puts a limit to it. This it not to say women are the root of all evil or something like that. A men would be evil in a forceful, uncaring, controlling way. A woman (or a twisted man) would be in a backhanded way that nurtures all sorts of cancerous growth, even if finally damaging to themselves. There is a balance needed to raise children into healthy adults.
she invited me to one of AOL's user made chat rooms - a chat specifically revolving around MtF transgendered people ... The sites explained that the world was inherently bigoted, and a major reason for that was because it was run by men. Men were the root of all evil, and if women - who are inherently more compassionate and loving than men are, were in charge of society, I would never have had to experience the awful oppression I had been subjected to - an oppression that I was not even aware of until that very day.
in the early 2000s. At this point, people being gay was beginning to become more accepted by society, though things like gay marriage were still extremely controversial.
Of course, I had been taught by the chatters and their websites that if anyone refused to accept that I was actually a woman (despite having a penis) or if they refused to adhere to Feminist beliefs, then they were bigots, and I was to cut them out of my life without hesitation.
Said gay guy had a gay online boyfriend who was an adult, when he was still a minor, and when his parents went on vacation, this predator flew across the country to meet up and have sex with my friend. He insisted that he was happily in love with this guy, and I even, at the time, celebrated his love, but now I realize just how fucked up it was. Fast forward a few years later and he starts referring to himself as trans.
They walked away from me again, but this time, it was because I was no longer a leftist Feminist, which THEY now identified as!
Trannys becoming more and more mainstream is a direct result of the intentional destruction of that balance. The resulting young people are vulnerable enough to be groomed in the corners of the internet. Their uncontrolled sexuality is warped into habitual perversions. These clash on many levels with reality. With the plain and obvious Truth. But the internet has made it possible for like minded perverts to perpetuate their illness in isolated bubbles without having to interact with normies to much. So when they come face to face with reality, instead of taking the pain waking up they have already swallowed to much of the Lie and now will try to force others to play along with their delusions. This is grown into a generational feedback loop, for creating sad broken individuals used as ideological foot soldiers. Our parents were discussing the validity of gay marriage. Now parents can lose custody in some parts of the world, if they don't support their hormonally driven teenagers in mutilating their own genitals.
But I was conflicted about all of this. Sure, it was obvious that it was left-wing politics being pushed, but... was that such a bad thing? Maybe their methods were wrong... but surely the idea they were sponsoring was a positive one, right?
And the parenting and tranny issue is just one of the many tentacles of the kraken. What all these have in common is to make you lie often enough to yourself to sever your minds contacts to reality. Then it can rationalize any means for any end, and you become a servant of the Lie.
Sorry for the rambling. But what you have described I have seen so often now, and I need some feedback to order my thoughts on it.
The tranny mind virus is snatching our children.
Not sex directly, but how naively and overly positive every kind of sexual deviance is celebrated these days.
my concern at this point is that they keep these things to themselves and to established communities, instead of trying to indoctrinate people, especially children into their fetishes.
I thought that way for a long time too. But it does not seem like "established communities" will ever keep these things to themselves once they reach a certain size.
Lol, I'm with you on that. Maybe you are right and I'm overestimating the problematic impact of sexual deviance itself. Just "Telling them to fuck off" (public shaming of extreme behavior) on a large scale could really be the working solution, since you cannot exactly end perversions.
But on the other hand, encouraging people to just go with it, is today held up as a virtue. Whereas openly discouraging it can cost you your job and is in many cases branded as "violence". And this is creeping to include more and more perversions, every generation.
Being sexually free once meant not being frigid. That you were able to without shame experience mind blowing full body orgasms.
Today it means indulging in every weird fetish that presents itself until it becomes part of one's personality or a lifestyle,
If you are black, you good. But as soon as they find out you are conservative or voted trump, you are an uncle tom.
They dont like you for you. They like you only for your identity. As you said.. you identified as trans and they "love" you, but as soon as you ask questions or have different opinions, you are worse than hitler.
You have walked your path and though you suffered slings and arrows, you are untimely strong and in a better place for having realized you were walking the wrong way. Such realization is rare among the NPCs because they're that justified in their dogmatic beliefs they believe they do not need to think if they're doing the right thing.
As for your next path, that is up for you to decide. You've found a second chance, now all you need to do is follow the virtues such as self-Temperence and Humility and let them guide your way.
Fuck, dude, I usually don't read super long stuff like this, but I started skimming and I got pulled into it, hard. Thanks for sharing your experiences, it's very fascinating what you've gone through.
I can't exactly say I used to be an SJW but I was certainly being groomed into becoming one. I remember one particular time on tumblr when I realised just how fucked up all of the world is and how uncomfortable it would be to interact with people who aren't super progressive, since I saw them as evil. That thought was so interesting to me at the time that the moment crystallised in my mind perfectly.
I wasn't very active or pushy about it, although maybe I was, considering that I cut contact with a friend over his positive opinion of guns. That was pretty embarrassing. It felt kind of wrong to do even back then, but I felt like it was the "right thing to do". We're friends now, though we don't talk frequently. I just messaged him, you reminded me to chill with him some more, he's fun.
I also remember spending untold hours arguing about how SJWs were an unimportant internet thing and how they'd never actually affect reality in any way... And when I was even younger, I remember joining circlejerks about how evil and bigoted right-wingers are.
I was so obsessed with the scientific method, I believed that morality not only could, but must, dictate morality. I would still believe in science if it was political neutral ground. But politics have tainted science. The mechanics through which our societies used to determine what is true and what is false have been completely corrupted. We literally live in a post-truth world, thanks almost exclusively to the left.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the thing that finally redpilled me was, indeed, gamergate. It's what convinced me that leftism was irredeemably corrupt.
This story vindicates everything I say about women, from the two-faced girl trying to make OP hate himself, to the brainwashing and attacking of innocents for the sake of the ideology.
R16 just protects these people, allowing their cult to go unchallenged.
OP, I'm curious. Do you agree with the way I talk about women after what you've been through or do you still believe there's good in them?
You've been through so much at their hands, and that's why I fight. I've been asked a few times what made me TheImpossible1, and a few theories have been created. (No, I wasn't cheated on. No, it wasn't because of that survey that said women bought more Gillette after that ad. No, it's not because I'm gay, I'm not.)
Honestly, without stealing your thunder from your own thread, it's people like you that make me feel this way, led down a dark path by people with zero remorse and zero goodness in them. I just think of all the poor kids suffering in the "education system" that women have created, and how many will turn out self-hating and perfect targets for their brainwashing and I couldn't possibly ever forgive women as a group, even those who weren't actively a part, because they stood and watched this happen, not caring at all.
I was targeted before trans was a thing, they tried to make me believe I was hyperactive and dope me up, but my mother fought it. Deep down, I know that not all women are bad, but I can't say it. My conscience won't let me empower the feminist cult tactic of hiding behind good people.
I know mothers can deeply love their children and will often fight tooth and nail for them. With regards to all other relationships, it remains to be seen.
I think with men a lot of the bounce back towards women comes from the mismatch between our expectations that we are born and brought up with and the realization that women aren't the creatures we imagine them to be. Depending on the severity of the burn and the circumstances, the reaction might be of varying degree.
How can they be considered vulnerable? If anything, they are mentally stronger than us as they aren't subjected to any level of dehumanization, especially compared to us, who are targeted every waking minute.
I read it all! You won't find me intimidated by long paragraphs like the intellectually challenged twitter users who balk and cower at anything longer than 200 characters. It's only in diving deep into the details that we can truly come to know and understand something.
You've been through Hell, and you've come out on the other side; bruised, and bloody, and beat-up, but not beaten. I hope you can find the purpose you need in life to feel like it's all worth while.
Fascinating. Glad when I was going through my own depression I turned to joining the military instead of wallowing in my own self pity on the internet. Who knows how I might have turned out then.
Shit like this is not only destructive to normal teens, but absolutely shits all over real trans people by further painting them as having a mental disorder (note: I do think its a real disorder, just not an entirely mental one) and just ruining society in general. These people are pure evil narcissist's
When treating the symptoms is the only way to be able to live with yourself, you treat the fucking symptoms.
I want to vent my frustration at what you're saying at you, but I know you mean well so it would be useless.
I've known several trans people for whom transition fixed almost every issue they had - and they were not involved in politics in any way, nor exposed to SJWs.
Stop being a fucking pathological contrarian. It's true that society's mechanisms of determining what is true and what is false have been co-opted and corrupted, but that doesn't mean everything you spout is true, it just means to be skeptical.
If the only way to relieve their symptoms that has ever been observed to do anything, you absolutely do.
You're a pathological contrarian. Stop letting the left live in your fucking head rent-free. Stop allowing the left to control what you believe. It's so fucking pathetic that you people don't think for yourselves, but look at what the left believes and just flip it upside down and call it a philosophy.
Also, calling gender dysphoria "being uncomfortable in your body" is like calling PTSD or anxiety disorders "being a bit nervous", or schizophrenia "having a wild imagination".
There are absolutly real transgender people even if you only include androgen and estrogen insensitivity disorders which literally physically and biologically leave you as a man in a womens body or visa-versa. If you dont recognize tthat there are "real" transgenders at all you are naive or disingenious.
if you only include androgen and estrogen insensitivity disorders which literally physically and biologically leave you as a man in a womens body or visa-versa
No, they're not "transgender". They're people suffering from hormonal imbalances. The entire concept was made up by a cabal of pedophiles.
By your logic, if tomorrow mankind developed a method to allow normal hormonal functions in the body of someone with androgen insensitivity, he'd still be a "transwoman" rather than a cured man.
You're mythologizing corporeal conditions into something metaphysical.
Yes there are. Trans people are not a new thing at all. Hell OP even mentioned crossdressers and the like, they've existed for centuries. Transgenderism even exists in nature. Look at clownfish or banana slugs.
What happened to OP is a modern version of something else thats been going on for centuries, mass hysteria created by social pressures. If it wasn't transgenderism it would be shit like the multiple personality hysteria that occured after the movie Sybil was released or any of the satanic panic shit form the 80s were people (mostly women) pretended to be possessed.
Anyone who fails to recognize both of these facts is a tool getting played. Plain and simple.
Murder cults have also existed throughout history. The Aztecs. The Thugees. Serial killers are a part of the human experience as much as transgenders are. All this existed before MK Ultra was ever a thing.
Man, I've seen several of these kinds of posts over the years on the various KiAs, some quite different to yours in some respects.
But there's always a single common thread, someone somewhere was having a terrible time of it and at their very lowest you reach out to someone who seems almost excited to hear of your suffering and you're suddenly introduced to a new group of people by them.
Step 1 is to immediately validate all of your suffering and tell you it's because you're oppressed in some way by society. That's everything, including validating the self-indulgent angsty stuff seriously depressed teenagers usually end up picking up and a healthy nurturing group would try to steer you away from even though it's uncomfortable to let go of, rather than encourage it like your new 'friends' will.
Step 2 is teaching the lingo and repeating the various broken NPC-like arguments alongside all the affirmations until you find a way to rationalize away the irrational parts of what they're saying because your new 'friends' are trying to help you and (again, because they target people at their lowest and most confused) you figure you must be the one in the wrong if all these other people confidently agree it makes sense. There's a utopia free from the oppression that made you miserable waiting if everyone will just agree to the same ideas you've now convinced yourself aren't broken and flawed.
Step 3 is to constantly encourage you to cut out everyone who won't immediately validate everything about you, even the unhealthy stuff, or dares to question the flaws in the arguments you've been given. If they don't then they're standing in the way of your promised utopia and are complicit in your oppression, they're probably evil. Eventually you've burned your bridges with any alternative support you might have outside of the cult you've inadvertently joined and the only people you associate with are fellow cult members or other vulnerable, malleable people ripe for recruitment.
Step 4 is literally profit. If the cult you'd joined was Scientology this is where you'd be told to liquidate your assets to get closer to the thetans. But if the cult you'd joined was 'social justice' this is where you're told to join forces with other groups of differently oppressed people and attack the people and organizations you're told are preventing you all from reaching utopia, even if the reasons don't quite make sense to you.
It's shocking how close it is to other cult induction rituals but somehow goes without nearly as much scorn by society at large as other cults. And it's truly infuriating when you see how higher up the chain it's stable, affluent people puppeting and parasitizing vulnerable, miserable people for their own further profit. The professors and silver spoon activists who didn't just stumble on a cause in their darkest hour, but comfortably manipulated the causes to satisfy their own personal desire for power.
They call it 'cracking the egg'. Their idea is that any depressed, lonely male in a dark place is a potentially 'egg' waiting to be 'cracked', and by 'egg' they mean 'transgender', and by 'cracked', they mean 'realise they are transgender'.
There are large groups of these creeps who go around looking for depressed men desperate for company, meaning and a sense of belonging, and the second they find a guy thinking 'man, my life would be so much easier If I'd been born a girl', or 'man, I wish I got to dress up in pretty things like girls do', they tell them that this is proof that they are in fact, a girl trapped inside a male body, and that if they don't 'transition', they will literally be driven insane until they DIE (via suicide). They will love-bomb the target with constant outpourings of positivity and affection, with the goal of getting this person to transition.
The perpetrators of this cult indoctrination will often brag about how many eggs they've cracked, and their victims will often look up to them as mentors.
Of course, eventually, each victim becomes old news, the love-bombing dries up, and they're forced to either become an egg-cracker themselves, or wake up, realise the mistake they've made, and kill themselves.
the trans cult at reddit bans anybody for talking about this
Actually, they only ban you for talking about it negatively.
You can openly have entire subs dedicated to it so long as you act like nothing is wrong.
see r/egg_irl
This is what leftist scum do, they pal up to you when they think they can control you, when they find out they can't they try and destroy you.
I got taken aside by an antifa member in a private message on a conspiracy forum back in 2010 and told that I should 'be careful about being friendly with 'the nazis' cause they just wanted to get in my mind and 'fuck me up''....and I'm no fucking fool I sensed his serpentine aura and told him to shut up...the 'nazis' were always pretty chill and a good laugh but the leftists were savages.
I read every word and I'm proud of you bro. Thanks for sharing your story. To be honest I am completely blackpilled and demoralized. I've seen too much behind the curtains and now I can't unsee it and it's tiresome. I'm glad you have some hope though after all that
Amazing story.
It sounds like :
1- Every young person is searching for a role and purpose in life
2- There is massive social pressure applied from the trans movement to exploit vulnerable teens.
In my experience it is mostly teenage girls that are exploited, something to do with a greater effect from social pressure.
Teenage girls and people on the spectrum. I can attest to the latter personally, I and 5 other friends/acquaintances I had in college were all on the spectrum. 5 years out of college and I'm the only one that isn't trans. Coincidentally the only one that didn't fall into the woke flavor-aid btw.
Probably. It's a fool's errand and the term's long since become its own thing online. I don't bother with the autism community anymore since social justice subverted it but I'm sure my opinion would be in the minority if I were still involved.
Personally, it doesn't bug me when I see it. In general, words are just that, words, and they only have as much power as you give them. Not only that, but when I see someone use "autist" online, I don't really see it as them taking a cheap shot at autistic peoples' expense. It's less that and more something you'd use to describe another person online who is freaking out and having a fit over something not worth freaking out about; someone who is acting really obnoxiously; or what have you.
I see it similar to how "idiot" used to be a technical, medical term for someone with mental retardation but today everyone and their grandmother uses it to describe anyone acting stupidly.
That being said, I don't think my word on autism has any greater weight than any other person insofar as it relates to things outside of my own personal experience—a psychologist specializing in ASDs, say, would be able to tell you a lot more about it than I can—so don't take this as gospel from The Book of Autististics, but that's my take on the word. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Damn. I don’t remember Reddit being that bad pre-GG
I'm not going give you any worthless pats on the back because you don't get stronger from that. You get stronger from what you did: recognize your faults and see where you went wrong in life. You corrected it by finding a solution, which is what a REAL man is supposed to do.
Only thing I would suggest -- which really stood out to me -- is that you mentioned you were overweight. Don't be. Buy some push-up bars from anywhere (avoid Amazon if you don't want to give the Leftist tycoon any of your hard earned cash). Do at least five a day and maybe five or 10 squats a day.
Start small, but DO IT because no one else will do it for you.
As for the rest of your story... I could see you were doomed from the start. No proper male role model in your life, and a mother who was likely abused when she was young and was roped into believing she was bisexual (a lot of women are being brainwashed into believing this and it's ruining marriages all across many first-world nations, just like the Leftist lunatics want, because as the saying goes: bisexuals have twice the opportunities to cheat).
In any case, it's a literal miracle you got out of that pickle without losing your genitals or your manhood (you would have been forgone had you engaged in gay sex, which would have completely screwed up your sexual orientation).
Your testimony isn't done, though. It's good you posted this here but you NEED to start opening up the eyes of your friends and people you know.
The sad truth is that the war is already lost; we won't be getting America back, sadly. Too many Centrists and weak-willed pussies aren't willing to do what needs to be done to win, so that card is off the table.
However, you can still inform and educate your friends. They're Leftists by choice through coercion. The brainwashing is everywhere and it's getting harder and harder to thwart the brainwashing because avenues for dispensing fact and truth are being railroaded by the Left-wing zeitgeist. Various search engines and sources I used to give to people are now vaporized, either due to credit processors cutting off funding or advertisers boycotting non-Leftist organizations.
Anyway, if you need help/info on how to combat the Rainbow Reich's bullcrap, let me know. A lot of what they preach is designed to disorient and disinform, they feed on vulnerability and ignorance, especially when it comes to all that LGBTQIA+ nonsense.
I'm glad you woke up, though. I genuinely pray and thank God every single day that I'm enlightened to this crap, because I read SOOOOOOO many horror stories about people who make irreversible decisions that ruin their lives forever, the lives of their loved ones, or their marriages and relationships.
It's sick seeing the outcome of poor kids who don't wake up and ask the questions you asked that led to your epiphany. But seriously, be thankful you did because you could have ended up as one of the 42% had you kept letting those tranny freaks whisper in your ear.
We have already seen the backlash beginning. Texas just had some elections, and in every race that progressives were running in, and anywhere that was pushing Critical Theory, saw them get absolutely smashed. 70/30 in favor of “our” side. And the Hispanic-heavy counties continued their move toward the anti-woke side. And while there are a lot of some young people, there are also a lot of anti-woke young people who are starting to fight back. And we see all the old institutions losing their power. Hollywood is dying. Celebrity culture is dying. The Dems are losing their hold and the Republicans are being taken over by the populist anti-wood types, whether they like it or not.
There will be pain. But rather than being depressed and saying it’s all over, we need to stand up and say “I have not yet begun to fight!”
Pretty much.
When people compare us to the Roman Empire, I think a lot of people forget that Rome lasted WAY longer than its Republic period. Hell, I would argue Rome's Golden Age wasnt even until after the Republic fell.* And much like Rome, America seems to have this unnatural ability to survive events that have killed other nations, and come back stronger. And I truly believe we will do it again.
As I saw someone else on here put it, you dont get Reagan without Carter. Here is hoping that Carter in this context is Biden.
*/note: I am not saying that I believe America will become some global empire like Rome did. But the country may be changed for the better in response to the issues we currently have, like Rome before it.
I can't fault you for your optimism, and at least you're doing your part. But based on how corrupt every swing state is and the levels of subterfuge they've gone to in order to ensure they stay corrupt, I doubt much will change in 2022.
Unless there's a wide open bust on every party, institution, and procedure involved in the 2020 election rigging, expect a repeat in 2022.
Yeah, I'm surprised there's no videos of the fraud on the sidebar, or the live hacking demonstration by Pulitzer, or the adjudicator showing how the machines can easily be used to switch ballots, or all the other nefarious going-ons that have exposed the corruption that took place during the 2020 elections.
It’s good to get your feelings out (without the drama and oppression Olympics).
A lame “sorry this happened to you” seems like all I can muster up, since I can’t imagine growing up in that environment and coming out as you are now. I’m glad you got out of there and I hope you’re doing better :(
OP,I read every word. Thank you for the post. I will be thinking about your story for along time. I am glad you shared.
Can you elaborate a bit on your family history concerning your father(s)? Problems in this area, especially in the years from about 3 - 14, seem very common in almost all cases of "tranny infection".
I know what you mean. It can very hard for non-biological parents to have the patience to form a real connection with children, instead of just playing a parent program. I collect stories like yours and am convinced to have found a common pattern. Could you please indulge in a bit of my kitchen psychology and tell me what you think?
A child has to learn how to control his bowel movement to be able to not shit his pants. He later has to learn how to control emotions, frustrations, and then sexual urges, so that his identity is based on more than sexuality and his emotional life. Basically so he doesn't become some weird pervert that gets shunned by polite society. It seems that men and women are fundamentally different in managing their emotions and especially their sexual urges. Boys without a good realtionship to their fathers have a hard time learning to control these in a healthy way, or control them at all. Men deal with a sexual build up they have to actively manage. For women sexual urges have more of a cyclical nature that resolves itself to a degree. From here on I have no real explanaition for a concrete mechanism. But long story short, the way a boy would learn to handle his sexuality from a woman would make him an effeminate, self-hating sex addict. He would be unable to differentiate between what feels good and what is good long term. It is as if women on some level actively encourage this shit, if there is no caring male around that puts a limit to it. This it not to say women are the root of all evil or something like that. A men would be evil in a forceful, uncaring, controlling way. A woman (or a twisted man) would be in a backhanded way that nurtures all sorts of cancerous growth, even if finally damaging to themselves. There is a balance needed to raise children into healthy adults.
Trannys becoming more and more mainstream is a direct result of the intentional destruction of that balance. The resulting young people are vulnerable enough to be groomed in the corners of the internet. Their uncontrolled sexuality is warped into habitual perversions. These clash on many levels with reality. With the plain and obvious Truth. But the internet has made it possible for like minded perverts to perpetuate their illness in isolated bubbles without having to interact with normies to much. So when they come face to face with reality, instead of taking the pain waking up they have already swallowed to much of the Lie and now will try to force others to play along with their delusions. This is grown into a generational feedback loop, for creating sad broken individuals used as ideological foot soldiers. Our parents were discussing the validity of gay marriage. Now parents can lose custody in some parts of the world, if they don't support their hormonally driven teenagers in mutilating their own genitals.
And the parenting and tranny issue is just one of the many tentacles of the kraken. What all these have in common is to make you lie often enough to yourself to sever your minds contacts to reality. Then it can rationalize any means for any end, and you become a servant of the Lie.
Sorry for the rambling. But what you have described I have seen so often now, and I need some feedback to order my thoughts on it.
tl;dr The tranny mind virus is snatching our children.
Not sex directly, but how naively and overly positive every kind of sexual deviance is celebrated these days.
I thought that way for a long time too. But it does not seem like "established communities" will ever keep these things to themselves once they reach a certain size.
Lol, I'm with you on that. Maybe you are right and I'm overestimating the problematic impact of sexual deviance itself. Just "Telling them to fuck off" (public shaming of extreme behavior) on a large scale could really be the working solution, since you cannot exactly end perversions.
But on the other hand, encouraging people to just go with it, is today held up as a virtue. Whereas openly discouraging it can cost you your job and is in many cases branded as "violence". And this is creeping to include more and more perversions, every generation.
Being sexually free once meant not being frigid. That you were able to without shame experience mind blowing full body orgasms. Today it means indulging in every weird fetish that presents itself until it becomes part of one's personality or a lifestyle,
Until people realize that they are up against Satan and his kingdom, they will forever be falling into his cults and religions.
If you are black, you good. But as soon as they find out you are conservative or voted trump, you are an uncle tom.
They dont like you for you. They like you only for your identity. As you said.. you identified as trans and they "love" you, but as soon as you ask questions or have different opinions, you are worse than hitler.
You have walked your path and though you suffered slings and arrows, you are untimely strong and in a better place for having realized you were walking the wrong way. Such realization is rare among the NPCs because they're that justified in their dogmatic beliefs they believe they do not need to think if they're doing the right thing. As for your next path, that is up for you to decide. You've found a second chance, now all you need to do is follow the virtues such as self-Temperence and Humility and let them guide your way.
Fuck, dude, I usually don't read super long stuff like this, but I started skimming and I got pulled into it, hard. Thanks for sharing your experiences, it's very fascinating what you've gone through.
I can't exactly say I used to be an SJW but I was certainly being groomed into becoming one. I remember one particular time on tumblr when I realised just how fucked up all of the world is and how uncomfortable it would be to interact with people who aren't super progressive, since I saw them as evil. That thought was so interesting to me at the time that the moment crystallised in my mind perfectly.
I wasn't very active or pushy about it, although maybe I was, considering that I cut contact with a friend over his positive opinion of guns. That was pretty embarrassing. It felt kind of wrong to do even back then, but I felt like it was the "right thing to do". We're friends now, though we don't talk frequently. I just messaged him, you reminded me to chill with him some more, he's fun.
I also remember spending untold hours arguing about how SJWs were an unimportant internet thing and how they'd never actually affect reality in any way... And when I was even younger, I remember joining circlejerks about how evil and bigoted right-wingers are.
I was so obsessed with the scientific method, I believed that morality not only could, but must, dictate morality. I would still believe in science if it was political neutral ground. But politics have tainted science. The mechanics through which our societies used to determine what is true and what is false have been completely corrupted. We literally live in a post-truth world, thanks almost exclusively to the left.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the thing that finally redpilled me was, indeed, gamergate. It's what convinced me that leftism was irredeemably corrupt.
This story vindicates everything I say about women, from the two-faced girl trying to make OP hate himself, to the brainwashing and attacking of innocents for the sake of the ideology.
R16 just protects these people, allowing their cult to go unchallenged.
OP, I'm curious. Do you agree with the way I talk about women after what you've been through or do you still believe there's good in them?
You've been through so much at their hands, and that's why I fight. I've been asked a few times what made me TheImpossible1, and a few theories have been created. (No, I wasn't cheated on. No, it wasn't because of that survey that said women bought more Gillette after that ad. No, it's not because I'm gay, I'm not.)
Honestly, without stealing your thunder from your own thread, it's people like you that make me feel this way, led down a dark path by people with zero remorse and zero goodness in them. I just think of all the poor kids suffering in the "education system" that women have created, and how many will turn out self-hating and perfect targets for their brainwashing and I couldn't possibly ever forgive women as a group, even those who weren't actively a part, because they stood and watched this happen, not caring at all.
I was targeted before trans was a thing, they tried to make me believe I was hyperactive and dope me up, but my mother fought it. Deep down, I know that not all women are bad, but I can't say it. My conscience won't let me empower the feminist cult tactic of hiding behind good people.
I know mothers can deeply love their children and will often fight tooth and nail for them. With regards to all other relationships, it remains to be seen.
I think with men a lot of the bounce back towards women comes from the mismatch between our expectations that we are born and brought up with and the realization that women aren't the creatures we imagine them to be. Depending on the severity of the burn and the circumstances, the reaction might be of varying degree.
I dunno if you missed the subtext in that story, but Eric(Ka) was quite possibly a dude.
How can they be considered vulnerable? If anything, they are mentally stronger than us as they aren't subjected to any level of dehumanization, especially compared to us, who are targeted every waking minute.
Self-awareness is a rare gift. Welcome home and thanks for sharing.
I read it all! You won't find me intimidated by long paragraphs like the intellectually challenged twitter users who balk and cower at anything longer than 200 characters. It's only in diving deep into the details that we can truly come to know and understand something.
You've been through Hell, and you've come out on the other side; bruised, and bloody, and beat-up, but not beaten. I hope you can find the purpose you need in life to feel like it's all worth while.
Fascinating. Glad when I was going through my own depression I turned to joining the military instead of wallowing in my own self pity on the internet. Who knows how I might have turned out then.
I dunno if this is a quality larp but it is interesting to see in the mind of a trans.
Shit like this is not only destructive to normal teens, but absolutely shits all over real trans people by further painting them as having a mental disorder (note: I do think its a real disorder, just not an entirely mental one) and just ruining society in general. These people are pure evil narcissist's
Holy smokes, Batman. Talk about missing the forest for the tree.
There are no "real trans people", just people who were infected by the same social spores earlier and bought in harder.
Gender Dysmorphia was treated for years before trans became trendy. He's right, many people with that condition hate the trans movement.
Being uncomfortable in your body does not mean that your body is wrong and needs changing. Attempting to treat the symptoms is not a cure.
When treating the symptoms is the only way to be able to live with yourself, you treat the fucking symptoms.
I want to vent my frustration at what you're saying at you, but I know you mean well so it would be useless.
I've known several trans people for whom transition fixed almost every issue they had - and they were not involved in politics in any way, nor exposed to SJWs.
Stop being a fucking pathological contrarian. It's true that society's mechanisms of determining what is true and what is false have been co-opted and corrupted, but that doesn't mean everything you spout is true, it just means to be skeptical.
If the only way to relieve their symptoms that has ever been observed to do anything, you absolutely do.
You're a pathological contrarian. Stop letting the left live in your fucking head rent-free. Stop allowing the left to control what you believe. It's so fucking pathetic that you people don't think for yourselves, but look at what the left believes and just flip it upside down and call it a philosophy.
Fucking take a fucking break from the fucking internet.
Also, calling gender dysphoria "being uncomfortable in your body" is like calling PTSD or anxiety disorders "being a bit nervous", or schizophrenia "having a wild imagination".
You're clearly arguing in bad faith.
There are absolutly real transgender people even if you only include androgen and estrogen insensitivity disorders which literally physically and biologically leave you as a man in a womens body or visa-versa. If you dont recognize tthat there are "real" transgenders at all you are naive or disingenious.
No, they're not "transgender". They're people suffering from hormonal imbalances. The entire concept was made up by a cabal of pedophiles.
By your logic, if tomorrow mankind developed a method to allow normal hormonal functions in the body of someone with androgen insensitivity, he'd still be a "transwoman" rather than a cured man.
You're mythologizing corporeal conditions into something metaphysical.
There are also dysfunctional sex chromosomes. The right chromosomes are there, but "broken".
Edit: If you want a good read, look into how the Olympics has tried to determine sex.
Yes there are. Trans people are not a new thing at all. Hell OP even mentioned crossdressers and the like, they've existed for centuries. Transgenderism even exists in nature. Look at clownfish or banana slugs.
What happened to OP is a modern version of something else thats been going on for centuries, mass hysteria created by social pressures. If it wasn't transgenderism it would be shit like the multiple personality hysteria that occured after the movie Sybil was released or any of the satanic panic shit form the 80s were people (mostly women) pretended to be possessed.
Anyone who fails to recognize both of these facts is a tool getting played. Plain and simple.
Murder cults have also existed throughout history. The Aztecs. The Thugees. Serial killers are a part of the human experience as much as transgenders are. All this existed before MK Ultra was ever a thing.
Those types usually become the murderer
There are no real transgender people, only the groomed, the satan-worshipper, and the mentally ill.
Yea man, keep repeating that if makes you able to deal with reality more easily. Actual reality isnt so neat
Your counter-arguments are that animals do it too. Can you do it without being in a lab for several days, and pumping yourself full of drugs?
Humans, no. I do think the condition exists and its a real problem. Saying "you dont exist" doesnt help.
Meh. Gay dude is gay. And that’s cool. Good luck fren!
Man, that's a long, hard road to self-acceptance. Glad you found it.
From my perspective, it sounds like your retardation led to people gaslighting you into insanity.
Congratulations on the degree of recovery you've experienced.
Man, I've seen several of these kinds of posts over the years on the various KiAs, some quite different to yours in some respects.
But there's always a single common thread, someone somewhere was having a terrible time of it and at their very lowest you reach out to someone who seems almost excited to hear of your suffering and you're suddenly introduced to a new group of people by them.
Step 1 is to immediately validate all of your suffering and tell you it's because you're oppressed in some way by society. That's everything, including validating the self-indulgent angsty stuff seriously depressed teenagers usually end up picking up and a healthy nurturing group would try to steer you away from even though it's uncomfortable to let go of, rather than encourage it like your new 'friends' will.
Step 2 is teaching the lingo and repeating the various broken NPC-like arguments alongside all the affirmations until you find a way to rationalize away the irrational parts of what they're saying because your new 'friends' are trying to help you and (again, because they target people at their lowest and most confused) you figure you must be the one in the wrong if all these other people confidently agree it makes sense. There's a utopia free from the oppression that made you miserable waiting if everyone will just agree to the same ideas you've now convinced yourself aren't broken and flawed.
Step 3 is to constantly encourage you to cut out everyone who won't immediately validate everything about you, even the unhealthy stuff, or dares to question the flaws in the arguments you've been given. If they don't then they're standing in the way of your promised utopia and are complicit in your oppression, they're probably evil. Eventually you've burned your bridges with any alternative support you might have outside of the cult you've inadvertently joined and the only people you associate with are fellow cult members or other vulnerable, malleable people ripe for recruitment.
Step 4 is literally profit. If the cult you'd joined was Scientology this is where you'd be told to liquidate your assets to get closer to the thetans. But if the cult you'd joined was 'social justice' this is where you're told to join forces with other groups of differently oppressed people and attack the people and organizations you're told are preventing you all from reaching utopia, even if the reasons don't quite make sense to you.
It's shocking how close it is to other cult induction rituals but somehow goes without nearly as much scorn by society at large as other cults. And it's truly infuriating when you see how higher up the chain it's stable, affluent people puppeting and parasitizing vulnerable, miserable people for their own further profit. The professors and silver spoon activists who didn't just stumble on a cause in their darkest hour, but comfortably manipulated the causes to satisfy their own personal desire for power.
Thanks for this, I bet you've helped a few people today, which is worth it.
Of course.