Subscriber growth for Netflix slows heavily, stock plummets after earnings call.
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Does netflix even have any shows coming back that anyone is even remotely excited over? Between that and the fact Netflix seems to never have any movies that people actually want to watch.
Well they used to, but they opted to get rid of ratings after people used it to downvote SJW bullcrap (like the Amy Schumer stuff and those lesbian comedians), and then they started axing a lot of other normal movies and shows; started heavily promoting all that Rainbow Reich nonsense and then HEAVILY pushing the miscegenation stuff, which most normal people find gross.
It was inevitable that people who enjoy watching entertaining and enlightening content would eventually go elsewhere. They just keep pushing the whole "diversity" shtick and people are finally starting to wake up and leave.
That and everyone else pulled their content to launch their own stream services. I subscribed to Netflix 10 - 12 years ago back when there was a lot of things on there. But I think the last time we subscribed was a couple years ago and we caught up on everything we wanted to watch in a month. Then cancelled and then got another free month last year, caught up on everything and didn't renew.
I also used a free month to catch up. Watched Bill Burr and Dave Chapelle and not much else.
netflix is fucking garbage nowadays. it's been bad for a long time, but last time I looked there was nothing even remotely worth watching.
More and more i find myself just watching random shit on youtube. I've started getting into watching professional TrackMania players; those guys are fucking nuts and young and largely Eastern European; so they aren't SJWs.
Netflix is all serial murder porn, drug glorification, and narrative “documentaries”.
I’ve got it free through a friend and tiger king is the only thing I’ve watched in probably 3 years. Every time I search the catalog it’s been trash. I have no idea why people pay for it or what they find entertaining
For a long time it was just momentum, then I looked at my monthly bill one day. I at least canceled the DVDs I never get, but probably need to just cancel the whole thing for how little I use it.
Prime isn't that good either, but at least sometimes they have stuff that looks interesting.
Ya prime is really bad as well. I consider it just a perk of free delivery. No way is it good enough to warrant as stand alone.
The only streaming I’ve enjoyed is HBO+. and once I burn through that in a year or so I’ll be back to mostly YouTube.
Prime was a lot better when it had free 2 day delivery.
Delete prime, fuck Amazon.
I cancelled a year ago, then went ahead and tested the waters for a month to see Castlevania S3.
Alucard got fucked in the ass. Because of course he did.
Literally or figuratively fucked in the ass?
Literally and graphically.
It's Netflix. Literally and with a strap on.
Nope, that was Japanese flesh in his Wallachian boipucci.
I never saw it, I was just making a joke.
I figured, but strap-on shit isn't nearly gay enough for Netflix.
Cobra Kai is the only show I can think of that's worthwhile
Oh right. I forgot they switched over to netflix.
I guess all those pedophiles they got with their Cuties movie did not compensate for the people canceling for it.
Have any sizeable amount ditch them because of that? I would hope yes, but people rarely ever actually boycott stuff.
Decent people generally don't boycott. That's the sad thing. And the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Well, I am doing my part, as I have no subscriptions to any of these channels.
You can't have infinite growth
True. I cancelled my subscription a while back. Cuties aside it seems that Netflix isn’t capable of just telling a story without injecting some current year talking point
Just like with sports people will claim this 'isnt a big deal' because they are puppets who don't seem to understand get woke go broke.
They will lie intimidate and attack all to defend a failing business.
I'll sound like a broken record having said something similar about game consoles on another thread, but, if you had told me two years ago that I'd have cancelled Netflix because I was using it the least of any streaming services, well I'd have told you you're crazy. Yet that's exactly what happened.
Thank you for this good news. I can use it.
TBH controversies aside their horror collection is dogshit, was useful for watching AHS but, well, i have all of those now anyways minus the election season written by sister fister.
No real reason to keep it when you can just as easily find the content elsewhere.
Yup, as one would expect.
i like finding out where you peoples limits to "free speech" is early.
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