I'm in a very liberal northern state. So that doesn't help. And the fact that you're basically Hitler if you have anything close to an opposing opinion also isn't nice. And I'm a minor and I can not move out of this hellhole of a state anytime soon. (Massachusetts to be exact. I think that's self explanatory.)
Jokes aside though. How were people so okay with the "peaceful protests" during the Black Lives Matter thing, but completely different during the Capitol "Riot" ? Like are people that contradictory?
But, if you have friends or family that will support you, learn guns. It's not legal for minors to purchase guns, but minors can use guns and, depending on state, can often even own guns, if given as a gift or such.
I checked, out of curiosity, and in MA 15-18 year olds need a loicence to legally own a gun, which needs parental consent. A minor can also handle a weapon that's not their own, if supervised by a loicenced owner, for the purposes of hunting, recreation, instruction, or sports. Again with parental consent.
It's not a must, because I agree with Nihilist about enjoying your youth...but if guns are something you do enjoy anyway, it's a useful skill to have.
And, as always, be safe! Learn the gun safety rules if you're going to be handling guns. Hell, even if you're not.
If your state still legally allows 80% lowers etc, do that. Otherwise move to a freer state, then get a gun.
Not worth getting red flag banned later or feds knocking at your door.
This shit troubles me a lot - kids being pushed into engaging in political strife. They've got a lot going on in their minds and hearts already, they don't need the extra stress. I've got extended family telling me about how their elementary school kids are politically involved and it takes a lot for me to not lecture them.
i am one such example. it's tough living, i'll tell you. many times a day i fear the stress will overtake me and reduce me into somebody who just can't handle the passing of time anymore, and at that point all my dreams about the future go down the shitter.
I hope you at least have a close friend to talk to; being able to simply vent your concerns and frustrations without fear can be a huge buffer to stability. You found this place, so you're clearly resisting subversion.
Dreams is a big topic, and I don't feel like I'm qualified to address it, with the state my own life is in.
I'd love to, but it's honestly my own fault at this point. I wanted to be a politician when I was younger (hyper fixation on the Presidents when I was pretty young, and I still kinda want to be. Dumb choice though at this point, lol) and people just expect me to be informed. And some of the adults in my life say I can hold a political conversation better than some of the adults they know. (not to be a "oh I'm not like most people", sorry if it came off that way.)
Keep going about life the best you can, fly under the radar, and don't put a target on your back.
At least when I say this I mean, don't put a target on your back for a non-productive reason. Do you think the French Resistance in WWII went around flying flags that said they were the resistance and announcing, "hey come arrest people over here!?" That doesn't mean give into everything and support it, just pick the right battles and don't try to be a one man army.
Don't give into paranoia, there is a difference between being cautious and smart and being paranoid, and don't get demoralized. These are wins for the other side.
The only meaningful political distinction is that between friend and enemy. Many on the Left have no ideology beyond my team good, enemy team bad. To them, this is not contradictory in the slightest.
The best things you can do is enjoy being a teenager while developing yourself. Try your best to get/stay in shape. Read books that help you grow and form a perspective on what's going on. I recommend Gulag Archipelago, Antifragile, Art of War.
Outside of that do your best to develop friendships and make memories with your family. Life is too short to let them rob you of your youth. Once you are older: move, buy something to protect yourself, water, and long lasting food.
I'd recommend Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, one of my personal favorites. Consider Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life as well if you're in need of some direction. It's nothing ground breaking, but he's very tuned in to the kinds of struggles modern society has wrought.
Any soldier will tell you to learn your enemies tactics, so read and watch Yuri Bezmenov, The Antifa Handbook and Rules for Radicals.
Seriously? Find a way to volunteer at the fire department. Even if you are underage they may let you help out with the shit work they don't feel like doing.
Then you get to be part of the "first responder" clique which will always be taken care of first in any emergency.
Step one, get away from the places they control. Step two, secure food and Ammo sources. Step three, locally network.
I'd add in some physical training and learning how to survive without electricity.
I would highly recommend moving to Texas or Florida once you can. Not sure what your plans are, but aim for colleges in those states, or attend trade school in those states once you graduate. I think the best and 100% peaceful and reasonable thing everyone can be doing at this point in time is moving out of blue states en masse.
Keep your head down. Make sure nothing online tracks back to you. Try to make good connections IRL.
This isn't just Civil War advice, it's good advice in general.
Develop your hands on skills and make yourself useful. I'm not just talking like shooting, hunting, wilderness survival (but those are useful of course); but even if it's electronics, software, or anything else you can talk about if asked. Just find something you enjoy and do it.
Do well in school because if you don't it closes doors that are extremely difficult to re-open when you're older. Wars eventually end, and you need to make sure you're prepared for peace as well.
Learn a trade even if you don't plan on doing it for a living. Learn a lot of them, but try to get good enough at least one that in theory someone might want to trade you something for doing some work for them. Does your school have some sort of shop class (wood, metal, auto)? If so find one that interests you and take it.
In general try to be a balanced individual. If you're primarily intellectual don't neglect your body, and if you're primarily physical don't neglect your mind. Society wants everyone to hyper-specialize, and the longer I live the more I realize what a bad idea that is.
Try to find people who share your values, and cultivate relationships with them. If you aren't doing this already, get together with friends and just play pickup sports in a field somewhere without some league being involved. Or organize a road trip somewhere if you're old enough to drive. Or get together on a Saturday and help tune a friend's car or something like that. Community building is a neglected skill these days and will become important.
As much as we like to LARP on about it - the "civil war" is already here. It's just not being fought with guns, it's unfortunately being fought with tech and political power.
The problem is i don't know if we'll be able to withstand 4 years of this. Even if we take back the House and Senate in 2022 that will do little but keep them at bay.
Like was said in another thread, this is more or less a regrouping period for moderates and right wingers.
No need to teach kids political propaganda, but teach them critical thinking. Clay Travis of Fox Sports (First Amendment and Boobs fame) said it best - teach your kids to be lions when it comes to thinking instead of sheep. Teach them to question things when their gut tells them something doesn't seem right. This doesn't just apply to politics but to everything.
Read books on those who lived through similar circumstances. Don’t do anything stupid that puts a spotlight on you that you disagree with the majority of people around you. And enjoy being a kid while you can.
I live in Mass I don't have a problem cause I just don't talk to any of the assholes in the area so nobody knows shit about me or my political views
Honestly, I try not to talk politic, but my grandmother (talk to her everyday) talks politics, and I try to say something with an opposing view and basically get yelled at.
Grandmother grew up in Austria during the Nazis and then got the commies for 5 years, her father and brother were part of a partisan resistance loyal to the Hapsburg monarchy fought when and where they could. Smile and be cordial and nod at the enemy, pretend to go along with things and outwardly show support for whatever new bullshit they come up with, make TRUSTWORTHY friends to back you up, learn survival techniques for times when food is scarce, learn to build fires or get a shit ton of fire starting objects like disposable lighters and if you MUST fight do so by night, hit places that will send a message and annoy but aren't locked down with high security, keep your face covered and don't leave anyone left to identify you.
I'm in MA, too. Sad thing is that I like it, or at least I did until all diversity of thought got overrun by our dipshit overlords in academia and tech around here. Anyway, I try not to talk about politics with people. It's not productive, and I think virtually everyone's opinion (other than my own) is stupid. The problem now is that everything has been made political. I can't get on a fucking zoom call at work without hearing a bunch of handwringing at the start of every meeting about how shameful the Jan 6 protests were, my company (which has zero moral high ground on any issue having to do with anything whatsoever) is issuing statements on the protests, my friends are grilling me about why I'm not more disturbed by what happened, blah blah blah.
This is why I hate the dipshits who insist that politics have to encroach on every single aspect of life. I like my friends because they're nice guys and are fun to drink with - not because I think they have a well thought-out, nuanced position on trade and immigration policy. All that shit just gets in the way of forming positive relationships with people. I guess that's probably a feature and not a bug, though.
We were talking the January 6th protests in health class (also zoom) somehow. And kids were saying it was "all white privilege". I physically had to step away from the computer so I didn't say something.
And Massachusetts wouldn't actually be a bad state, but like you said, all the "diversity" and you're Hitler if you have anything remotely close to a different view. (A couple months ago I saw on the local news an elderly Trump supporter got punched in the face, if I remember correctly.)
Just say the same things and blend in. Pretend to be retarded if you slip up.
Learn to be self sufficient in all things. Tapdance for the party when required, but always focus on learning and implementing methods of self sufficiency. When you are finally legal, you will already be farther along than the majority of adults.
кто кого
There is nothing more.
We don't know how it's going to play out yet so all you can do is get a gun, get ammo, and wait.
A long vacation in Mexico or Canada.
Be female. Don't not be female.