I'm in a very liberal northern state. So that doesn't help. And the fact that you're basically Hitler if you have anything close to an opposing opinion also isn't nice. And I'm a minor and I can not move out of this hellhole of a state anytime soon. (Massachusetts to be exact. I think that's self explanatory.)
Jokes aside though. How were people so okay with the "peaceful protests" during the Black Lives Matter thing, but completely different during the Capitol "Riot" ? Like are people that contradictory?
As much as we like to LARP on about it - the "civil war" is already here. It's just not being fought with guns, it's unfortunately being fought with tech and political power.
The problem is i don't know if we'll be able to withstand 4 years of this. Even if we take back the House and Senate in 2022 that will do little but keep them at bay.
Like was said in another thread, this is more or less a regrouping period for moderates and right wingers.
No need to teach kids political propaganda, but teach them critical thinking. Clay Travis of Fox Sports (First Amendment and Boobs fame) said it best - teach your kids to be lions when it comes to thinking instead of sheep. Teach them to question things when their gut tells them something doesn't seem right. This doesn't just apply to politics but to everything.