Is this a troll? The guy literally uses a Wendy's 2 for $5 burger ad as an argument that 2+2 can equal 5. This level of brain worms is almost too high to believe.
Is this a troll? The guy literally uses a Wendy's 2 for $5 burger ad as an argument that 2+2 can equal 5.
This is the normal leftist brain expressing it's pseudo-reality.
Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism
DECEMBER 25, 2020
Pseudo-realities are always social fictions, which, in light of the above, means political fictions. ... Most importantly, pseudo-realities do not attempt to describe reality as it is but rather as it “should be,” as determined by the relatively small fraction of the population who cannot bear living in reality unless it is bent to enable their own psychopathologies, which will be projected upon their enemies, which means all normal people.
Ours. Four hours from 10 o'clock is not 14 o'clock. So by your logic, 10 + 4 = 2 doesn't describe reality. But we use it every day without thinking the bridges are going to fall down.
This is an objectively false statement. The things needed to make 2+2=5 violate fundamental mathematical axioms, postulates, number theory in general, and require that you use numbers to not represent their own quantities (if 5 = 4, then 2+2=5).
Part of the point of mathematics is that asserted cultural traditions do not change that 2 AND 2, and 4 are equivalent statements. This is why "Ethiopian Multiplication" was not rejected, even though it was a strange process that also invoked dieties. It simply reflected the results of conventional mathematical procedures, but it it's own way (it used sets of primary numbers to calculate large multiplications, rather than a form of carry-over single digit multiplication and addition). The Ethiopian procedure was valid because it reflected fundamental truths like 10 x 4 = 40. It never argued 10 x 4 = 50, because that would be wrong.
But you're right. The fundamental objective here is to destroy objective measurement so they can assert (and make people believe) the utterly impossible "for progress".
Most of the time, cultures aren't defeated like that. They were simply rejected because they didn't serve as useful as a purpose. It's like how many religions die (excluding any that came into contact with Islam). The religions were not murdered, they were abandoned. It's the very nature of the strange: "my god is stronger" argument. These gods are not killed, they do not fight each other, but the person who says that is inadvertently arguing that their society & institutions are stronger. It may be the case in many places.
Think of how Christianity has expanded so thoroughly in Africa and the Americas. If Christianity had no value, it would not have been readily adopted by people who were getting preached at by missionaries, in the same way that you don't find Anubis compelling. People are buying into a set way of living, that must confer a benefit, otherwise they wouldn't change. They do not have to be conquered or defeated.
Again... this is intentionally excluding Islam because that's a major way of expanding itself. It's advantages are different, compared to other systems, are different. It really did defeat most of the cultures it came into contact with, barring a few.
It's hysterical that I haven't seen a single lefty reference the rounding joke, "Two plus two equals five for larger values of two." The joke being that 2.4+2.4=4.8 and simply rounding those numbers makes 2+2=5. This is also an integral part of how Paradox games displays numbers, much to the chagrin of spreadsheet autists. It's a well known joke.
These fucking progressives have been purposefully retarded.
What this really is about is not having to grade papers. If you get people to accept the sum (and by extension, difference) of any two numbers can be anything, you can just give every student a perfect grade.
Its about giving the teacher the authority to arbitrarily promote and punish.
If there is no objective standard for grading then the class really becomes about who can stroke the teacher's ego the best. And the teacher has ultimate say in the student's fate.
"I would offer that cultures (and education systems) that freely allow students to question the common wisdom, ask why, explore and play with mathematics, and receive encouragement to think outside the box do generally better than those who don't."
Oh, this is all about questioning "common wisdom"
things you're not allowed to question the "experts" about: wearing a mask, leaving your house, keeping your small business open
things you can question: basic arithmetic axioms that every human who isn't a retard innately understands
"Islam is right about woman"
Nervous lefty sweating
Is this a troll? The guy literally uses a Wendy's 2 for $5 burger ad as an argument that 2+2 can equal 5. This level of brain worms is almost too high to believe.
This is the normal leftist brain expressing it's pseudo-reality. newdiscourses Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism DECEMBER 25, 2020 ·JAMES LINDSAY
No, Patrick. Cheeseburger is not a mathematical proof.
Chicken sandwich is not a mathematical proof either.
No, this is mayonnaise.
There was a big bru-haha over this earlier in the year.
"10:00 + 4 isn't 14:00"
Military time: "Allow me to introduce myself."
This is an objectively false statement. The things needed to make 2+2=5 violate fundamental mathematical axioms, postulates, number theory in general, and require that you use numbers to not represent their own quantities (if 5 = 4, then 2+2=5).
Part of the point of mathematics is that asserted cultural traditions do not change that 2 AND 2, and 4 are equivalent statements. This is why "Ethiopian Multiplication" was not rejected, even though it was a strange process that also invoked dieties. It simply reflected the results of conventional mathematical procedures, but it it's own way (it used sets of primary numbers to calculate large multiplications, rather than a form of carry-over single digit multiplication and addition). The Ethiopian procedure was valid because it reflected fundamental truths like 10 x 4 = 40. It never argued 10 x 4 = 50, because that would be wrong.
But you're right. The fundamental objective here is to destroy objective measurement so they can assert (and make people believe) the utterly impossible "for progress".
And when the dictated utopia proves elusive they will need a scapegoat. It's pretty obvious where that leads.
They're using "social construct" as "utterly arbitrary". They always re-define words to suit their needs.
I wouldn't call them all defeated cultures.
Most of the time, cultures aren't defeated like that. They were simply rejected because they didn't serve as useful as a purpose. It's like how many religions die (excluding any that came into contact with Islam). The religions were not murdered, they were abandoned. It's the very nature of the strange: "my god is stronger" argument. These gods are not killed, they do not fight each other, but the person who says that is inadvertently arguing that their society & institutions are stronger. It may be the case in many places.
Think of how Christianity has expanded so thoroughly in Africa and the Americas. If Christianity had no value, it would not have been readily adopted by people who were getting preached at by missionaries, in the same way that you don't find Anubis compelling. People are buying into a set way of living, that must confer a benefit, otherwise they wouldn't change. They do not have to be conquered or defeated.
Again... this is intentionally excluding Islam because that's a major way of expanding itself. It's advantages are different, compared to other systems, are different. It really did defeat most of the cultures it came into contact with, barring a few.
Can we bring the black community's view on women?
And homosexuals
It's hysterical that I haven't seen a single lefty reference the rounding joke, "Two plus two equals five for larger values of two." The joke being that 2.4+2.4=4.8 and simply rounding those numbers makes 2+2=5. This is also an integral part of how Paradox games displays numbers, much to the chagrin of spreadsheet autists. It's a well known joke.
These fucking progressives have been purposefully retarded.
Only truncation is acceptable.
2.9+2.9 = 2 + 2 = 4
2 has internalized 4's racism.
God damned 4, I bet he's white.
What this really is about is not having to grade papers. If you get people to accept the sum (and by extension, difference) of any two numbers can be anything, you can just give every student a perfect grade.
Its about giving the teacher the authority to arbitrarily promote and punish.
If there is no objective standard for grading then the class really becomes about who can stroke the teacher's ego the best. And the teacher has ultimate say in the student's fate.
I wonder who would benefit from that kind of power.
Who makes up an absolutely ridiculous number of teachers again?
no, any culture that thinks 2+2=5 is worth stamping out.
Where's the twitter fact checkers?
Twitter thinks 2+2=5 too.
James Lindsay of New Discourses talked about this months ago.
Lindsay has been exposing the woke's destruction of objective reality for years now.
Academia is converged with woke filth.
"I would offer that cultures (and education systems) that freely allow students to question the common wisdom, ask why, explore and play with mathematics, and receive encouragement to think outside the box do generally better than those who don't."
Oh, this is all about questioning "common wisdom"
things you're not allowed to question the "experts" about: wearing a mask, leaving your house, keeping your small business open
things you can question: basic arithmetic axioms that every human who isn't a retard innately understands
Every perspective except male, white, identitarian, Christian and conservative is welcome
So he is saying other cultures are too retarded to do math.
these madmen again...
You are Anglo-French?