Gov. Abbott Is Correct: Castle Doctrine Bill Is Dead At The Door
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Edit: Politifact says this is fake:
However, the article is utter garbage. First it says it's deboonked because facebook says it's deboonked because politifact told them it's deboonked. Then it finally identifies the supposed source as a site "GOP Briefing Room", but doesn't link to it, and the only relevant link is the author's linkedin profile where he says he's a satirist. I'm leaning towards it being actual satire, because while this is literally how leftists think, it would be too good if this creature actually said it out loud, but Politifact is still shit.
God I hate journalists so much.
Good for Texas, but check this out:
Well, they also seem to think "the rich" have Scrooge McDuck style vaults full of cash that's just sitting there and they want to redistribute that to "the poor" (themselves), so at least they're consistent.
Just another way to redistribute wealth in a more sneaky way than taxes. They steal shit, my insurance reimburses me, insurance costs rise because insurance company is having to pay out for so much stolen shit.
Not to mention they think rich is literally anyone who has a job and anything nice.
The Social Justice left is comprised primarily of corporate wage slaves. They already own effectively nothing and think it's always someone else's problem when something breaks or gets stolen.
They're the same people the believe if you raise tax rates, rich people will just shrug and pay it.
Oh BS - theft is raw GREED.
How many people actually still SENSIBLE shoes?
No - they steal the air jordans.
How many people went out and raided trucks full of food? None. They raided trucks full of PS5s.
This is utter insanity and a full on attempt to institute communist “morality” where nothing is a crime - unless it’s against the party and the ideology.
I'll add an exception to that. If you're stealing from a dumpster, that kind of theft might be from more genuine need.
If you're rooting around in a dumpster for shoes, you probably need them, but you're doing it wrong.
Pan handling is more than enough to get you some shoes.
It seems to me that the left, from the national to the local level, is completely out of touch with reality and has no clue how the world works.
So the same argument they used for the BLM riots? Life and livelihoods arent the same, now give me your shit.
Don't most companies have an excess you have to pay before claiming?
A deductible. Yes.
Just wait 20 years as more Californians flee to Texas and the state legislature is full of Terry Mesas. 20 years ago would anyone have thought someone with this view would be electable at all in Texas?
I might have thought 20, but I've been in TX 11 years now. (BTW, I did not escape a liberal state, I came from a conservative state.) The dramatic change in the years I've been here is totally nuts and way more than I expected. I'm concerned about 2 and 4 years from now, not 20.
Dallas for example is now a total liberal shithole and I didn't feel that way about it just a few years ago. It's become totally inundated with people that want the hip urban trendy BS, which of course includes extreme liberal politics and full on openly presented socialism. North Dallas and the areas like this Terry Meza is are the prime areas for it too. If it weren't for rural Texas and the growing number of hispanics that are starting to vote conservative it would already be too late.
I say "20 years" as a placeholder for "an indeterminate time in the future", but your point is taken. Washington was much further along in its transformation than Texas, but I was surprised at how quickly it moved into California 2.0. And we had the foresight to structure our state Constitution to prevent cities and counties from acting autonomously in some circumstances (eg. taxation) to prevent "thin edge of the wedge" strategies to change the state.
The compounding effect of Amazon hiring tens of thousands of Bay Area engineers per year is hard to think about. And your governor is foolishly courting these people under some "magic dirt" delusion: he has no idea the hell he's unleashing on his people
Texas is filled to the brim with leftist activist judges. So many egregious rulings in the US court system come out of Texas, it is insane! They are already fucked, they just don’t want to admit it.
I am truly unable to understand. How can someone literally encourage and defend violent crime like that over law-abiding self-defending citizens, and actually be a STATE REPRESENTATIVE? How the fuck does that happen?
Yeah America is in a bad place right now...
Reading those quotes from Terry Meza tells me one thing:
DudeLady obviously needshisher wealth redistributed in the manner to which she claims is feasible under his bill. As the old saying goes, a Liberal is just a Conservative that hasn't been mugged yet. I guarantee you she'd be singing a different tune if it were her things that were being stolen and she had to "exhaust the potential of safely retreating into [her] habitation".EDIT: Misgendered the person, although after seeing the pictures...
Terry Meza is a she.... ostensibly.
Guess I should have checked the Twitter profile, but you got a point, those pictures do make one wonder...
"Thieves only carry weapons for self-protection and to provide the householder an incentive to cooperate. They just want to get their loot and get away. When the resident tries to resist is when people get hurt. If only one side is armed fewer people will be killed.”
Hahaha, oh, my fuck, does he really believe this tripe?!
I was going to link these:
Talk about battered wife syndrome.
Marxists deliberately invert our morality in order to destroy our society.