The boomers are truly the most selfish generation that exists, I tried explaining to a boomer the other day that if they shut down social security and did a buyout (paid you back what you paid in) they would make more money than they will ever receive from SS. They immediately became defensive and said “they paid into it for years so they deserve it”. Second round of buyout explanation ensues. The next sentence was “well I’d have millions if I’d invested it myself”. Cool story, we can’t undo you being dumb and voting democrat your entire life, but you can unfuck the social security clusterfuck for every other generation. “But I need it now”. Then third round of trying to explain the buyout. “But I could have more money if it was fixed when I was younger”. You should have voted for it. Then they shut down the conversation. They truly are the TV generation where their entire thought process came scripted and curated, they can’t even comprehend ending a horrible policy because they were told it would give them more money. Same with the infinity immigration they pushed because more money. Same with the intentional housing scarcity. On and on. There’s not one single brain cell that doesn’t operate on “well I’m going to get mine” even to their own detriment.


And isnt it weird how the Russians and German's hubris has always led them to undersetimate the scrappy but ultimately superior american cunning?

Theres 101 stories of the brave Lt with no air support or artillery supporting holding off a whole battalion with onlu 100 men.

I wonder why nobody in history has ever pulled off a glorious combat from the bad side.


Which was the better multiplayer game between Ninja Turtles and X-Men?


I don't want to give them any money

  1. The developed world is suffering from hoeflation.
  2. "Hoeflation" is a phenomenon of inflation of the perceived value of women. So a 6 thinks she's a 10 and a 4 thinks she's a 7. Women then believe 80% of men are beneath them and sleep with manwhore 10s instead of forming relationships. There are many causes of this, such as feminism, DEI, propaganda, etc, but what I want to focus on is sexual attention on social media.
  3. Women use social media to reap vast amounts of attention from peers, teenagers, horny older men, Indians, and other strangers by posting pictures of themselves looking cute or sexy and occasionally adding a pretension of substance. They wouldn't appreciate some of those people complimenting them in real life, but on social media everything is reduced to a 1-way exchange facilitated by a like button. Number go up, woman happy, woman believes she is popular, hoeflation. There is a continuum of this behavior running from relatively innocent selfies on private IG all the way to multimillion dollar Onlyfans hoes.
  4. Cosplay is a ripe source of attention farming. Jessica Nigri built an entire career off hot cosplay in a comparatively more difficult pre-OF, pre-Twitch environment, and cosplay is key to the brand of Twitch thots like Amouranth and SSSniperwolf. The ROI is actually far superior to normal internet whoring because "geeky" or "nerdy" activities add that previously mentioned pretension of substance, which fosters a parasocial connection to the audience and a patina of respectability due to the "creativity" and "artistry" involved. Cosplay also comes with a ready-made target demographic of millions of male fans of X property who click on portrayals of their favorite waifus in an instant.
  5. Waifus and fanservice make cosplay whoring possible. This has overrun nerdy communities, created untold numbers of simps and OF subscribers, groomed children, funneled small fortunes to whores, and built inroads of female influence and control into male-dominated properties.

It seems clear that cosplay hoes are toxic to their environment, and I doubt anyone would argue otherwise. This much is uncontroversial. I doubt anyone here would bravely defend SSSniperwolf farming money from 2B cosplay. This then leads to a very interesting dilemma: is it a coherent position to oppose sexy cosplay, which is basically real-life fanservice, but embrace fanservice itself?

One might argue that is possible - that guys can demand slutty video game and anime characters while discouraging any real women from dressing up like them. Or, to wit, 2D > 3D. This is so farcical I don't really need to respond to it. If you have characters like this, you get characters like this.

This is a fascinating issue because it sits at the perfect intersection of male and female agency. Unlike OF porn chat-on-demand, it's not blatantly predatory on men. Women are simply responding to male desire in fandoms. And yet, despite the simple transactional exchange, it's poisoning both sides.

Another interesting point is that almost every attractive female character has some slutty cosplay out there, regardless of how modestly they present in their story. It is inevitable at a certain level of character popularity that some whore is going to do a boudoir image set on Patreon. However, the tone of the cosplay has a direct relationship to the amount of fanservice in the original property, so for example most Katara cosplay is respectful to her design. There is also a correlation with the level of substance or development in the story.

This post is already getting long and it's just brushing the surface of the topic, so I won't get into possible solutions. Ultimately, I think there is a substantial controversy underlying Melonie Mac's recent criticism of butt jiggle animations that is not going away.

. (twitter.com)
posted ago by XBX_X ago by XBX_X
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