Perhaps cause that is the narrative that is pushed? and they dont think they "gloriously destroyed the Jomon" . Regardless trying to say only ainu is indigenous despite also being mixed, (and also did you read the link?) and regardless this whole thing is just used to discredit Japanese claim on their own country so that they can push multiculturalism on them.
and YOU are a fucking moron if you dont get what we are saying here. That the more attention you bring to the industry the more unwanted people are going to come in and harm it and infiltrate it. And we also cannot just run from place to place we need to build our own alternatives.
Marxism was invented and pushed by Jews in the first place. And so is the origin of critical theory by Frankfurt School etc. And of course those in israeI wouldnt do that to themselves,, and only against goy countries
So you support brainwashing programs and you support wokeness, leftists and believe that pushing White guilt is a good thing. All the out of control woke, leftists and progressives is what came out of the "denazification" program.
There is a video talking about "what Yuri Bezmenov didn't tell you " . The main source of the demorolization wasn't from Moscow , it was from Frankfurt School. What we are dealing with isnt even "only" the old school soviet style of brainwashing but a more advanced subversive one used against the Germans to "denazify" them, . The new way of brainwashing was built upon from the old way and was invented by the Frankfurt school who worked with the American Jewish committee ,and it was used against West Germany and the results is what you see today where West Germany is so self hating but East Germany who was under the Soviets isnt actually as self hating.
They never stopped this "denazification" program they just extended it to everyone else.
The director wasn't talking about whites though. He was talking shit about his own country and complaining about japanese people being "racist and discriminatory against immigrants " cause he got brainwashed by some "news and documentaries" about it. Japan is getting screwed too.
source? ive seen japanese claiming Jomon blood ,never seen them going "we gloriously destroyed the Jomon". and they would not push that they are not indigenous either