ah...yeah...I've seen the "Gamerz are DED, Yo" collage a time or two.
I'm a cunt, and people seem to like me...😛
okay, I won't lie, I'm a bit of a johnny-come-lately to gamergate. Can somebody fill in the blanks on this guy for me?
If not, I can try encyclopedia dramatica, but I thought i'd be a bit lazy, lol.
yeah, like I said, I wasn't the biggest tomb raider fan in the world (just wasn't my thing is all), but I remember the cake shot of Lara in her polygonal underwear from a game mag somebody had...
you'd know that if you actually played games.
...granted, i never got that into tomb raider, but wasn't there a level in the one of the first games where croft fights off a home invasion by guys in all black where she's in nothing but her underwear!?!
for some reason, I got starfield mixed up with even online
probably cuz i never played either, but yeah, lol.
...honestly, I probably would have watched eventually if it weren't for the way they went after anyone even remotely critical of the shitty trailer, but my god, the way they went after people just made me make a point to actively avoid it...
...although the upshot is because of the shitstorm, I found out about James Rolfe
oh speaking of passion over budget... look at what this guy accomplished almost by accident, lol.
oh also, fuck free-to-play.
money is less important than passion for the project.
A great example is ghostbusters (1984) vs ghostbusters (2016).
One was a passion project of Dan Ackroyd's that he shopped around for years before it fell on Ivan Reitman's desk. Reitman loved the idea so he had Ackroyd get in touch with Harold Ramis to polish the script a bit. It was produced on a shoestring budget and became a global phenomenon.
The other was handed to a director who had to be practically bribed into accepting the job and was so awful, the one actress who was actually a fan of the original apparently had near-daily meltdowns over how much it sucked. it had a powerhouse budget and didn't make half the money it was expected to.
I could go eitehr way on the truth or falsity of this, honestly...
on the one hand male feminists...
...on the other, female feminists...
hey, his alter ego styxhexenhammer666 is pretty good too, lol.
that being said, it could be a shitpost...
not really suprising, dahmer got love letters in prison.
Hell, Manson got love letters in prison...and that's while looking like your creepy uncle...
go broke, get woke, then croak
the raz0rfist formulation is finally making the rounds...
but yeah, I see your point.
...and the ESG funds are definitely a deal with the devil kind of thing... too many people really don't understand the value and importance of reputation anymore...even though we see the consequences of it being irreparably damaged all around us...
certain sects of islam, particularly those in africa and the middle east, tend to not consider it rape or murder if the person you're attacking is a non-muslim.
then you get into the particulars of how circumcision (barbaric practice even when done over here in a hospital, but jesus) is performed int hat part of the world, and the damage it does to nerve endings... etc etc...
Not gonna lie though, Eritrea is a cool sounding name, even if, like most of the continent, it's a hellhole i'd never want to visit...
it's probably both honestly. they know this shit is gonna piss off their audience, so they use that in hopes of selling more units, while collecting fat ESG checks at the same time...
shocking, people who have spent upwards of a millennia killing each other have beef with one another...🙄
god, i feel old...
I remember when "jesus freak" was basically somebody who was christian but a member of the freak/punk sub-culture...
it doesn't help the giuliani's successor (bloomberg? can't remember) basically took what was a constitutionally sound policy, stop and frisk, and turned into a witch hunt against black people, forever tainting it in the minds of the public.
seriously, there's a clip of him basically saying something along the lines of "we know most of the time it's gonna be black people, so just frisk the blacks"
assimilation isn't the problem, lack of assimilation is...the governments of the west have spent the better part of sixty years impeding assimilation.
...and the problem is she's working backward from the conclusion, rather than working forward towards a conclusion
I figured, lol.
Just contributing to your argument. The big youtubers/content creators can't really afford to be pinned down to only AAA titles, though. it's not enough content to satiate the algorithm, and besides, one of the reasons they find an audience is digging up obscure gems with little to no marketing budget (slender: the 8 pages, FNAF in the early days, and a more modern example, sprunki).
So even if a publisher convinces a bigtime CC to play their game, they're still inevitably competing with indy games that are often more affordable, if a bit less polished.
markiplier and jacksepticeye
...even then, they play as many if not more indy games than AAA (markiplier in particular goes out of his way to play indy games to support smaller devs), so people have a cornucopia of options to compare it to.
...and while I'm not crazy about certain trends in Indie Gaming (low-poly horror for example), I know there's always something out there worth playing that sparks my interest...
You've also got to account for the fact that old games still get market share. One major advantage monolithic studios had back in the day(particularly on consoles) was that eventually, your sega genesis would die, and you'd have to buy their new game on a new console, or else watch for the nostaliga-boner inducing assraming of a collection to come out on the current gen console.
Nowadays, your old favorites are only a click away in an emulation scene that's been working overtime to keep those games alive for the better part of two decades.
...Besides, I'll usually play one game most of the time anyway, then switch to another title. (working on Oxygen not included right now. having a blast)
great use of a fourth wall break, as well, lol.