Blackadder, Johnson's Dictionary -
It is a doozy isn't it?
Still RFK has filed the paperwork to run and seems quite serious about it, and I would adjudge him to be a powerful candidate from the most politically influential family of modern America, with a platform that Americans want to hear. I think he's going to pack a wallop.
It almost forces "Joe Biden" not to run again, he can hardly stand up now. With a well run campaign RFK could obliterate Kamala and Gavin Newsom in the primaries, chop chop, Biden would then be forced to face him.
The Democrats have a situation on their hands.
The new law, signed by the governor on Monday, April 3, allows a person to carry a gun without a permit or training in Florida
This concerns me. Gun ownership should require a minimum of training how to use the damn thing.
Brandon Johnson wins in Chicago -
This University is sounding pretty sketchy; requires phone apps, pressing bullying charges because of phone hearsay, now this.
I know you want to succeed in university and probably for good reasons, but if you don't comply with their marxist agenda you will be excised. That's the message.
Your move.
One problem with US data is that anybody they count in America they label as 'Americans'. This will include millions of migrants who arrive here and sign up for Medicaid and SSI and other government program giveaways.
But millions of those people are not Americans and arrive here already in a sorry state, contributing to the trailing stats.
Here in Seattle there are shitloads of immigrants living off the system and because this is a santuary city/state they are considered residents, i.e. regular Americans. Many of them came here in poor health and then brought along their 6 dependent children and ailing parents who are all on the dole.
Plus the drug addicts are really taking a toll on this country.
Cute but whistle warning
Love my little teapot. It's cute, has a great color, and whistled out of the package upon first boil. The whistle was sweet and loud enough to hear in another room. The whistle after I think it's been maybe 3 months is now barely whistling. Not sure what is up with Kenmore. They really should fix their whistles. I mean the thing has two jobs, boil water and whistle. It's an age old task that should be more than perfected in 2022. I want mine fixed by Kenmore, but it's past the date of return now (only 3 months in, which is utter BS since it's a manufacturing issue.)
(Note: The one I ordered for my friend didn't whistle. The one replacing the one I got for my friend barely whistled out of the box too so we returned it again.) Kenmore, Do. Your. JOB. It's a shame because it's otherwise a great teapot.
Whistle goddamit! Kenmore do you even know what year of civilization this is??
Medical emergency = suffocation.
Uvalde officials said U.S. Border Patrol responded to a 911 call alerting them about a group of people who were trapped for hours inside of a shipping container... the train was locked and baking in the sun on the tracks for three hours.
The mall is also designed with children in mind, featuring an ample play space, small robot puppies to welcome children
Because robot puppies are so welcoming :/
The interior of the new mall features a cross-section of works of contemporary art, including five original pieces by Andy Warhol
Warhol exemplifies Vatican values? wtf
This is off-a-cliff insane, everything about it. How is this perv even part of a public discussion?