PayPal Still Threatens $2500 Fines for Promoting "Discriminatory" "Intolerance" (Even if Not "Misinformation") -
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Years ago Obama signed legislation allowing government to knowingly spread propaganda, and lock up American citizens indefinitely without charges.
Obama was the spearhead of all the current corruption and illegality we are now living with in his third term of destruction.
So what happened to their pink pussy hats and demanding women's rights and equality?? These chicks are just going to roll over for this? Why are they not picketing, marching, demonstrating, and quitting?
If they protested this by walking out and refusing to play volleyball under these terms there would be no volleyball team for the fag to play on. Why are these girls not undermining him at every opportunity?
Kick him in the nuts, refuse to deal with him, ostracize this dude at every opportunity and he will slink away like the loser he is.
I want to know what is wrong with these girls who are putting up with this shit?
The sad truth is that most people now cannot adapt to old black-and-white filmography no matter the topic or grandeur. People now just will not tolerate reruns of old B&W movies - they're too drab, too slow, too tedious to unfold.
Outside of the exotic film noir genre, there is no current audience for B&W movies.
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A New Counterculture? If the Right captures some of the Left’s youthful energy and rebellious cachet, it would represent a tectonic cultural and political shift. -
This is why church attendance in the US is plummeting, with the churches abandoning their morals and traditional values in favor of moar inclusion of post modern hedonism.
Continuing on this path will lead to further erosion of Christian church influence in western society as they have no faith to offer about anything and as they preach tolerance of everything, no matter how odious and unnatural.
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The EU has been a predatory empire from the beginning - a mere 20 years ago.
Britain only managed to escape the clutches because they never surrendered their sovereign currency. The rest of the Eurocucks are in deeper shit at this point.; ref: Greece + Cyprus. Also now -energy because Russia.
The parliamentary umbrella EU architecture exceeding sovereign country authority // was never a good idea. And the merging of currencies into the Euro looking sketchier all the time. The EU is a ransomware project.
Like Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, which federalized 5,000+ pages of medical treatments and insurance coverage requirements which was passed on Christmas Eve, and on which Nancy Pelosi commented "We have to pass it to see what's in it."
From the ZH comments,
Problem with the budget? Hide it. Military Costs? There are no military costs. This is fast becoming the Soviet Union. Old Russian joke:
Brezhnev is on a train. The train is a metaphor for the Soviet Economy. The train is not moving. People are complaining. Brezhnev closes all the window curtains on the train car and proclaims, "There. We're moving again."
Ok, well I have a lot of questions about this.
Doing a quick search on yandex and brave, I could not find one other source of these alleged FBi rooftop explosions. Everything led back to this one video.
I popped into /pol/ for a minute to see if they were gossiping, nah.
In the midst of such explosions, why is this fukwit whistling down an empty street free of any other pedestrians, or emergency responders?
The building looks like the J Edgar Tranny building in Washington DC, but I have never been there.
Can anyone comment with familiarity of the neighborhood?
Edit to add u/Mentassses :joined 1 hour ago