woxter -1 points ago +1 / -2

I won´t use archive sorry, too much hassle. And with this policy of not giving clicks to the enemy, I would not be able to switch on the Internet, many alternative sites contain misinformation about Covid vaccines too telling people they are dangerous.

woxter 6 points ago +7 / -1

You are talking bullshit, BSW is a left wing anti-woke and anti-inmigration party and AfD is exactly the same but right wing, and the traditional woke left-wing party, Die Linke, has been left well behind the BSW, it can only be positive news that woke left parties are being overtaken by the BSW, they were never a competition for right wing parties, it is the traditional left the biggest loser of votes towards BSW.

woxter 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is one problem though, how are people in Reddit going to know about alternatives like Scored? It is ok not using Reddit, but if somebody there asks for a non censoring alternative it should be ok to give them some ideas too.

woxter 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are doing it for the money, the elites main ideology is money, they need cheap third world country labour to undercut the local labour demanding fair pay, when you live in a mansion in a protected street and attend private schools you don´t really care about the consequences the rest of society pays for importing third world immigrants.

woxter -4 points ago +1 / -5

I remember thousands of people dying from Covid and some conspiracy theory morons claiming that vaccines were harmful.

woxter 6 points ago +10 / -4

In fairness not all ladies voted for this only some did and the majority remained silent as if they didn´t care.

woxter -31 points ago +6 / -37

I don´t archive anything, I will post as I please. For 20 or 30 visits Scored might give them is it really worth to archive the link? I don´t think so. Most people never visit links, they only read the title.

woxter 7 points ago +7 / -0

Small platforms are not blackmailed by woke lobbies until they become big like Reddit, then threats are made to moderate content to fit the woke narrative.

woxter 1 point ago +3 / -2

Sorry I deleted the first post to fix the title before I realised somebody already commented on it. And yes British police are racist, they are describing the other dog they are looking for as "black" , not all black dogs are killers.

woxter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have known non-woke people that at some point of their lives were woke, specially young people being brainwashed by school and media propaganda before they realise the World works different.

woxter 16 points ago +16 / -0

The main problem is that if you move to "less noticeable forums", such as this one, you don´t reach the normies, 90% of your readers will be people that do not need convincing.

woxter 0 points ago +2 / -2

North Korea is a non woke country but nobody in their right mind wants to move there, the same with Russia, they are good on the LGTB front but have plenty of other laws that make the country a shithole, you should be wary of any country that feels the need to ban VPNs, like Russia, China or Iran.

woxter 0 points ago +2 / -2

In Russia you go to prison for saying "niggers", and they have Muslim states like Chechenia.

woxter 4 points ago +4 / -0

The situation in Hungary can quickly change with any new elections. Imagine you emigrate there and within a few years there is a government change, do not rule it out.

woxter 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is fake news I do not understand how anybody can believe it, and it isn´t even elaborate, a simple X link with a screenshot. It illustrates pretty well how easy fake news are easy to spread.

woxter 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is like winning the lottery, just because %0.01 of people win the lottery does not mean you ever will, have a REAL plan for the future. Making a living gaming is not a real plan. Studying, creating a small business, applying for state jobs, those are real plans.

woxter 1 point ago +2 / -1

And you obviously have not seen protective pillars around the main bridge pillar, this is not science fiction, hundreds of bridges around the World already have this. Anyway you will see them in 10 years if you are to lazy to use a search engine.

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