This is what you wanted though? If immigrants integrated then you would cease to have "diversity". By nature you must be arguing for parallel societies. Of course, no one could have imagined that people of vastly different cultures and morals living in close proximity would lead to conflict!
The "article" is just serves as a Narrative re-enforcer. The people who scoff at it are not the target audience. The supply of racism doesn't meet the demand, thus they must constantly remind the NPC of all of all the invisible bigotry lurking under every rock, lest it stop being an effective cattle prod.
"Racism" like "COVID" largely goes away if you turn off the TV.
Hence why people have taken to calling it LGBN, as everything after the B is just narcissism.
stay strong trains is hard job
I'd call that a win.
Before CURRENT YEAR, trannies were a source of jokes and mockery. Not making of mentally ill retards is part of the reason we got to this point.
NOOOOOOOOOOO You chuds are killing yourselves with HORS PACE! You're supposed to die of the holocoof so we can gloat!
I mean, they're not wrong, in the sense that gg is when people started pulling on the string of journalism and it kept going and going and going.
The smear tactics they used for gg was a test run for trump.
Personally I like to think the butterfly effect of a mega-whooor cucking a soyboy led to the election of Trump and HOPEFULLY, eventually returning to the real timeline and out of clown world.
Arm wrestle them with one finger
Really? Granted I'm in my late 30s and don't know any retarded zoomer faggots, but I've literally never met anyone who believes this shit and I live in the pozz epicenter that is the Bay Area.
When people say you're mentally ill, so you cut your dick off.
Destroying humanity is the current thing, there is nothing else, bigot.
"Pity" is killing the world. Fuck the parasites.
cutting off your tits or dick is terminal retardation
god i hope the world starts unpozzing itself.
Just got suspended from reddit for "spreading hate" for stating as such.
I dunno if you can physically fit more pozz in their regular programming.
Seems like he just wanted to placate the troons so they would shut up and go back to dilating, doesn't seem like they're going to actually do anything.
biological male
male. male is already a biological term. so this is redundant. don't give these clowns an inch.
Damn. That's when I plan all my misogyny
Sadly it works for a non-negligible amount of our population.
They're triggered by their webcam in Zoom calls so...not hard to do.
He admitted that his covid symptoms were mild to non-existent
(That said, he still softballs troons despite obviously having issue with their bullshit, but I guess it's the best you can do in clown world)
Of the long list of "irritating social pozz that has taken a back seat to collapse of western civilization", "fat old troons" is very low on the list.
Even lower on that list is "gamergate".
Good luck dude, at this point this is the equivalent of him trying to relive his 15m of fame for shitting himself in an elevator.
And ask adults to resolve conflict like adults? That's crazy talk!