It's a good tactic to try to make this about his wife, but it neglects the fact of just how many women actually support trannies (at least until they find out it's their bf/husband who's a tranny, and then they come to their senses).
Like, I bet if you'd ask Chris' wife if she supports trannies, she'll tell you, "yes." This was definitely before her husband came out and probably still true afterwards.
Women support trannies until it affects them. Even then, they still support them afterwards, just so long as it doesn't affect them.
This is one thing I can respect about TERFs. They hate trannies (at least the males) regardless of whether it directly affects them or not. With that said, I bet many of them supported them before it blew up in their face and became TERFs, and now we're all paying the price for it.
Also did anyone figure out the whole 3 shells bit?
Don't worry if you didn't get it, it wasn't supposed to make sense. There's a video on YT explaining it. Basically, they were brainstorming, and the guy or someone he knew had 3 seashells on his desk (or something) and they decided to go with that. I'm paraphrasing, so I could be wrong on some of the details, but that's basically it.
EDIT: Full explanation and timestamped:
I read this without context and I agree with it.
Has voting worked?
Has debate worked?
Has meme'ing worked?
Even if you think they work, they've been way too slow to ever fight back against everything they're attacking us with.
For example, we're all caught up with the tranny issue and you could argue we're winning, but there's a hundred other agendas that they're able to get through because we're so caught up with having to fend off a few issues through the proper channels.
I think the Great Reset and CBDC issue are going to be life-changing and we haven't been able to give it the attention it deserves.
It would be far easier and produce better results if we didn't go through the proper channels. With that said, it requires strong people to step outside the proper channels and do what is necessary to fight back.
Was the venue owner arrested?
Let's not pretend this was a one-time thing that just coincidentally happened as the cameras were recording.
This demon knows damn well what that venue was being used for and would've continued to allow it go on if they hadn't been busted.
And I guarantee that if any of us were unaware of crimes being committed on our property for this long, we'd be arrested. There's no plausible deniability when it comes to letting children hang around with mentally ill degenerates.
My question is: if Nintendo were really behind it, why would Microsoft allow you to play emulators so long as your pay for it (via their Dev Mode)? It seems like they would shut it down altogether if they were really being threatened by Nintendo.
Teachers shouldn't be grooming kids, takes care of that and "trans" kids.
Don't forget that tax payers fund public schools, so we most definitely have a right to decide what gets taught and what doesn't. And I think we're all fed up with being extorted via taxes and not having a say in how things work, so either remove all taxes or they need to stfu and accept that we most certainly have a seat at the table.
That should solve the whole "not the party of limited government" critique.
Don't care what liberals think, just like they don't care what we think when we mock them for being "the party of tolerance."
In fact, you should go into a leftist forum and re-word your entire post as an argument to ending the idea that they're not the party of tolerance. See what they say to you.