Depends how you look at it. Lincoln wanted to send the Africans to Liberia. Killing Lincoln ended that and left the former slaves here.
Its amazing the kind of shlock Hollywood makes now. 10 years ago this shit would be straight to DVD but now..its a "blockbuster"
Its the same thing here.
I know these games by name only, started Fallout with 3. Myth and Septerra..I have no idea what that is.
Ah. There it is. Supporting book burnings.
My age might be showing. Im not well versed in names. For me Martin O Donnel is a known name.
The ghosts of Ghaddafi and Saddam have entered the chat.
Doubt that beta Pajeet will do anything. Someone needs to file a lawsuit.
No books were burned. That's a big bad thing, so if they were burned we would definitely know about it. Actually some were burned but they were all propaganda books so akshually it is a good thing. Can't you neo natsees get a life?!
This would be a satire or comedy script from 2005.
Its real, I first saw it in Russian channels.
Thats why ISIS did it, so the Zionists can come in later and blame it on Islam.
We are witnessing another round of this trickery in Gaza right now.
goal of the Iraq and Afghanistan war was never to utterly destroy the Iraqi and Afghani people and culture.
But that is exactly what happened. ISIS (a CIA puppet org) was focussed on destroying historical artifacts. And multiple parties benefitted from erasing those identities.
Why would the feds be locked up anyways?
Isnt Rebel where Avi works? If so..they deserve it. Neocons all of them. I had to unsub them after they basically slammed my feeds from October onwards.
Is that why Rubio was nominated?
15 yo girls look like 25 in America. Men are balding around 20 also.
Its the hormones in food.
That was my thought also until the locations that KIA2 is blocked from kept growing. Besides why aren't the sister sites blocked?
Im not pointing fingers at any moderators, I was not aware they had the ability to block IPs.
But some weeks ago I theorized the "pedo pajeet" spammers were part of an act to normalize banning new accounts without cause. With random IPs getting banned shortly after (many of mine included) it is looking more likely.
Possibly. But why are there a gradually growing number of points that are having issues? Shouldn't it be random?
Here. Specifically KIA2. My gym WiFi is blocked, now my home WiFi is blocked also.
Curiously.. I used a different device at the gym and the site loaded. Which means the block is for the device IP.
Most of the globalists are on the same side, and that is making sure the state of America stops existing. The NWO alliances and israel are different, but their end goal is still the same.
I always suspected it, the Africans here have been a perfect tool for them. They were also involved in the JFK assassination.