simian 34 points ago +34 / -0

I hate it when the slippery slope is real. Whoever would have thought that feminism's final form was to make women nothing more than "non-men."

simian 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's so fucking retarded. And it's really condescending. That'd be like having a Hispanic superhero shouting "latinx justice" as he beat up the bad guys. Although I can't rule out the possibility that happened in Blue Beetle. Hollywood sucks.

simian 10 points ago +10 / -0

And even if you do, you’ll get the usual useful idiots insisting “slippery slope is a logical fallacy!”

simian 22 points ago +22 / -0

That’s sexist and offensive! (Shows Chris Hemsworth’s ass in a movie.)

simian 4 points ago +4 / -0

That doesn’t work because they’ll deny these things were related or say “you’re just a bigoted transhomophobe.” I need a counter-argument to slippery slope fallacy.

simian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you think we can convince The Escapist to hire Frosk to take over Zero Punctuation?

simian 7 points ago +7 / -0

I really think that’s it. What is a good counter argument to that?

simian 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even better, the Charlottesville, VA march back in 2017 had everyone freaking out that there could possibly be anti-Jewish sentiment in America. Now? Eh, they’re just passionate!

simian 21 points ago +23 / -2

Not to be that guy (but totally to be that guy) I just want to point out that "made by the Wachowskis" in this case is not "made by the Wachowskis." They wrote and produced, but didn't direct. The director was someone who doesn't really matter. In fact that was his first movie. It's only a sticking point to me because a LOT of people think the Wachowski's directed it, and I can't blame them because the marketing heavily emphasized their involvement. And yes, this certainly has its annoying wokeness (no mention of how the lesbian diary is treated as the epitome of romance?). It is funny how the impetus for the villains' power grab was an outbreak (I don't recall if it's implied to have been a false flag). While I'm sure plenty of liberals will lap this movie up, that especially prescient point will go unnoticed.

simian 73 points ago +74 / -1

Democrats were salivating at the chance to unperson the unvaccinated. I’m sure he had nothing to say about that.

simian 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s the really depressing part. When you talk to liberals, they really have no ability to see down the road of how dangerous their stances on things could be. After all “slippery slope is a logical fallacy.”

simian 50 points ago +50 / -0

If the only black person on the ice managed to get killed, the media would have been quick to say it was intentional, due to racism, that hockey is inherently racist, and demand hate crime and terrorism charges against the player who killed him. But a black guy does it? "Just a little accident."

simian 19 points ago +19 / -0


simian 18 points ago +18 / -0

Next step: age is a social construct. Easily manipulated children will be allowed to vote, because they’re citizens nonetheless and requiring them to be 18 is arbitrary and inequitable. Likewise, adults will be welcomed to children’s places because when age is eliminated as a barrier, pedophilia no longer exists.

simian 16 points ago +16 / -0

If they’re righteous, they’ll appreciate that it’s for the best.

simian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm impressed by how abstract this was getting. Type 1 and 2 for "gender," while stupid, makes sense. But WTF is "motion" let alone a type 1 and 2 of it?

simian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Toby? He looked like Tom Holland. Either way, it was a shitty move to make him a knockoff of one of the movie versions. It robbed this game of its own identity.

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