operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

China isn't terrible, they are bug people who will eat anything but the han Chinese don't marry their cousins and they have been able to construct some kind of functioning civilisation. They aren't our friends but they are on the other side of the world and Westerners and Chinese ultimately have different skill sets.

I hate to defend Pajeet but India actually does have a civilisation. It might be incomprehensible to Westerners and they might have poor toilet habits and marry their cousins but there were actually traces of civilisation in Pajeetistan before Europeans showed up.

Africa has never even invented civilisation, the only traces of it in Africa proper were built by Europeans or the Chinese.

operation_eland 7 points ago +7 / -0

Amanda Marcott was writing in Salon about how "Elon's illegal rampage through the federal government" is all because of Gamergate.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

What a classic - I think it got a few more years added to it since the Gamergate days.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember this idea being floated in 2017 to fund the wall but obviously congress wouldn't lift a finger.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. I remember visiting Jasper in 2014 and doing a lot of hiking around there, the forests were in poor condition and were just waiting for a bad fire and they had 9 years but refused to do anything. The town was gutted. Both the lodges I stayed at burned down.

The Canadian government banned forest management under the guise of environmental protection but people I know who live up in the mountains out west believe the government is using arsonists to wage a hybrid warfare against the people who live there.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel bad for them being murdered but they really should have seen it coming when dealing with the blacks.

operation_eland 15 points ago +15 / -0

The entire continent of Africa exists for these "people" (and I use that term lightly) just saying. We don't have to live like this. They can all go back there.

operation_eland 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just look at what happened last week in Romania. When their preferred candidate wasn't going to win they just cancelled the election and said Russia did it. Its such a joke.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well the real problem was Romania decided to invest a lot of its capital in heavy industry even though it was part of a bloc which had no end of it, I mean the country was run by a former railway worker and Nikolai had been in prison with him as a delinquent youth and had been his helper in prison between that and communist economic doctrine it was never going to turn out well. Romania did have its own oil fields and access to the black sea. They maybe should have tried to be a little more like East Germany or Yugoslavia and buy in their cheap raw materials on favoured terms from the other soviet bloc countries to focus on some higher end industry. They mismanaged their economy so badly they were having to import oil to power all their heavy industry and that is what really got them into trouble even though their industries were horribly loss making on top of that. It would have probably been better if they hadn't bothered with any of it.

I would never own a Dacia but they are actually quite a clever company. Renault ships all their old plant designs to Romania and have them build cheap bare bones slightly updated looking versions of old vehicles. They have sold quite well in England and they are better than they used to be. Some of the early ones were shit but I can see why people have them now.

operation_eland 6 points ago +6 / -0

There was no revolution in Romania. It was a coup by disgruntled members of the RCP. You see it was one thing to take orders from Nikolai - he was uncultured, uneducated and of low thinking but actually did have some sense of how politics worked. He played a decent game for the most part. His downfall was Elena. It was one thing to be bullied by him, but to be bullied by her? And she used to put him up to a lot of idiocy as well which just antagonised everyone.

I don't remember if it was 88 or 89 but Gorbachev visited Romania and given the state of the eastern bloc told him soviet troops would not intervene or shoot civilians to prop up these regimes. Traditionally the Romanians looked more towards Red China or North Korea and flirted with the west and Yugoslavia playing off different factions against each other. Nikolai probably had a hand in convincing Mao to meet Nixon. It all went wrong though.

There was serious economic hardship in the 1980's. Nikolai bankrupted the country and instead of dealing with the IMF and making cuts and economic reforms he decided to do it all himself without their emergency finance to tide the country over. Heating and hot water in many communal blocks was limited to 1 hour a day even in the depths of winter. Malnutrition was common. The country was so poor chicken legs were a currency.

Nikolai had already booted some RCP and army officers for challenging his authority. Elena told him to murder them but he refused.

In 89 he essentially decided to end all traditional rural life in the country and force its peasant farmers into communal farms and tower blocks to increase their production (because the country was starving) but actually it resulted in some serious disorder. Wild rumours spread I believe about churches being destroyed.

Nikolai went on the roof and addressed the crowd to try and repeat the crowning moment of his political career when he rallied the crowds after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 when they put an end to the Prague spring. Romanian leaders were never entirely sold on Moscows policies. In any case it didn't go to plan. Disorder spread in the crowd and in the major cities. The minister of defence on being ordered to use force shot himself, the army believed he had been murdered. He actually did commit suicide but the army started fighting with the Securitate the Romanian secret police. Nikolai and Elena tried to flee. No one knew what was going on. The next morning some of his former enemies who had been "retired" basically took command of the situation in the capital taking advantage of the chaos and conducted a coup.

It wasn't that hard - the real stroke of genius was the realisation that the end of communism and liberal economic reforms meant they could help themselves to enormous quantities of state owned industry and assets in the glorious new capitalist Romania. The same thing happened in Ukraine in the dying days of the USSR - an unholy alliance between rabid nationalists and communist officials who realised independence would allow them to help themselves to vast amounts of state property for their own enrichment.

Given the hardship in the country and the end of the old regime they didn't have to do much to become the most beloved Romanian government in all of history given how dire things were. Much the same people who controlled the country under communism continued to control the country afterwards.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh boy. If you thought there was nothing they wouldn't do or try in the West you wait to see what they roll out in the east. Romania is a mafia state, its politics makes Italy's look clean.

From what I hear on the grape vine NATO are also colonising Romania in a way they haven't in the past. Under the EU Romania got enormous transfers of money from Western Europe to build a modern motorway system but they just stole all the money and hardly built anything but now apparently since Ukraine someone has leaned on them and they are building a motorway between the coast to Ukraine so it can be a corridor for NATO logistics.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know the other thing about British politics is it has been well behind the curve of Europe where populist parties have made serious inroads or gained power via coalitions. Where as in Britain the two party system may survive another 5 years. Brexit acted as a great distraction, a large issue to divert attention while they shipped in a million immigrants a year.

operation_eland 21 points ago +21 / -0

After what we saw in 2020 how the governments of the world could coordinate a total shut down of the entire global economy and lockdown of the entire population within a few days and find people out in the woods and arrest them for not obeying lockdown rules. But they are totally helpless to do anything about immigration.

operation_eland 8 points ago +8 / -0

Essentially the original intention of the Syria war was probably to put a US client regime in place so they could build a gas pipeline from the middle east into Turkey and into Europe via the southern route. Syria and the south of the Caspian are absolutely critical to this agenda. It explains the desire to regime change Syria, Iran and Libya. Its also why the US blew Nordstream up.

Its a critical problem for whoever is in the whitehouse - either they find some way to ship cheap gas to Europe or many of their client regimes including the one in Germany will fall and the Russians will be the dominant player in Europe. At which point they will be confronted with the choice of abandoning Europe and their positions on the Rhine or going full imperial and putting American tanks on the streets of Berlin to "normalise" the situation.

Shipping gas from Qatar and Azerbaijan via Turkey and into the Balkans would cut out Russia and allow them to maintain their client regimes without sending in the tanks.

I was glad Assad and the Russians defeated the last regime change op. The last thing we need is another Libya. At the time I was dumb enough to believe the neocons would retreat and lick their wounds. Little did we know they would bring one of their pet wars into Europe and destroy the entire European economy for the sake of this agenda.

Who knows - maybe more Machiavellian foreign policy actors might accede to Putin's control of the Donbas and Crimea and freeze the conflict in exchange for letting the US take Syria. But Syria is a useful pressure mechanism the Russians can use against the Turks and ties in with their relationship to Iran on their Southern border.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think there is a decent chance 2028 comes down to Fetterman vs AOC in the democrat primaries.

operation_eland 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes. I remember that night. Even from this side of the pond it was cringe worthy, I remember watching the press conference and refreshing twatter multiple times to find out what was going on. The media disgust me.

operation_eland 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah. I believe Google is paying Mozilla $400 million a year to cover their operating costs. It probably would have been better if Google had been broken up 15 years ago when we had a more fragmented industry before everything started running on the Chromium engine.

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

What the right don't understand is there is no such thing as politics. There is only power. Lenin knew that to achieve communism all the class enemies of communism had to be exterminated. If we want a world that is prosperous and free then we simply have to eradicate all the supporters of leftism and in the grand scheme of things it will be no great loss.

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