What the right don't understand is there is no such thing as politics. There is only power. Lenin knew that to achieve communism all the class enemies of communism had to be exterminated. If we want a world that is prosperous and free then we simply have to eradicate all the supporters of leftism and in the grand scheme of things it will be no great loss.
This is Soviet America mate. Its all downhill from here and always was going to be, you don't turn around an empire in this state - its just a question of how long it drags on and how bad it gets. Gorbachev became general secretary because he wasn't an alcoholic wife beater, Yeltsin got to near enough the top despite being an alcoholic because he was actually quite a capable administrator. Maybe if you're lucky they "normalise" the situation for a few years before things start getting worse again.
While she is not on our side or anything I have a feeling they have probably watched her for a few years and consider her a threat.
Tulsi isn't the worst pick, she is reasonably intelligent and she's young and probably not a cocaine addict. That is more than you can say for most people in D.C.
I have a £28 bog standard Tasimo that actually makes a very agreeable cup of hot chocolate if you put some gold top milk in it.
Today its google drive but mark my words - in a few years it will be your local drive. My guess is when you accept the EULA for Windows, MacOS, Android or iOS you basically sign away your rights to the files stored on that device. In part because they are having their LLM's go through all the data to "learn" from it. Today they look at it, tomorrow they edit it, censor it, delete it.
After catching endless bans I deleted my last ban evasion account on reddit during the summer of love 2020. I went on r/linux to ask about some obscure package I needed to make an old printer work and they were all crying on there about how Trump wanted to make it illegal to be against fascism. I went on an epic rant against them and didn't even wait to get banned and deleted my account.
Its been out of control on there for a while, they have banned so many people even the normies are complaining the platform feels dead.
I mean lets face it, Bush II was a blithering idiot who played the Texan and said stupid shit.
It is interesting how well the globalists positioned their chess pieces in 2019 before striking. As soon as the scamdemic was over they threw all of them under the bus from Ardern in New Zealand to Saana Marin in Finland to the tartan wasp herself Nicola Sturgeon in Scotland. She was hauled away in the back of a police car no less.
Nothing ever really changes its stripes, Australia was established as a penal colony and it never changed. Modern Australians are the decedents of prisoners and their jailers. The one thing that did worry many people was seeing that New Zealand tried to copy what they were doing in Australia even though it has no history of the same kind of authoritarian insanity.
Wealthy societies become decadent, one symptom of decadence is rank stupidity. Look how thick the average person is today and the kind of slop the average person believes or falls for on the daily basis.
Even Chunk Yogurt came out on twatter against this. He's only 9 years late the retard.
Having been to the US it does seem like a serious strategic weakness that Washington D.C is within one of the most heavily populated regions of the country. I notice that its within a days drive between Boston, NYC, Baltimore, Philly, Pittsburgh. etc to D.C.
How long before a pissed off mob just sacks the city?
Basically we have this vast "total state" which probably consumes over 30% of your GDP directly and employs millions of people and yet they are useless and either cannot or will not do anything.
High agency whites trying to survive or help disaster victims is one of the most direct threats to their existence because tens of millions of people would conclude - "We're on our own, why do we need these people?".
Your average FEMA employee probably earns a solid middle class wage, lives in a decent middle class suburb and gets terms and conditions and pension vastly beyond the average person even though they are less skilled than the person who cooks your food at McDonalds.
There is no political solution. Imagine how many millions of government employees both direct and indirect would have no choice but to kill you to protect what is theirs. These people being kept alive on government cheese is a choice for now but as the United States goes full South Africa millions of people will face liquidation as resources diminish in availability.
Essentially managerialism 101 - Never under estimate how cynical the managerial regime will be in attempting to protect or expand its operations.
Essentially the war on terror ran its course as a policy and it ended in failure like everything the government embarks on and now you have this large byzantine network of bureaucracy, fake "expertise" and NGO's which needs to find a purpose because to paraphrase Milton Freidman - few things have the permanence of a temporary government program.
Here we are across the western world essentially seeing the war on terror coming home and in order to continue the gravy train even slight disagreement with regime ideology or narratives is classed as terrorism.
Its probably quite lucrative in terms of finding an excuse to keep police and civil servants sat on their fat arses in offices somewhere doing paperwork a few hours a day because god forbid they do any actual productive work.
Some would call it poetic justice.
Good riddance!
I would imagine like most elites she got saline and a fake vax card.
I wouldn't engage in it because its for fags but I'm not going to tell people not to do it. Its nice seeing leftists getting what is coming to them.
Well its been on the cards for many years that they want digital ID. The dream of course switching from a system of manipulation and incentives constructed by the managerial state to a system of direct control. The technology has finally arrived to allow them to do it with "smart utilities" and the "internet of things" and nearly all electronic transactions. They seem to believe that "AI" will allow them to centrally plan the entire economy and every minutiae of peoples lives forever where the soviets failed.
I actually have toyed with the idea that COVID was a dry run for much of what they have planned in this brave new world. If I had to guess something that did give them pause in pushing ahead in 2022 was the deteriorating geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe and I really do think they never quite planned for the scale of resistance they started to encounter. They deployed their most advanced psychic weapons and still it seemed about 20 to 30% of the population still had the ability to resist and certain people were able to break the narrative battle lines. They never really had an exit plan and after the truckers blockaded Ottawa they were at risk of a global populist uprising against the globalist cabal which put to many other interests of the various other elite "capos" at risk. So they had to back off. For now. But they'll be back.
My guess is they will attack the food supply and try and create a new holodomor next. A starving population may be more compliant with their psychic weapons.
We're already there in Europe thanks to the tendrils of the American empire sponsoring green parties and then starting a war with Russia but my guess is either via elite actions or the repercussions of the war with Russia the US will end up in the same place Europe is within a decade due the weakening of their currency and the end of the petro dollar system.
I would not go that far. I think the regime has wanted to and made hints of "putting the woke away" for a few years now because they need white boys to die in their wars. They need to loosen off the noose around the white mans neck to extract more wealth from him until they have finally ethnically cleansed all the white populations the world over. Slaughtered the red heffers and built the new temple and destroyed all geopolitical rivals.
Whether the regime actually can successfully contain the woke at this point is difficult to know because while its had a lot of elite backing its fundamentally the result of the fact that most liberals and especially the midwits who administer the managerial state do not have an inherent moral compass and therefore rely on virtue signalling instead of making independent moral judgements which is why they only ever double down. Also "woke" is partly the result of what professor Edward Dutton calls "Spiteful mutants" - that is the large number of people alive today with large numbers of negative mutations and on balance negative mutations will display mentally because the brain is 80% of the genome. In times past those with negative mutations were killed by childhood illnesses. Today these people constitute the majority of the population.
Most of the people in these sorts of spaces who aren't dysgenic freaks would probably have been the norm for the population back in the 17th century. Today we're a minority.
If I had to guess - the regime will fail to contain it and quietly rebrand DEI and try to be quieter about it.
Stalin ruled for 25 years until his death without any opposition. He killed and enslaved so many people he moved the USSR from a backwards agrarian peasant economy to an industrial superpower. The Bolsheviks might have been our enemies but they understood how power worked.
Stalin once said "If there is a man, there is a problem. No man, no problem."
You are basically here giving a highschool civics lesson while the left would just have you all liquidated if it advanced their agenda. I don't have the meme to hand but the guys on their knees in front of a death squad and the lolbertarian tells the other guy. "Jokes on them. This is unconstitutional".
Trump is a Jew loving boomer faggot as well. Instead of taking the bull by the horns and getting his followers to eradicate his enemies he spent 4 years tweeting and crying instead of doing what Stalin would and having his enemies shot even when they stole the election blatantly in-front of everyone.
I hate boomers, I hate conservatards, I hate politics itself.
Yeah. I believe Google is paying Mozilla $400 million a year to cover their operating costs. It probably would have been better if Google had been broken up 15 years ago when we had a more fragmented industry before everything started running on the Chromium engine.