misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this like how Ukrainian men supposedly all wanna fight for Zelensky and Blackrock?

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you're expecting standards in the social sciences, lol

If you're expecting standards in the social sciences used by professional bullshiters in the corporate world, lmao, even

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

B-b-but the only reason it was male-dominated before is because of invisible sexism that can never be falsified, so this is just leveling the playing field!

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

People forget that Germany also had the most advanced military in WW2

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Plus the really fancy equipment is vulnerable to sabotage if you have enemies anywhere in your supply chain

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

These are the same people who tore Dr Disrespect to shreds for way less, so they absolutely understand the point, they just don't care when it's someone they like doing the grooming.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

As you say, poor quality camouflages the rough edges of deepfakes, and that makes a lot more sense than the White House having 00's internet quality.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0


That's a perspective on this topic I haven't heard before, and I don't mean that in a passive-aggressive way. It's pretty intriguing, actually.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

How the hell are these nigs even able to afford trips to Japan? I'd think the financial barrier would keep the ghetto nigs out for the most part. Not to mention what interest those nigs would even have in Japan in the first place.

Unless someone is sponsoring them. Which sounds nuts, but with how aggressively the usual suspects are trying to subvert Japan, and with what we already know, it wouldn't even be the weirdest thing to be happening in all of this.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you really believe that then you're extraordinarily retarded, I hope for your sake this is just a troll

misogynegro 11 points ago +12 / -1

So this retard wasted an hour on a train when he should have known a game like that can't be played over a language barrier, and then acted like it's the Japs' fault for having a really simple common sense rule against something that would objectively ruin the game.

misogynegro 25 points ago +28 / -3

He would have wished he just fcking let me play Yugioh instead.

Even without the context of this being an entitled foreigner, these kinds of low-IQ dregs who bully service employees that are simply enforcing the rules their boss made them enforce need to be taken out behind the shed and [fill in the blank]. I don't know if Japanese companies have the same pozzed mindset that American companies have where "the customer's always right" and the manager always throws their employees under the bus at the behest of every irrational screeching mouthbreather that stampedes their way, but Japan also doesn't have an abundance of shitbags who abuse that courtesy (yet).

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Japs are racist in the most benign way possible. They just want gaijin to act like proper guests and leave the Japs to govern their own affairs.

I don't care if Japs think I'm a barbarian as long as they treat me with respect, but some people get really butthurt about what foreigners might privately believe about them.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jew hate has been around since the Romans, what the Nazis pioneered was racialized Jew hate. Even the premise of the Inquisition was that ethnic Jews were claiming to be Catholics while secretly practicing Judaism, and Torquemada himself had Jewish ancestry.

Marxism is opposed to Jewish culture, not Jews as an ethnicity, as like Christians before them Marxists just wanted Jews to abandon their traditions and convert to the universal faith.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody has a problem with Bollywood productions being full of Indians. Because that's organic.

If you're gonna act like media reflecting the people who made it and media being forced to adopt a demographic checklist to conform to WEF standards is the same thing then I know you're just a bad faith douchebag.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

One of the best things that Trump did in his first term was frustrate the attempt at regime-change in Syria, giving Assad and Russia just enough time to reassert control and thus make it prohibitively expensive to try it again. And this despite the atrocity propaganda about Assad gassing his own people for no reason, with the MSM pushing Trump to escalate our involvement, and thus turn Syria into the next Iraq.

Launching those cruise missiles that did nothing was a pretty clever way to "do something" without actually doing anything and thus to not needlessly make out of Syria yet another enemy. But of course for the Blob, this was unforgivable, they'd been intentionally destabilizing Syria with "moderate rebels" for years and Trump put his foot down and ruined their plans.

I point this out simply because Trump was overall, frankly, a massive disappointment, and while I hope to God he wins this election, I doubt that this time will be much different. However, preventing the destruction of Syria and the consequent fallout for the West, as well as facilitating the destruction of ISIS, would have won him a Nobel Peace Prize if those things were actually worth a damn.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Which makes this whole situation so freaking bizarre.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

The same families that got obscenely rich off the backs of European colonial empires back in the day, extracting taxes from their subjects and sending poor European boys to fight their wars, are now pushing the lie that Europe got wealthy from colonization. When in fact, Europe wasted enormous resources on colonization, maintaining globe-spanning empires isn't cheap after all.

But once those empires could no longer be maintained (largely on account of a certain Austrian painter and his Japanese collaborators), they devised a new strategy. Why bother maintaining an incredibly expensive empire overseas when you can just keep those former colonies destabilized and make it easy for the people there to arrive in your countries?

All while pushing white guilt to morally blackmail Europeans into allowing themselves to be displaced, the same families that got rich off of colonization then continue to get rich off of this more efficient form of colonization today. Ultimately at the expense of both their own people and the countries being drained of labor while men who are young dumb and full of cum get swindled into making the dangerous trip over to the West by people smugglers promising them opulence and white pussy. Of course my sympathy for these chumps runs out the instant they insist on acting like entitled savages, no mercy for would-be conquerors.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recall an experiment done with infants where they would cover the nose and see whether the infant would try to remove the obstruction or simply open their mouths instead. Asian infants overwhelmingly did the latter. But Idk what study this was specifically so don't quote me on that.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Past shows reflected the people who made them, and weren't deliberately pushing a pro-white/male agenda. Conflating media that naturally reflects where and by whom it was made with media that's forced to follow a globalist template is extremely disingenuous but then again that's how you and your ilk always are.

Edit: Since I know you're gonna bring it up as some kinda gotcha, nobody takes explicitly white supremacist propaganda like Birth of a Nation seriously these days, precisely because it was also hamfisted agitprop.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

They can't differentiate between fantasy and reality. You look at their political beliefs just on an aesthetic level and it's the corniest, most juvenile power fantasy, wherein they see themselves as a plucky group of rebels fighting against some great evil. Of course in reality they're just useful idiots for the regime, but the line between fantasy and reality must remain blurred or else their Jenga tower of delusions will come crashing down.

Leftist activism is a big LARP, the whole ritual of walking around with signs and chanting slogans is akin to a cargo cult since they took the political theater of the civil rights era at face-value so now they think magic marches and incantations will bring about change. And when the utopia consistently evades them, they get angrier and angrier, assuming that the problem must be that we're just not performing the sacred rituals with enough enthusiasm.

So if you refuse to participate in the sacred rituals, you're angering the gods, and since their politics is pop-culture, they see pop-culture as politics.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

First a symbolic suicide for the illusion of escape from one's problems. By the time it becomes clear the those problems aren't going anywhere, and have if anything become unsolvable due to grievous bodily damage and devotion of one's life to a sinister cult, real suicide tends to follow.

misogynegro 5 points ago +7 / -2

I agree that most vigilantes are retards and narcissists who have no business in that line of work, but Alex Rosen is basically a pro at this. He's made mistakes early in his career that spoiled police investigations, but he learned from his mistakes and now works closely with police and has put lots of actual predators in prison.

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