What really blows chunks about this whole situation is that yes, Zionists are obviously instigating Westerners and Muslims to fight each other, but at the same time, Muslims have gone out of their way to treat their Western hosts abominably. Really feels like we're in a checkmate situation - go at it with sandniggers and you're playing into Jewish tricks, but try to avoid falling for Jewish tricks and the sandniggers attack you without resistance.
Those fucking ratfaced goblin bankers really do know how to play the game, I'll give them that.
So many rightoids display the same kind of overconfident bravado as niggers, and those overconfident niggers usually die young. Doesn't mean you should become a blackpilled faggot, but it's better to overestimate your enemy than it is to underestimate them.
Why does anyone care if Chairman Pooh has their info?
I don't live in China, I'm far more concerned with my own government spying on me.
His slack-jawed dementia face on a mountain would be amazing.
Chernobyl is why the world has been set back decades on the otherwise amazing source of energy that is nuclear. Yet when a lab leak killed millions and brought the global economy to a halt, not one damn thing happened to curb virology research that was already known to be extremely dangerous.
Wtf kind of retarded argument is this?
If this platform was for TD exclusively, it wouldn't have nearly as much of an appeal. They "allow" other subs to exist because it bolsters the MAGA brand as being for free speech and it draws in people who wouldn't have otherwise bothered.
There's a problem with the lesser evil argument, which is that if you allow one party to morally blackmail you into voting for them simply because they're not quite as terrible as the other party, they'll be able to take your vote for granted. You completely abdicate any leverage you otherwise had, because the party you're closer to no longer has to win your vote.
His rant about RUSSIAN SCUM!!! still makes me keel over to this day.
The left's Bill O'Reilly crossed with Michael Savage.
»be The Rock
»hired by military to recruit, paid millions for it
»don't post as much as you agreed to
»cause less people to sign up than otherwise
»refuse to elaborate
Can't the painkillers be injected or applied with skin patches?
I'd also think that they could sew the wound back together.
Regardless, this stuff is Unit 731 nightmarish.
Why can't they just be fags?
I can at least understand the troons who figured out they can bully lesbians into sex, it's depraved but I can understand the rationale. However I don't understand why any man who likes dicks would, well, dick around with the troon stuff.
Very good point.
I can at least understand how the other isms became taboo, since it's manifestly unjust to judge or treat a person according to immutable characteristics. Of course almost no one actually hates every last individual member of any given race or ethnicity, or of one sex, and even the most racist regimes in history had multiracial cooperation.
But it amazes me that anyone could feel the same kind of outrage at "transphobia" that we intuitively feel towards slavery or genocide or racial caste systems, because a man who thinks he's a woman (or vice-versa) is simply insane. I can understand a certain amount of pity, however the same people who have such strong feels for deranged men who LARP as women are otherwise contemptuous in the extreme towards deranged men.
It's like the "place, Japan" meme, but with "incel" vs "incel, dressed as woman" instead. So I don't think that pity for freaks, let alone male freaks, is what animates proglodytes to get so angry on the behalf of troons.
Say, considering how many boats arrive on the UK's shores without challenge, maybe there's some good money to be made by masquerading as vibrant enrichers while smuggling some MURICA (pew pew) to sell to native Brits.
Just hypothetically speaking.
Kiwifarms is still running. Seems like that grotesque troon groomer keffals inadvertently helped them by making it more difficult to access, and thus making it more difficult to brigade.
That's actually a great idea, spread propaganda in the third world about how Western countries are unbearable dystopias.
Sounds like Western feminists who talk about S. Korea like it's totally brat and pinkpilled are like the weebs who talk about Japan like it's totally based and redpilled. When the reality is a lot more complicated.
Trump should get the celebrities that actually matter: Sam Hyde, Negative XP, Alex Jones, etc.
It's always the biggest liars who screech for more censorship. Probably doesn't feel so good when some uppity peasant points out that you're lying, pretty embarrassing in fact, those poor liars.
What I don't understand is why so many fit, accomplished white men choose to protect this worthless ruling class. From glowies to SWAT teams to spec ops, if you pull a 1776 on their asses they got the best of the best risking their lives for the worst of the worst.
There's a reason why the powers that be have made up a false history of lynching that depicts it as just something white people liked to do to black people for funsies. Politicians and their ilk used to be afraid of the rope, it was the people's way of making an example out of bastards that abuse their power, and unlike the guillotine it doesn't represent commie psychosis.
Nvm that if "hate speech" means something other than what it appears to mean at face-value, it's a totally arbitrary concept. Clearly it doesn't just mean any speech that expresses hatred, because leftists are some of the most hateful goblins in existence.
SCOTUS has already ruled that "hate speech" laws and government policies of any kind are unconstitutional. These gremlins just do it anyways, because once you're having to fight the system, one tiny little technical error can be used to punish you, even if they can't get you on what they originally tried to nail you for in the beginning. And this kind of fuckery can even include shit like making it impossible to show up to court on time, or requiring you to be in two places at once, or not notifying you of a summons, etc.
Sorry Jess, still not raping you.