Unless he was a big fan of the Lincoln Project.
Yeah I know that's not the case but it would be hilarious if it was.
Would a trained sniper have missed? What if they deliberately missed to get Trump supporters to think a miracle happened?
It could be some kind of 3D Chess trap they're laying.
It's a sneaky way to masquerade colonization as just well-intentioned advocacy for the little guy. At the end of the day North American racial bullshit gets imposed onto the rest of the world, while masquerading as just "being nice" to those poor oppressed victims.
Maybe I'm being unreasonably charitable here, but BlueAnon types strike me as the sort of people who have the potential to be redpilled. They're passionate about defending American institutions, the problem is they live in an alternate reality where the institutions are run by honest people and MAGA is a dangerous outside threat.
Get them digging where they're not supposed to and they could become disillusioned, and subsequently enraged at finding out they were lied to about everything. I've even met some based people who got here through that exact process.
They exist in this paradoxical state of becoming "conspiracy theorists" precisely because they have to make what the MSM tells them make sense. That level of cognitive dissonance makes people lash out, but it's also vulnerable to being subverted.
Yes, Rittenhouse was extremely lucky to have both a judge and a jury that was willing to do what's right despite the potential danger that put them in. As well as the moral blackmail of indirectly causing yet another riot if the rabid NPCs didn't get what they want.
The absolute dogshit thing is, it didn't even need to get to this point if the right had been willing to engage in lawfare against the left for its heinous framing of James Fields. They could have actually stood on principle at the time and said that it doesn't matter if someone is a nazi or a commie or a fucking Scientologist for that matter, them having beliefs that offend you doesn't make them fucking guilty.
No, instead they allowed the left to set the precedent of guilty-by-political-belief because they were afraid of being called not-sees, and ofc their flagrant cuckoldry didn't even spare them from the n-word anyways. These utter faggots didn't even stick up for Kyle Rittenhouse until it was safe to do so, and the poor kid still got scammed by an incompetent grifter attorney because he had no one else to turn to as the left was once again engaged in a brazen attempt at framing some young guy for defending himself against rabid NPCs.
But now, now of all times the same cucks that snatch defeat from the jaws of victory are lecturing us about principles, now that doing so is an opportunity to virtue-signal your "integrity" rather than a genuinely bold act that will put you in the crosshairs of the MSM. You may think you hate Con Inc enough but you don't.
I will never forgive the mainstream so-called "right" for throwing James Fields to the wolves and allowing the left to successfully lie about that whole situation.
They didn't even shift the focus of the event from muh not-sees over to the fact that the responsibility for the chaos unleashed that day was entirely on Governor Blackface for illegally rescinding UTR's protest permit at the last minute and the Cville city gov for ordering the riot cops to funnel the UTR protestors directly into the path of Antifa retards.
No, instead they just disputed the "very fine people" lie, which sure, needed to be disputed, but not nearly as much as the blatant kangaroo court set up against James Fields and the Dems at the state and municipal level who clearly planned to make shit hit the fan that day - placing their own citizens and residents in danger - all for the sake of scoring and optics win.
I don't even consider myself any kind of marketing or PR or propaganda genius, I just have enough common sense to see how badly people who get paid millions to be professional optics cucks fumbled the ONE JOB they had by allowing the left to snatch an incredible optics victory despite the huge openings that the left exposed themselves to in the process. So either GOP propagandists are monumentally retarded or they willingly went along with it because they would rather take an unnecessary L than allow Trump to take over the party.
Yeah I'm thinking it's the latter, because the GOP suddenly phase shifts from utter cucks to displaying the ferocity of a lion when it comes to fighting the dissident right. On the other hand, I think Cville quietly radicalized a lot of people on the right who were actually paying attention, because for as cynical as we all were about the establishment, we still didn't expect them to fight that dirty, if only because their methods seemed suicidally brazen - unless they had cooperation from the "right," of course.
I'm sure it doesn't help that so many people in game dev these days just couldn't get into the film industry, and with the majority of AAA budgets going to artfags that's gonna really dial up the pozz to 11.
"Democracy" is when everyone votes for the candidate that The Experts™ say they should, that's why we have to make sure voters only see and hear what we want them to see and hear.
He's been falling off and has become a lolcow, esp after interviewing a Houthi pirate and telling him that he's "just like Luffy from One Piece." Apparently even a lot of the tards who'd previously followed him thought that was too much.
Because he's done an effective job until recently of coming across as the moderate voice of reason for lots of gullible normies. Anyone younger than boomers thinks the neoliberal status quo sucks, whether left or right, and he was basically the establishment's attack poodle on social media.
Destiny is who gave us both Vaush and Cenk's Nephew, although the latter was too retarded to actually learn anything that cuck boy taught him.
The very concept of a college degree in game design is such a joke to me, that honestly explains so much about why current year AAA game design is such dogshit. Make any art into a college degree and it's gonna be standardized for NPC's, that's why AAA devs treat their own players like retards who need to have their hand held and why game studios have concepts like "situational disabilities."
Also yet another reason why academia needs to be slimmed back down to real degrees and standards need to be raised back up, midwits with degrees are ruining so many professions that never fucking needed them.
I bet at this rate "sex work" will be legalized in blue states and there'll be college degrees for being a hooker. Granted plenty of college girls are hooking anyways so maybe that's not as crazy as it sounds.
So for once in her very long life she had just a milligram of integrity, and she gets devoured by her fellow bottomfeeders for it.
He went so far as to say his own parents deserve to be shot for being Trump supporters.
Will Germans ever stop being like this?
Did they just pluck some random nursing home patient with no family to be the impersonator?
Look bro the Germans had some amazing technology.
Similarly ironic trajectory in my case. Manufacturing Consent made me realize that the entire narrative of "progress" was itself the ultimate act of consent manufacturing.
Also child-raping hipster AIDS Nosferatu (Foucault) had his broken clock moments, and the left today has thrown all that postmodern radical skepticism out the window in favor of treating The Experts as sacrosanct.
It's election season, you know that means it's also censorship season.
Was Elijah Schafer innocent?
Nikki Haley has never even been performatively based though, she's just a straight-up neocon swamp creature
Literally bribed him with sex, right out in the open.
Dude is a multimillionaire, he can bang all the hot young thots he wants, but decided that Chelsea Handler was worth accepting the muzzle for.
Reminds me a bit of Apocalypto.