meowmeow85 11 points ago +11 / -0

The SPLC has almost as much influence as the ADL does when it comes to big tech.

meowmeow85 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm trying to figure out what more fucking context is needed. This has been par the course Muslim immigration for years into Europe. It's never a mom with children or even elderly, always fighting age males between like 16 and 25.

meowmeow85 15 points ago +15 / -0

What is it with women ALWAYS going "waaaahhh I was a such an avid gamer grrrrrrl, comic reader and super nerd XD growing up but the mean boys never let me play"? It seems like revisionist history. I DO remember growing up hunched over at school reading comics or gaming magazines and my experience was more this:


meowmeow85 21 points ago +21 / -0

Since when is being "anti-government" an offense? Do people not remember the 90s? Without the Soviets damn near half the pop media was about distrust in our government which is secretly malevolent (X-Files anyone?). Remember that scene in Mars Attacks where the aliens melt Congress and the old grandma is laughing her ass off? Is that verboten as well?

I was gonna make a separate post but this connects well. I was reading a Tampa Bay Times article, or maybe Bay News 9, (which I lost and can't find again) about Ron Desantis wanting anti-marxist and anti-communist and pro-america lessons to replace CRT. I shit you not the "journalist" said this is extremely DANGEROUS because, and I quote, "anti-marxist and anti-communist rhetoric is deeply rooted in antisemitism and white supremacy". I shit you not.

meowmeow85 15 points ago +15 / -0

Does anybody have that old Twitter thread about what they want to do after the revolution, and some soyboy faggot chimes in thinking he's gonna be some Project Runway Tim Gunn for the new Red Army? That shit cracked me up.

meowmeow85 31 points ago +31 / -0

Wait. What does 9/11 have to do with anything? "Bush did 9/11" has been a conspiracy so long it's practically a meme at this point, fuck even Ricardo and Mortimer had a "joke" about it so it's definitely in the public knowledge. Them just randomly bringing up 9/11 conspiracies as "terror threats" almost seems like a damn admission.

What's next? Is the FBI gonna swarm my door if I type the words "grassy" and "knoll" too closely together?

meowmeow85 10 points ago +10 / -0


Well that's all I need to hear. Remember when they made the fantastic Riddick and expansion and The Darkness when part of Starbreeze? Remember the fantastic Wolfenstein: New Order and all the cool ass upgrades for a space laser that rips people to shreds? Then....The New Colossus, and the shitting on America, sassy black kweeenz from the 70s, too on the nose KKK up every alley, and fake Trump protesters "boycotting" the game (Remember Visceral tried similar shit with Dante's Inferno and their fake "christian" protesters at E3). Let us also not forget the God awful "interquel" with B.J.'s two sassy daughters, which I know of no one who played it.

Why take the IP from id after they have 2 successful reboots and hits on their hands with Doom and Doom Eternal and give it to them of all studios?

meowmeow85 17 points ago +18 / -1

Oh it is very much the same team. Why do you think they trace the tribe through the mother's line and not the father's like Christianity and Islam?

meowmeow85 16 points ago +16 / -0

If I'm taking a guess they are either gonna remove or downplay Unitology. Game design nowadays is too closely tied with game journalism and all those faggots live in Cali so I bet they got more than a few Scientologist buddies they don't want to offend.

meowmeow85 5 points ago +5 / -0

No problem my friend. Always welcome to see a fellow metalhead. One of the few scenes that still seems based despite efforts to infiltrate. I'll dabble in symphonic and power on occasion. Love me some Iron Maiden, Demons and Wizards, Blind Guardian and Iced Earth.

meowmeow85 15 points ago +15 / -0

They're just faggots and troons from AHS and Parler Watch maybe wanting to play glowie or just screencap something for karma. Just hit em with one of these


meowmeow85 53 points ago +53 / -0

I bet this is the start of another ban wave. r/nonewnormal and r/coronaviruscirclejerk are probably next on the chopping block due to the spooky delta variant. TRP, KiA, and several others are being targeted.

Comedian: Was just a matter of time I suppose.

meowmeow85 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've seen people like AOC use the term "economic refugee". To justify it she claims all these countries are popr because of America. Yes, every one. Just like "undocumented citizen" it's a made up bullshit nonsensical term that gets pushed.

meowmeow85 17 points ago +17 / -0

I actually knew him decently back when i was a mod of CJ, BJ and CB2. I dunno what happened to that crowd. We all use to have fun mod hangouts on G+ or hang out on Vent. I saw the cracks forming around 2014, God even I was trying my best to be centrist to appease them. Then Trump and everyone went off the rails. Half of them I know became either faggots or troons. All turned on me, I'm just another incel nazi chud who needs to "have sex". Fuck them all.

meowmeow85 28 points ago +28 / -0

"Heh, it looks like you libtards.... ARE THE REAL FASCISTS. Take that, bet that doesn't feel too good now does it?"

This is why the right or populists or just anti-woke lose. Going "NO U" works for them, it will never work for us. They just change definitions and switch the parties and ipso facto they are always good guys.

meowmeow85 8 points ago +8 / -0

Surely they must have insurance on that mountain right? I mean it's just a little vandalism. Making monuments and art is just the language of the unheard for us whites.

meowmeow85 7 points ago +7 / -0

They're 9 and 7. Do college is a ways away. Don't have an idea about college yet, BUT they are both in a private baptist school (their mother is baptist).

meowmeow85 19 points ago +19 / -0

Fine. Fuck this book. Fuck Boo Radley. Fuck the girl and the lawyer dad and the black dude. I had to read this damn book and watch the movie every. single. fucking. year. from 7th to 12th grade when we did our yearly readings about "prejudice" in English class. Oh we also seemed to watch Roots yearly. Fuck Kunta Kinte while we're at it. Oh btw this was the Florida public school system. The very same system that today somehow people are screaming we DON'T teach enough racism.

meowmeow85 30 points ago +30 / -0

Used to think people saying that was hyperbole.

Used to.

meowmeow85 2 points ago +3 / -1

No no no, you got me all wrong dude. Fuck I agree with most of the shit you say, I just thought the meme was funny. We cool?

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