Like with many others, it seems she didn't understand the uniform comes with curtailing her freedoms as a citizen. She should be able to say what she wants as a citizen, however much others will disagree with her, but as a public servant she should always held to account for how she displays herself publicly.
Being Britain though, rather than learn and set an example she'll likely get into politics now.
Just because of how everyone in politics sets similar examples and inspires others to do the same as she did but somehow not be held accountable.
Time to replace him with an Indian PM.
They'll easily get the vote and I'm looking forward to seeing Canada become more engaging with its multicultural global citizenship.
I do hope they've got enough Muslims to make beer, bacon and hockey halal. Those things were all distinctive characteristics of the European patriarchy.
And full black jilbab dress for women too. And no talking or driving (Let alone being out without their escort).
Come on Canada, show us how it is done!
I'm personally just a little shocked at how the former mayor's wife, Cora Masters Barry, associates a drug joke with racism.
Does she think that all black people take cocaine?
I mean I know it' DC and drugs are rife there for everyone, but to call it racist is to infer that the problem is largely in the communities associated with who uses that term.
It's when false flags fail that you know DEI lives up to its name and reputation everywhere it goes.
From the shit on X that got questioned to dust to this deep fake tied into the poor abuse and, of course, how Taylor Swift had newds which made her cry all calls for the Defiance Act to come into play further lessening freedoms under the guise of protecting the innocent.
Even COINTEL knows this doesn't pass the sniff test.
I can't believe those evil transphobic racist little ne'er-do-wells didn't just bend over like good obedient Trumptards and take one for the team and buy this game!
Well at least there is Pride flags in the game now and we'll make up for any losses with the Steam release of the game in the new year.
Well at least we get to keep Wolverine in a tutu (And not in an ironic Deadpool humour way) like Sweet Baby Inc. told us to do!
They burned through their community when Sweet Baby Inc Detected started having people ask questions on their Steam community.
Banhammers all round and so this is just the result of that.
I got banned whilst being polite.
Sidebars are my favourite!
Going by the model presented as the example, there would eventually be a large homogenous group which has fragments of the best elements of all the group which it superseded. Certain aspects of the many prior cultures which make up that centred society around that group would be there to learn from, adapt from and strive from.
The biggest threats to that group (Outside of environmental changes) would be other groups of that size (Or bigger) or a tiny element which is completely new and unaccounted for in the entire heritage of what had made up the group.
This tiny element is sometimes thought of as a virus which causes the group's demise. In cultural anthropology the concept of a meme pathogen bringing down a civilisation is far less likely than another group doing so. But in theory it is possible.
Either the elites get it right and society will continue without evolving or ideas will get into the system and alter what the elite group does to continue controlling it.
This is all just an example for purpose though. I'm sure there are many factors missing which we can't account for yet. I'm just suggesting that the 'divide and conquer' could either be an external factor or an internal one as it has always worked as a form of attack for the largest groups in the West.
That's a simple divide and conquer technique but placed within your own people as oppose to an enemy which will be absorbed by the superior group.
It is at these times where the superior system kicks in. Either democracy works and the governing means of that system is radically altered, an eternal force with better governance overthrows that body or the entire species just dies out.
Either the democratically elected governance is not working properly or it has been infected by a better external system which is purposefully degrading it for annihilation and absorption for its own growth or it is just the end of the line.
As I'm ever the optimist in these situations I'd say that the body is reclaimed with new leadership or accepts that it's lost and regroups elsewhere and re-enters while the new entity is trying to feed and procreate in its former territory.
Chances are high that something will continue to pass its seed along and so it is just a matter of whether you will be in that process or not.
WTF did I just watch?
This shit is like game jams from 14 years ago.
It's made by nobodies, watched by nobodies and shouldn't be promoted to anyone for any reason.
Also Taiwan should start respecting its heritage and fly the China flag :p
Retards aside (Because that's all we are) the strongest in any situation will be the one that eats and procreates.
It doesn't matter if their offspring is retarded or improved, that's all they'll have for continuing their seed.
That offspring is going to eventually meet another who they will either reproduce with and continue or be wiped out by.
External events wipe out lots of these creature in a variety of different ways everywhere they travel to but still the strongest in any situation afterwards will be the one that eats and procreates.
Some of the creatures group up for safety and efficiency. The groups prosper well and continue the earlier iterations idea of expansion or ending as long as there is food and a means of procreating.
These groups start to have differing rules as how best to operate. Th strongest flourish and the weakest disappear.
What the US (And most of the West) has now is a weak group which doesn't procreate and a whole bunch of other groups which are hungry and want to continue their seed looking to feast on those resources.
Either the US (And most of the West) survive and continue on as before or it ends.
Democracy either works or it is a system which is only good to a certain point at which it fails and is replaced by something better.
That's the situation and there's nothing more to it (To my mind at least). Sit back and wait it out or dive in and flourish.
Part of me feels for these women. I can kind of side with them thinking about how their baby dies with all those convicted criminals running around illegally from other countries.
They could stop the illegal entry of criminals into the country which will eventually kills their baby, but that'd make the a bigot or something. Better if they just save the child the shame of the rape, torture and eventual murder if they deal with it early themselves.
Obama was just a part of the baked in plan. Bush and Gore were certainly a puppet show. 9/11 sealed the US into conflict overseas which didn't bring any rewards back to its citizens fighting in those conflicts, the 'privacy' laws which then robbed law abiding citizens of their freedoms, bailouts for the housing crash secured a divide between those with and those without, Obama brought in divide and conquer via the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party protests being dealt with, the Arab Spring disaster cost even more US servicemen lives and the press turning on its costumers was pushing totalitarianism to its absolute limit.
Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton didn't stand a chance against Trump and the people of America having their say and the entire system is against each and every one of them.
You only have to look at the McCain funeral to see who was part of the anointed 'royalty' of the US and who was the incumbent.
Hope and change was simply divide and conquer under a new name and the people, most of them at least, have had enough of being told what to do by wealthy elites who have no shame or respect for what America is.
He brought out his website around the year 2000 and just added large scale accessible drama to the Internet when there was none before.
Some liked it, some didn't but it was now there.
Someone had to do it, and so he takes the biscuit even though is could have been someone better or worse to have done it instead.
Only a few years not until this is a reality that people will claim they didn't see coming.