lynxxyarly 1 point ago +1 / -0

hey LibsofTikTok, why don't you denounce the pedophilia within your own culture when the rabbi sucks the dick of a baby boy and gives him herpes and he then dies from it. You'll never talk about that, though.

Who nose why?

lynxxyarly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hilarious that these people have profited off their 'regrets' for so long, only to shift their view as easily as the wind blows. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

lynxxyarly 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you are barking up the wrong tree with Steam, at least. Gabe has openly admitted they don't have to make anything else forever. If they make something, it's because someone has a passion for it - that's it.

You can rightfully deduce from the above information, that this game is a passion for someone at Valve, at least enough to have Gabe fund it. It's as simple as that.

lynxxyarly 6 points ago +6 / -0

I spread that shit far and wide. NOBODY knows how fuckin terrible the Kennedy family is. Rosemary was the only good Kennedy. Truly a sad fuckin fate.

lynxxyarly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like anything, voting with your wallet is what makes the most impact. They feel it in their paychecks, as this OP clearly confirms. Nothing else speaks louder than dollars. So fuck 'em. Enjoy your woke trash, because I'm not interested. I'll continue to spend my money on things from companies that don't hate me.

lynxxyarly 34 points ago +35 / -1

I always find it funny that there is this one topic that nobody is allowed to discuss or even bring up without being shouted down.

Find out who you can't question and then you'll understand who is in power.

lynxxyarly 1 point ago +1 / -0

When they call you racist what they really mean is that you're right but they can't refute that fact.

lynxxyarly 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just as a general head's up to the OP - and anyone else reading this. In any URL header, everythig after the "?" is for data tracking and can be removed from the URL.

For example, on Postcards from Barsoom, you can take the OP URL and shorten it by cutting off starting at the ? to look like so:


Just an FYI for anyone who wants to obscure their data tracking any way they can!