So much crying, whining, and “the sky is falling” hand-wringing in this thread because Google isn’t recognizing their stupid made-up identity politics celebrations, yet if Google had removed Christmas they’d be saying “who cares, go cry about it dumb Christians”
The hypocrisy is unreal
So now suddenly you’re against the message? Make it make sense.
We aren’t supposed to be stupid NPCs like the leftists.
I’m a Cultural Christian just like non-religious Jews still identify as secular Jews.
I was raised Christian, my blood is Christian, my ancestors, my homeland, etc. Christianity is an essential component to what separates Western culture and civilization from the rest of the world, and makes it exceptional. Christian culture and way of life should be compulsory, even if deep down you don’t believe the supernatural parts.
But I’m still atheist… not by choice really, but by inescapable conclusion based on all the information I’ve digested over the years.
I could say I’m not an atheist, but I’d be lying to myself. I don’t want to be an atheist.
Ask them why they are wearing pussy hats and as soon as they mention women tell them they are transphobic
I thought Vdare was dead??? Are they back?
Mexicans over Indians any day, Mexico might be a shithole but India is a LITERAL shit hole
Also Mexicans are (generally) hardworking right wing Christians, pajeets are the opposite
Saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in general is one thing… but this shit here, you can’t possibly say it’s anything BUT explicitly anti-Christian
Celebrating a Marxist rapist’s fake holiday he invented in 1966 but snubbing Christmas, now that’s a whole new level of evil faggot
They did this before too - covered it here:
Merry Christmas to all!!
And to my fellow atheists, Merry Christmas too because without Christianity the west would never have been as great as it was and Islam would’ve taken over the world centuries ago. Praise the Lord!
P.S. fuck ‘happy holidays’, worst greeting anyone ever came up with. Corpos love it though of course.
“There’s no inherent difference between genders” - leftists
What fake news? Did you look at the mantel? Did you scroll down the page on mobile?
It also shows up when you google “Santa”
By a Silicon Valley corpo founded by two Jews… color me shocked
If you’re on mobile, the nativity scene in the forefront will appear as you scroll down your search page.
You can see it on the mantel in the background too.
I like that they only covered the classical religious carols, which are so much better than the modern shite… even most of the stuff from the 1950s I’m not a big fan of… it’s ok (and was mostly written by non-christians) but it’s nothing compared to the beautiful classical gospel choral music of the 19th and 18th century and previous, and I love when modern bands and artists cover that stuff.
Christmas Time with the Judds
Christmas with Boney M
Once Upon a Christmas Kenny & Dolly
Christmas by the Oak Ridge Boys
Annie Lennox Christmas Cornucopia
Looking less like “drain the swamp” and more like “became the swamp”
Oscars aren’t inherently “liberal”, they’ve just been hijacked by ideologues in the last several years
Hollywood output up until the 1990s was fairly in line with the values of most Americans.
Walt Disney Execu....I mean, Rachel "Hairy Back" Zegler
If someone wrote this at Babylon Bee I’d say it’s too unbelievable for good satire. But this cunt is actually serious.
Basking in the joy of the reddit tears over the next 24 hours (+ remaining 4 years) is gonna be hilarious
Thankfully for the sane segments of society, they’re too fucking retarded to have done that
You want the quality? You can’t HANDLE the quality!!
She’s making me even more interested in seeing the movie, thanks Robin!
Tracks pretty well with how western society itself has changed over that timeframe
this is going to backfire hard
That's the thing, sadly I don't think it is. People have become too complacent in modern times with modern conveniences
Yet again, yesterday’s over-the-top satire is today’s actual “news”.