A lot of Latin America's so called Christianity is cultural performance in a cargo-cult sort of way. They go through the motions and say the words because they were brought up to and don't really understand it or believe it on any real personal level. It's why you see so many cartel criminals with Christian tattoos. It's a cultural edifice to them, not an actual faith system, and it's a major reason why so many of them are still so freely able to act like garbage all the time. The real soul-changing faith that is supposed to animate their actions never took root, just the appearance of it because that's what their parents taught them.
They're only right wing when/if they make something of themselves. They're leftist parasites otherwise. They're still preferable to pajeets because they don't steal tech jobs.
White people are never allowed to explicitly choose themselves. When they use proxies, like illegal immigration, there will always be unscrupulous bad actors - like Vivek - there to fleece you in the grey areas. That’s why white peoples need to find their bravery and self-respect and simply advocate openly for their own racial and ethnic cohorts. Anything less is playing with a hand tied behind your back.
Mexicans over Indians any day, Mexico might be a shithole but India is a LITERAL shit hole
Also Mexicans are (generally) hardworking right wing Christians, pajeets are the opposite
A lot of Latin America's so called Christianity is cultural performance in a cargo-cult sort of way. They go through the motions and say the words because they were brought up to and don't really understand it or believe it on any real personal level. It's why you see so many cartel criminals with Christian tattoos. It's a cultural edifice to them, not an actual faith system, and it's a major reason why so many of them are still so freely able to act like garbage all the time. The real soul-changing faith that is supposed to animate their actions never took root, just the appearance of it because that's what their parents taught them.
Who consistently vote for leftist candidates...
They're only right wing when/if they make something of themselves. They're leftist parasites otherwise. They're still preferable to pajeets because they don't steal tech jobs.
I hate this false dichotomy where we have to choose who replaces us.
White people are never allowed to explicitly choose themselves. When they use proxies, like illegal immigration, there will always be unscrupulous bad actors - like Vivek - there to fleece you in the grey areas. That’s why white peoples need to find their bravery and self-respect and simply advocate openly for their own racial and ethnic cohorts. Anything less is playing with a hand tied behind your back.
I think many people around here confuse Mexican with central Americans, they are not the same. Mexican people tend to assimilate well
They do not. They half-assimilate, then celebrate their newfound “identity” of being non-White.
The average character of Mexico has been significantly improved by the exportation of their murderers and rapists to America.