The NFL’s 48 hour game delay is the most meaningless gesture ever. Ridiculous.
Why did he need one? He has his job. He has more union lawyers than he can count. This is just a gratuity for murder.
What is the race or it didn't happen!
ESG is the ultimate enemy. All the woke shit we hate forced down our throats by a tiny cabal of ultrarich elites.
The thing is, scientific method barely applies to climate science. It is testable. And often the proponents won’t share the data that they base their studies on.
If the RT critic rating is higher than the audience rating it’s usually woke trash.
If a woman was sexually assaulted, then had the opportunity immediately to strangle her rapist, would hold it against her.
Not at all all doctors. Just DC dwelling political hacks.
How about this? All fine dining is privilege. But there is fine dining in every culture. Waste you money on whatever suits you.
I’ve seen this flag in the wild for a while in Portland.
You wouldn’t even have to destroy it. Within a generation it would have gone to seed.
What's up with the prominent typo in the abstract?
Shadow banning should be illegal in all cases. And banning should publicly reference an actual law being violate (not a bullshit Twitter made up rule, but an actual state or federal statute that they believe is being violated).