greenfrogracing 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do the people who write this stuff actually believe it? Could a person not do some digging without the burden of emotion and confirmation bias? If this was not possible how in the actual fuck did America get to the moon? Or make possible the billions of other human achievements throughout history?

Likely purpose of the story is to reinforce the idea that everything in the realm of government and science is well beyond the meager mental capabilities of a lowly peon like you or I. No no, these important decisions should be left to our betters, free of outside influence and emotional reasoning, better people than you or I. I know this because they tell me so every day on the television.

greenfrogracing 30 points ago +30 / -0

Yes, this is the very same faggot who was fired by disney for all his creepy tweets When the dust settled disney re-hired this deucher. Cool company.

greenfrogracing 6 points ago +6 / -0

Russel comes out of the barrel roll so close to the water.

greenfrogracing 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh fuck yea! Read it for the first time in 2018, a big departure from the movie. The accounts of Moral Philosophy class and the concept of Duty were eye opening.
Hot take on women in mil as well. Will be interdasting.

greenfrogracing 15 points ago +15 / -0

Agreed, seemed like theater. Perhaps trying to popularize the notion that iphones are safe from Big Brother?

greenfrogracing 6 points ago +6 / -0

"you need to look in the mirror" 🤣 Yes you do, dude.

greenfrogracing 7 points ago +7 / -0

Climate Barbies husband can't string two paragraphs together without contradicting his own assertion.

Just as we began to think the COVID pandemic was coming to an end, a fourth wave has arrived, due almost entirely to the unvaccinated. As a result, restrictions are coming back, masks are returning, and our short precious summer looks like it may become even shorter yet.

The very next paragraph...

Even those of us who fully vaccinated are being forced to mask back up. This is because we have now learned that the new and deadly Delta variant can still be carried and transmitted by the immunized.

Stoops to name calling any who disagree shortly after. Must say this article doesn't read like it's meant to convince people who had questions about the vax but to polarize people on either side. It's so heavy handed that I can't imagine it's an accident.

greenfrogracing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Came here to up-doot assuming original tweet was satire.... I am disappoint.

precisely why women are needed in every single part of our society .... Like any high risk job that is currently done by 99.9% men? OK.

greenfrogracing 9 points ago +9 / -0

Bartender handballs a vegemite sandwich to a patron, could it get more Australian?

greenfrogracing 16 points ago +17 / -1

Problem with the incident is little lewis chose one of, if not the fastest corner on the calendar to inform Max that he will no longer yield. Max has been consistent in that he is uncompromising. little lewis has so far this season has been the one to yield, lap 1 of Imola, Barcelona, Portimao and in the Sprint Race the day before. Interesting tactics.

greenfrogracing 6 points ago +6 / -0

Uhhh remember when CoD Whorezone had the un-skippable BLM social justice loading screen last year? They seem to have bent the knee. Uninstalled and never looked back.
Good riddance!

greenfrogracing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Surprisingly, yes. There is a match making system with separate scores for speed and safety. You will get placed in races with other drives around your speed and safety level. If you wreck other drivers intentionally you will get banned sooner or later, wreckers don't last. Even if you're an IRL pro like Scott Speed.

Other drivers are pretty darn cool majority of the time.

There are rookie series that are not open to drivers with more exp as well. If you want to learn about real racing and race craft check it out, there are usually promos for new members.

greenfrogracing 3 points ago +3 / -0

iRacing! It's not exactly a game in the traditional sense, there is no "gamification" and no artificial skill ceiling. You get out what you put in. It's like a geometry puzzle, trying to determine the fastest way around a corner/track mixed with the constant risk vs reward calculations during a race. Get careless with an overtake, defense or just too optimistic into a corner and the race can be over. It's this consequence that makes it more exciting, can't rewind or re-set, you've got to decide how much to risk.

Built by actual racing fans like the co-founder John Henry who is also the principal owner of the Boston Red Sox and Liverpool Football club. He built the game out of actual money for him and his friends to play when the last online racing sim got shuttered. Didn't make any money for years, didn't care. Now has far and away the most active online racing sim played by more IRL Formula 1 stars than I can count. Lando Norris, Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz jr, Alex Albon (is he a star?), Rubens Barrichello and a bunch more. Nevermind IRL oval or GT racers. ​

iRacing is expensive, sim racing is expensive, so is PC gaming in general. If you are fortunate enough to be able to give it a go I highly recommend. Got me started in racing IRL, thx iR!

greenfrogracing 30 points ago +30 / -0

As if there could be no other reason to criticize the chosen one of F1 Little lewis hamilton.
Could it be that everyone knew what the announcers could not say, that the driver who was 50+ points behind in championship and had nothing to lose just happened to punt his main rival into a wall at 200 mph. Could it be that anyone who has watched F1 for any period of time in the turbo hybrid era will have seen little lewis put on a pedestal by F1 and all orbiting media, a driver who's had everything his way since Rosberg is finally on the back foot and makes a desperate move that just happens to put all the risk on the other car?
Could it be the display little lewis put on after that race, showing what a petulant child he really is, parading around with the British flag like he didn't just about kill someone on the opening lap.
Little lewis with attention is like Golem when he finds the ring.

The reason there is feedback on social and elsewhere is obvious, anyone who watched the race and is familiar with F1 saw what happened. Now Merc is trying to say no no, don't believe your lying eyes, it's all just racism. Oh ya? Look how far Little lewis is from the apex at time of collision, now compare that to any other lap. Everyone everywhere tells me Little lewis is the GOAT, he knew what he was doing. Can't wait for next race, this will be the high water mark for Little lewis this season I think.

greenfrogracing 4 points ago +4 / -0

hah ya, it's the same strategy as bad news for dems reported as "conservatives pounce" and instead of it being about the dumb thing the dems have enacted, said or done, it is somehow now about the response to said thing and how it's toxic, racist, sexist or just icky!

Really hope Bill Burr has a few thoughts on this race and the pedestal F1 puts little lewis up on.

greenfrogracing 4 points ago +4 / -0

100% agree. little lewis was way off the apex, it looks like he took a rather wide line there. Sky showed the trajectory of LLs car in the post race wrap up on YT. Damage control this AM is in the form of "racist's pounce on little lewis hamilton" as if any criticism of the move, driver or penalty could only be motivated racism. wew vlad!

greenfrogracing 5 points ago +5 / -0

lewis parading around with the British flag like he didn't just about kill someone on lap 1. 🤡🌎

greenfrogracing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice collection. Even with the SJW nonsense aside, F1 2021 has less content than previous year, no historic cars, less tracks. 10$ says EA does their usual sleaze and tries to sell back features and content removed from F1 2021 in F1 2022.

greenfrogracing 7 points ago +7 / -0

The EA EULA is a bunch on nonsense as well, requires tracking cookies, diversity pledge and a DNA sample. Actual F1 fan, have F12016 - 20 but EA is too much homo. Waiting for a refund from steam store now :)

greenfrogracing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heck ya! Noticed little lewis took the bolshevik lives matter logo off his helmet last race in in Monaco. Robo was only merc driver still with crowdstrike and only on his helmut (personal sponsorship?) F juan is epitome of all that is globohomo, nice to see the cracks forming. ?

greenfrogracing 7 points ago +7 / -0

it's very difficult these days to find good media that isn't being used as a vehicle for degenerate messaging and relentless virtue signaling. i've had more luck looking for older movies and shows. netflix is degenerate garbage, you can do better!

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