fvckface 4 points ago +4 / -0

How is any of that supposed to make sense?

It isn't. Just consoom it, bigot!

fvckface 7 points ago +10 / -3

but yeah something went wrong in orbit.

The H-1B's

fvckface 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is very "israeli descended hebrew person" of him.

fvckface 4 points ago +4 / -0

It has significantly less omega-3s than wild-caught. I think it's primarily because of how they're "fed" by the farms, but I honestly don't recall 100% if that was it.

And no I don't worry about mercury, because I don't eat fish every day. Actually sometimes I don't eat seafood for a whole week or two, then maybe just two or three times the next week. Also, seafood is almost always my side item, I rarely eat large portions.

fvckface 12 points ago +12 / -0

Eating almost exclusively animal meat and organs puts you into a state of ketosis, drastically decreasing insulin release, and greatly reducing your risk of dementia and especially Alzheimer's disease (called "Type 3 Diabetes" in many places outside of The United States of Weimerica).

Other benefits: drastically decreases inflammation in the entire body (including the brain), drastically reduces excess body fat, improves sleep, improves sexual performance, improves cognition, improves oral hygiene, improves vascular health, decreases risk of heart attack and stroke, drastically improves digestion for many/most with conditions like IBS and Chron's, decreases inflammation-related pain, etc.

Seed oils cause inflammation in the brain and demonstrably contribute to brain disease. Full stop.

The cure is to eat more wild-caught seafood. Especially salmon, shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, and any other seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

fvckface 10 points ago +10 / -0

They're cutting people open and removing their bits then sewing them back up under the false pretense of "gender-affirming care", backed by Science™, and with most of the cost covered by health insurance or supplemented by tax payers if the victim happens to be in prison.

They're sick. Why wouldn't they remove nipples or mess around with other stuff while they're "playing doctor" during an unnecessary surgery that pays them at least five-figures each time they perform it?

fvckface 6 points ago +6 / -0

Research Weimar Germany

I recently saw a video of a rabbi talking about the Weimar Republic and the motivations behind Germany's pre-war policies.

and for context the Bolshevick/Communist revolutions

And this IHR article about The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime is very interesting. I don't recall any of my history teachers or professors ever talking about the immense role jews had in Bolshevism. Weird, right?

I suppose all of that is somewhat problematic for them when one discusses the Holodomor and the massacres of tens of millions of Christians at the hands of the Soviet Bolsheviks?

fvckface 2 points ago +3 / -1

But who are these powers that push "trans"? How can I nosetice who keeps doing these things across the world, pushing such evil and demonic practices onto us?

fvckface 5 points ago +6 / -1

Have you seen what is in our Book?

A 90-second read will catch you up on what this whole thing is really all about: the keys to the Kingdom. This is what they've been kvetching about for 2,000 years. That and killing Christ. You should see what they wrote in their unholy talmud about Him.

He performed sorcery and caused people to commit idolatry (praying with/to the Cross that they put Him on), so they wrote about Him boiling in a vat of feces and/or semen in hell.

2,000 year-old "Cope".

fvckface 9 points ago +9 / -0

I suspect we'll head back to the 14th century and stay there pretty much forever.

I was quoting John Connor from Terminator 2, but you're right. We're getting there one way or another.

People will spend two hundred years picking over the bones of cities that are too big to live in. Glass bottles, scrap steel and iron and wonders they can't create.

Your comment and description also reminded me of Tyler Durden's "Abandoned Superhighway" speech from Fight Club.

"In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway."

Yours might be better, actually.

fvckface 17 points ago +18 / -1

Yes I agree. I was going to type a whole long comment but this pretty much covered it.

Subversion 101.

Ban the troon.

fvckface 15 points ago +15 / -0


And this wasn't even 20 years ago. $8 x 40 x 52 = $16,640/yr

Has inflation really pushed that same exact shit job to $70,000/yr in less than 2 decades?

If so, we're all fucked regardless of how old we are.


According to this inflation calculator $17,000 in 2005 has only inflated to $28,039 in 2025.

Our entire economy is built on LIES! Bankers, Deep State, Capitalists, Corporations, Israel, Lizard people... whatever you want to call them, it's clear they are riding us to certain economic doom.

The coming crash will be worse than the 1920's. Our currency was at least still backed by gold during the Great Depression, it still had actual value back then.

fvckface 18 points ago +18 / -0

I worked at Wendy's when I was a kid, minimum wage was still $5.15 at the time. So of course I made $5.15/hr. They offered me an assistant manager position right before I graduated high school.

The college girl who already was an assistant manager told me to turn it down. They offered her $8/hr at 40/wk but as salary, not hourly, but they always scheduled her for 50 hours a week, and she had to come in during any lunch or dinner rush when someone quit or no-call/no-showed. She said that was at least once a week, sometimes she'd have to be there for lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday despite already having worked 50 hours between Monday and Friday. Several times she had to work open to close, like 6am to midnight, because someone had quit or been fired and someone else had called in "sick". She told me several times she made less than minimum wage because she worked so many hours in a week.

After I said no thanks, they started fucking up my scheduled hours, some days I'd be on schedule for 10 or more hours, some I'd only be there for 2 hours during lunch. Basically just long enough to waste gas driving there and back and get dirty enough to have to shower twice within 3 hours. I quit.

Also, don't eat Wendy's chili. It's disgusting how it's made/kept.

fvckface 5 points ago +5 / -0

She's technically "of jewish descent", only a jewish mother passes ethnically jewish lineage to her children (their rules, not mine).

Elon's mother was jewish, and sent him to hebrew school as a young boy.

So guess what that makes Elon (a hebrew name meaning "oak tree")...

fvckface 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's only one step away from this telling you to report "people of color."

Funny story. I reported a crime to a black cop once, he had a White partner who was with him. He asked what the person looked like, I asked, "what's the appropriate term was for a very dark person?" He said, "a person of color." I said, "ok so he was a colored person" and he was like "Woah, woaaahhh" and I played dumb like "what?" and he was like "I said a person of color" and I replied, "Yea, that's what I said, a colored person" and the young White cop started laughing all the way back to the patrol car and got in to continue laughing.

We both watched him go back to the car, and finally the black cop turned back around and was like, "so he was black, right?" and I replied, "black as night" and the rest of the report went fine. I guess he was pulling my leg about "person of color" and his white partner couldn't help but laugh after my "colored person" responses.

Another time I saw an arrest of a nigger by a black cop and the nigger called the black cop "brother" several times and the black cop finally said, "I am not your brother, don't say it again!"

"Aiiight cuuuzzz"

I couldn't help it, I laughed out loud.

fvckface 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow, I don't even know where to start. This is... super racist.

I love it.

fvckface 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree. They know exactly what made her popular, and they hate it.

This is how subversion works.

fvckface 4 points ago +4 / -0

The algorithm keeps pushing their shit at me no matter how much I ignore or downvote

I don't login, I clear my YT site cookies every few weeks, sometimes a couple times a week if I had been looking for a specific tutorial (bc then it will just feed me that over and over) and I use Block Tube browser extension.

Not 100% sure how it works honestly, since I'm never logged in, but when the algorithm feeds me shit, I block most/all of it, and then leave the site.

YouTube's algorithm is almost completely designed around keeping you on the site consuming more videos (and ads), so they'll only feed you what keeps you there longest. If feeding you woke shit doesn't keep you there, the cookies know that, and the algorithm will lament that you left and feed you what you actually want next time you're there... at least for a day or two.

After clearing cookies, I immediately search for and watch at least 1 video from my regular dozen or so channels, and then it's feeding me something new. And when it starts feeding me shit, I block and leave.

I started doing this a while ago. After years of not clearing YT site cookies it started feeding me 100% woke shit and MSM news from local news channels (since I had blocked all the others) as far away as New Zealand and UK and Canada. So I logged out, w/o clearing cookies, and it treated me like a bot constantly telling me to login.

Then I started doing this and it's recommending based content 85% of the time. Weird isn't it?

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