el_hoovy 4 points ago +11 / -7

arachnophobic, huh? you must secretly want to fuck spiders

there's two choices regarding this shit: either most of the people here are hedonists just pretending to be counter-culture while also wanting to engage in the great leftist tradition of salivating over children, or the people 24/7 defending child porn (From Japan) are paid to do so.

i see no other explanation to why this forum has a million good ideas and then goes "yeah, we all wanna jack it to kids and also die for other people's rights to jack it to kids."

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

the national socialists and the commies put aside their differences and joined forces just to stick it to america! biden has a direct ancestral line to a german twelve star general named Otto Fahrtmann who was also a member of the WEF and married a female sniper jewess from the KGB, who was a proud feminist who wanted to remove all breasts from everywhere so men would never see a breast again! (it's unknown how they had any kids)

it was so lucky that their differences were just in choice of alcoholic drinks and absolutely nothing else at all too, it was really easy for the germans to try a little vodka and the russians a little pilsner. but it's terrible for us, now we have to fight two shadow tyrants colluding to ruin america and delete freedom!

you can help by buying a mug or a towel or maybe some mediocre coffee and i'll send 0% of the profits to nobody. together we can defeat the commie-nahtzes like klaus schwab, who hasn't spoken one national socialist word in his entire rotten life!

el_hoovy 4 points ago +4 / -0

imagine mistaking the Great Pan-Afrikan Celebration Success Rape Orgy tribal ritual for mere rape... what racists!

el_hoovy 7 points ago +7 / -0

so are you gonna take it and say "i'm not racist" or are you a non-White?

el_hoovy 3 points ago +3 / -0

don't you get it? without my Anal Loli Babes Sex Scene.mov in my Final Fantasy: Sex Edition 69 video game, we're LITERALLY in 1984... 2!!!

el_hoovy 4 points ago +4 / -0

are they trying to use the blowback from Brand to promote lowering the age of consent with reverse psychology?

dead-on, mate. dead-on. so much of what the """right""" (i cannot put enough quotation marks) thinks about sexuality, including age, is pure manufactured and controlled reaction.

just look at lolis, and the "every woman in video games needs to have huge tits" shit. they have right-wingers with supposed cultural standards debating to the death their right to have huge titty 5 year olds in their anime because these satanists send their fattest and ugliest to pretend to be against it.

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

so we've arrived at something akin to "i'll shoot coomers and stoners, but porn has to exist to own the libs!"

yeah. psychotic. good luck, man.

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you would shoot a stoner just for smoking up in his own private time, which is something we agree upon, it makes little to no sense that not only would you not do the same with coomers, but that you will outright defend them, their existence, and their industries, as if they were part of your principles.

if the above argument is a "cheap debate room trick" to you your views are warped to complete untrustworthiness and i can only assume you're in some sort of strange and chronic psychotic state.

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

the lengths you'll go to to avoid saying "i'm only mad at the women because they're trying to take Chun-Li Hyper Breast Nude Mod from me."

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

is this some word trickery bullshit, like "oh they CAN be held accountable, but i don't do so, i love smoking pot and taking it up the ass" or are you just avoiding telling me why you don't like gays and stoners because you know they directly parallel coomers?

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

say, why do you hold stoners accountable?

el_hoovy 0 points ago +1 / -1

ah, i see, you'd also die to the defend the right for a gay man to defend his weed farm with an ar-15, right?

el_hoovy -2 points ago +1 / -3

it seems to me like you refuse to deny that this IS about cooming, but you also refuse to acknowledge that cooming is exactly what the enemies you claim want you to do in the first place. rotting your brain with pornography, especially hours and hours a day by playing videogames with pornographic elements, is a complete win for them.

through words on the internet i can do little in the face of denial, unfortunately.

el_hoovy -3 points ago +3 / -6

the precedent was already set when every single one of our governments was replaced with pedophiles who think foreskin cream keeps them young. this phenomenon is nothing but fat ugly footsoldiers getting uppity because they're mere useful idiots and not in on the actual plan - in what world, tell me, in what world is it a reasonable possibility that the powers that shouldn't be are trying to stop you from cooming to video games when they already push pornography on the exact same monitor to infinity?

el_hoovy -12 points ago +1 / -13

maybe we shouldn't defend any of this and stop pretending we're going to win this by outcooming Satan. there will be plenty time to consooom your pretty pixel broads after they stop trying to murder us in real life.

el_hoovy 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is why I welcome our future PornHub overlords, they still know what I like and give me it compared to the current videogames that TELL me what I should like.

el_hoovy 7 points ago +8 / -1

like hell we are, jagoff. we're as "proud" of it as americans are "proud" of their drag queen story hour.

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

by "typical" i'd assume they mean "median" which in somalia would stay the exact same even if bill gates tripled the gdp.

el_hoovy 14 points ago +14 / -0

hehe that's right filthy man-pi-i mean, uhh, internet denizen, having kids to carry on your legacy is evil and bigoted and would make all the women angry!!

even i can't decipher how many layers of retard you're on

by Lethn
el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

this pedophillia apple really spoils the bunch

hopefully you will eventually learn that wanting to look at drawn little kids is a leftist thing and stop

el_hoovy 4 points ago +8 / -4

you haven't pointed out jack shit, lol. the line "we are the champions" being equal to a song titled "fat bottomed girls"?

wake up, bro. prioritize. we have better hills to die on than acting retarded to attempt to prove that 3 year olds need to hear "fat bottomed girls".

el_hoovy 10 points ago +11 / -1

you don't get it, to achieve true free speech we MUST give 3 year olds music about fat asses!

by Lethn
el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

when you need a composer/audio guy, call me

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