At no point ... were we ever taught that any of our problems were caused by other groups.
this is because when a White ethnicity did this back in the 30s it caused a minor stir. groups do cause problems sometimes. the push-back to the false premise of "Whites are causing all the problems" isn't "actually nobody is causing any problems", it's "wait, if it's not Whites, who is actually causing all the problems?"
fuck man, the other day i checked the flux capacitor in my car and found programmed quantum fluctuations in the one corner that were clearly there as a result of targeted tachyon bombardments. i measured some and they were coming straight from the Large Hadron Collider. i can only imagine they were there so they could make my car blow up if ever i drove to Detroit and started yelling NIGGERRR out the window at people.
the only way to reconcile support for today's "israel", which is a highly debatable label to begin with as most of today's jews have no ties to the israel of old and are just a genetic mish-mash following the satanic religion of talmudism, is to claim that God's favor lies with a people that say the Lord is boiling in excrement in hell, that say it's OK to rape and sacrifice children, that say it's OK to do black magic, to swindle goys like you and me, to have sex with animals...
how? in what world does this make sense? Jesus Christ not only overtly stated to the modern jews (then-pharisees) that they are not of God:
Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him."
(John 8:42)
but they themselves explicitly continue to prove this today in their acts and in their words.
you are not a Christian if you do not follow Christ's words, you are some sort of strange apocalyptic death cultist who believes we should enact evil suffering for an indeterminate amount of time because some people call themselves who call themselves israelites command it.
you like the Book of Revelation?
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
(Revelation 3:9)
what is this if not a warning against current-day jews?
you like Paul?
For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain ... They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
(Titus 1)
Christianity is not a death cult. you are not called upon to support these insane satanists because they use the name "israel". you have been deceived. the only reason you say that all the heinous things they say and do are Godly is because Satan has made you say so.
Yes Trump supports Israel, as do I as a Christian.
places where the Bible explains jews wanted to, and did kill Christ
larger image explaining how Jesus was not "a jew", among other things that are more speculative
i can also point you to a few talmudic passages where the jews explain their satanic rituals, concepts, and other rules. you can find them by googling, first result on sefaria:
indirect killing is OK: Sanhedrin 77b
the one who has active homosexual intercourse with a boy under 9 years is "not liable": Sanhedrin 54b
giving a child to satanic priests or burning him is OK, as long as it's not both at the same time: Sanhedrin 64a
cursing your parents is OK, even using God's name: Sanhedrin 66a (also, hermaphrodites can curse them too!)
black magic incantations are OK: Sanhedrin 101a
"High Priests" can still marry women who had "atypical penetration" including with animals: Yevamot 59b
it's OK to hire prostitutes as long as there is some time between payment and intercourse: Avodah Zarah 62b
you can break promises if you say "any vow that i take in the future is void" before: Nedarim 23a
group murder is OK because it's unclear who actually did the killing: Sanhedrin 78a
you can see demons by doing black magic: Berakhot 6a
if you are a Christian you are one that is heading for the wide gate.
i'll like him when he cuts funding to these bot posts too, lmao.
i fear for any real people in this comment section who have been fooled by zion don.
... and america's media isn't? really?
Whites from both america and europe are lucky to escape. you guys should really stop pretending trump is so heckin based when he agrees with elon ben-muskstein that america needs more h1b indians and that he needs to help israel move all the palestinians into White countries, and stop pretending any of that is better than the atrocities committed in europe...
pride cometh before the fall. if you let this shit trick you and boast online about how you're better than the "eurocucks" (who you were not 400 years ago) you're gonna find yourself neck deep in some war again and you won't have half a clue why.
puritans who have taken over the industry
it is here i realize you're speaking from a place of total delusion. just like leftists, you're fighting imaginary ghosts of purity while in truth swimming in the filth you wish to have.
well, may your fears soon come true so that we can actually be rid of all degeneracy, both the overtly satanic kind from the current elite and your more subversive "i just want to jack off to hot chicks" kind.
No. I come across as a realist who recognizes that chemotherapy is going to cause a bit of pain before things get better.
i do not understand what this is supposed to mean. isn't the purpose of you consuming pornography for you to feel (fake) pleasure?
Good games with good characters will just immediately be subverted
i do not plan to be subverted. do you?
So either start punching back
i believe you have missed my point - you are not punching back, you are doing exactly what leftists want you to do and cheering on the bread and circuses.
and a good one at that
i beg to differ. it gatekeeps more than you bargain for - many competent men in our circles recognize that pornography and overt sex appeal in media is just a modern method of control that today's less obvious communists use, and hate it for how it corrupts true beauty and for what it does to the minds of our youth and people in general.
by supporting it in this fashion, you come across not as any counterculturalist but just as the pixel-titty equivalent of a libertarian claiming his right to be gay and smoke weed is actually against communism, because it theoretically represents freedom. in truth, being gay, smoking weed, and consuming pornography - these are all equally part of what we know as "cultural marxism".
So I say put DD titties in a string bikini for every single female character until every leftist waste of oxygen is run out of the industry
i would sooner say we simply make good games with good characters in them, and them being easy on the eyes ought be a side-product rather than a goal. what you suggest would simply flip the coin on the other side, and as the ugly-tranny leftists kvetch into obscurity, you will see the likes of Al Goldstein and hordes of OnlyFans prostitutes lining up to create a million titty games, and wonder where you went wrong.
to paraphrase what Rockwell said, if our enemy is in the movies, we must be in the movies, if our enemy is in the comic books, we must be in the comic books...
i'm doing what i can, but we need real countercultural game studios popping up left and right, and they have to really compete with these monsters, not just make Kyle Rittenhouse and Jesus Kill The SJWs 2.
"The UK now gets to act like the world police"
proposes world policing
also fails to realize he's not part of the cool kids (pedophile) club that decides who puts what tariffs on what
come on, man. you gotta do better than your leftie counterparts.
clearly we have to produce more hardcore pornography to prove these feminists wrong!