dotheneedful 2 points ago +2 / -0

They essentially did that with Dragon Ball Z Kai.

dotheneedful 1 point ago +1 / -0

About goddamn time you came back with these lists.

dotheneedful 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think this is why I dislike vtubers so much.

FalseEyeD video starts off with a bunch of people playing oppression olympics because of a poorly implemented Twitch feature. "We're way more oppressed than anybody else!" Fuck off with the manipulation bullshit. Just say that the feature should changed, don't act like you're personally targeted when it's not happening.

And then the fucking weekly twit-longer whining about somebody. It whines that he "psychoanalyzed somebody without consent." stfu. He didn't rape anybody. Shut up with the emotional manipulation. Then the proof is a Discord screenshot of him asking if somebody has ADHD. They both probably do. Don't try to destroy somebody's life over it, just move on.

Who has the mental energy to be around people who can summon an online outrage mob on a whim and are less mature than high schoolers?

dotheneedful 15 points ago +15 / -0

We don't have much information. The Olympics and NPCs are just trying to obfuscate everything and dehumanize anybody who disagrees with whatever they decide is the Truth.

It's possible it's a woman with hyperandrogenism and just has a shit tone of testosterone. It's possible it's intersex. Neither of those things require ever having a penis.

I wish there would be a way to have a legitimate discussion about all this.

dotheneedful 3 points ago +3 / -0

I checked out what reddit had to say, and they said that this person had a vagina and could bear children.

The boxing organization that said she couldn't compete has been vague of their protocols saying its confidential. The president of that organization said she had xy chromosomes. So she could be intersex or have hyperandrogynism.

So maybe she's a chick who outputs a ton of extra testosterone.

dotheneedful 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q reference? So you're saying Q Anon has been around for thousands of years?

dotheneedful 1 point ago +2 / -1

I looked up his camera and it can go faster with an electronic shutter. So it wasn't even at max. I would phrase it as, "dude had a camera setting on a perfectly expected number."

Getting your panties in a bunch over retarded conspiracy theories is such a fucking waste of time. The Secret Service failed at some pretty basic tasks why are you focusing on retarded shit?

dotheneedful 6 points ago +6 / -0

It didn't require a "highly specific setting to be enabled."

There's literally a knob on the camera specifically for changing that setting. It's one of the basic bitch settings you learn in photography 101 on the first day.

dotheneedful -13 points ago +2 / -15

BlackSTONE is different from BlackROCK