Hehe. "Short" memory.
Yes. That's the other thing liberal Westerners refuse to understand about Russia. The Western media loves to style pro-Western guys like Garry Kasparov and Alexei Navalny as "Russian Opposition Leader" but those guys never got more than a few percent of the vote in any Russian election. Not even in Russia can you rig a vote that extravagantly, so the lack of support is genuine.
The second biggest political party in Russia is the Communist party, and it has been since the fall of communism. Their perennial candidate is Gennady Zyuganov, who gets between 10-15% of the vote in every presidential election (except the one he didn't run in). If there is a leader of Russia's opposition, it's that guy. There are communist mayors of some major Russian cities, and they have the second biggest number of seats in almost every legislature, national and regional.
The other big opposition party is the Liberal Democracts, who are neither liberal nor democratic. They're the ultranationalist hard-liners you mentioned who are advocating scorched-Earth in Ukraine.
Putin is a strongman, but he's not an autocrat. He has a political class that he answers to, and their interests inform his policy decisions. That's not to say he's not in charge: he certainly is. But the Russian oligarchy is much bigger than just him.
What makes this even funnier is that he could keel over dead tomorrow and it would change nothing. The West seems to be laboring under a collective delusion that all you have to do is get rid of Putin and suddenly Russia will become a pro-globalist neoliberal fagtopia like the rest of Europe.
It won't.
In China, prison wardens have the right to arbitrarily increase your sentence, up to and including death, based on your behavior. Every inmate goes through blood and DNA testung during prison intake, and if you're a match for some local Party official who needs a new liver, your behavior suddenly gets a whole lot worse.
I'm just wondering how bad it has to get before some authority somewhere actually holds Facebook accountable for it, but I suppose it's too much to ask that even a single law enforcement agency in the 21st century actually bother to do its job properly.
And yet FB can't vet its own ads well enough to even slow down the endless slew of completely illegal crypto scams and fake investment schemes being advertised on their site.
On a related note, less than 4 months after winning one of the biggest majorities in UK history, Labour is now behind Farage's Reform party in several polls.
The people who are coming to stump for Kamala are so toxic and repulsive that even their own citizens couldn't even pretend to like them.
Also, isn't this election interference? How is Trump going to react to this when Starmer's government has to deal with him?
I'm surprised Kirk's response wasn't something like "But if the states had autonomy, how would we enforce a federal abortion ban and force young men to be cannon fodder for Raytheon's next proxy war?"
Again, I think the main reason is that it works as a marketing strategy, even within brands.
It may have had a cultural impact, but I doubt it was deliberate. Brand rivalry as a marketing tactic goes much further back than the 2000s. Pepsi vs Coke, the sneaker wars in the 90s with Nike vs Reebok vs Adidas. Ferrari vs Lamborgini. You can go back further. They do it because it sells.
Can I sleep over at your secret moon base?
And you're a single-minded fanatic with no personality other than your Jew fetish. You don't even actually care about your own people: you'll side with a bunch of pedo-worshipping death cultists who openly advocate for the destruction of your religion and civilization because your resentment of da joooooz matters more to you than those things.
You are in no position to accuse anyone else of hypocrisy.
I honestly don't care. I'm just sick of so-called "white nationalists" openly sympathizing with the cousin-fucking, child-marrying desert throwback murder-hobos because their Jew obsession is so all-consuming that it comprises their entire identity.
With every sentence you only further reveal yourself as the leftist you've always been. Firstly, the Muslims started this particular stage of this conflict. Secondly, regardless of whether you believe all the historical details about the Holocaust or not, there is a difference between collateral civilian casualties in a war zone and organized death camps whose sole purpose is the mass murder of noncombatants.
I'm utterly sick of this hand-wringing, soy-filled, pearl-clutching, positively Marxist narrative that in any conflict where both sides have their hands equally bloody, the losing side somehow has the moral high ground simply because they're losing. Israel is not doing anything that the Muslims wouldn't be doing if they had the upper hand, and in fact has probably been more restrained than Hamas or Hezbollah would be. This is what war looks like.
Yukio Mishima is spinning in his grave. But then he's been doing that for the past 50 years anyway.
What'd you expect? Someone heard Quantrell was going to be there.
That's not equitable treatment. We need to be inclusive of our slow-moving zombies.
As our resident CURE representative, I am outraged and offended that you would so brazenly advocate discriminating against one type of undead in favor of another. Just because one zombie is slower than another doesn't mean it shouldn't have an equal opportunity to consume your brain. If you see a slow zombie, just stop and don't run. It's the least we can do in the name of equity.
My dog definitely knows. I've researched this in controlled conditions. I ask him what noise a ghost makes and he replies "Woooooo." This is entirely spontaneous and in no way involved a shit ton of treats and a wasted afternoon.
Just as Trump himself said: "I'm just in their way."
No there's a line of dialogue where it says its goblin friend was the only one who understood "when I realized I was a witch instead of a wizard." It's fully explicit.
They put a Tranny in the Hogwarts Legacy game and she didn't stop them.
If they manage to win next month, I hope the cunt goes all-in on Ukraine and tries to implement a draft. I really want to see what happens if they try that shit.