dagthegnome 39 points ago +39 / -0

r/detrans, so not many.

Yes, the regretrannies have their own subreddit now, because their numbers are exploding

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Technically yes, but the reality is that it works more like a Presidential system. The Liberals were a dead party before Trudeau took over. He made it a cult of personality around himself, and people voted Liberal because of him, not their constituency MPs. None of whom, by the way, made any effort to curb their government's excesses until it started to threaten their chances of reelection.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yep. But the more US debt any one country holds, the more their own economy is threatened by a possible US default.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, but that's not how debt works. You can't just trade yours for someone else's.

Besides. Just say they decide to call in everything the US owes them on paper. How are they going to collect?

dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

It always has been. Their economy has been a shambles since the 80s and the cheap yen helps their export market compensate for reduced demand of all their manufactured products, as well as attracting investors. The downside is that it will eventually make it impossible to keep servicing their debt, which is among the highest in the world compare to GDP.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

I really would like to see every white woman who's voted Trudeau three times "because he's so handsome" have the vote taken from her by the Sikhs and Muslims she was so glad to welcome into the country and have to spend the rest of her life wearing a niqab. It would almost make it worth living in this shithole.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes but gen z guys are much more based by contrast than Millennial men are. The gender divide in gen z is pretty extreme, especially in cities.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Accuses me of lying.

Lies about having read the entire Talmud while purporting not to be Jewish, while also claiming not to be completely obsessed.

Lies about having read the Quran. You're too lazy for that.

Lies about having been on the board longer than a guy who's been here since it started.

Then accuses me of lying.

Also, who's the sperg here when you're still spitting hysterically at me two days later? Which one of us is triggered?


dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus Christ it's been more than 24 hours now and I'm still getting replies.

You are the problem. My issue is entirely with this specific behavior that you're exhibiting right now. You're the one who's sperging.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

The shorter the odds, the lower the return on your investment, so if one person is investing millions in order to narrow the odds, he's also diminishing his own potential profit margin. Unless he's collaborating with others who've bet on very long odds the other way, which is illegal, but that wouldn't stop them.

The effect seems to be to make Trump supporters and Republicans in general so overconfident that turnout might be suppressed if enough people feel they don't have to vote. That's the real danger, because it would make it easier to rig the election.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

First of all, I have seen people on here unironically argue that the 2000-year conspiracy theory is a real thing. Anyone who unironically believes that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a genuine document is effectively alleging exactly that. Although it's true that the user I was responding to in this thread hasn't said that.

But either way, the hysterical obsession with the Jews to the exclusion of all other anti-Western identity groups from certain quarters on here is a real thing. Unironically hoping for Hamas and Hezbollah to win because you just hate Israel that much more is not rational, and trying to paint it as such is pure lunacy. Yes, I'm going to keep calling that out, and I genuinely don't care how much I get dogpiled for doing so.

dagthegnome -4 points ago +2 / -6

I suppose this is fundamentally where you and I differ. As much as I am occasionally envious of people who have religious faith, I don't. I don't believe in God, and I don't believe in the devil, either. I don't see nefarious, shadowy figures collaborating across generations to bring down society. I just see people. People are often weak, shortsighted and self-defeating. They are often their own worst enemies, and the more successful and prosperous they get, the more that becomes true.

And as I said in my initial comment, our elites and other vested interests have certainly made an effort to take advantage of that, and to encourage and exacerbate the frustration, the ennui, the confusion, the misplaced guilt and the self-loathing that has resulted, but it wouldn't have been so easy for them if there hadn't already been something there to work with. We lost our way first.

As for the jew thing, I'm sorry if I mischaracterized your argument. I've had that debate with you before, and the overt accusation in your reply made me think you were baiting me. I will usually take that bait when I have time, because it's fun, but if I was wrong this time, mea culpa.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

Her term is up in a few months. One of Trudeau's last acts as PM will be to put the final nail in the CBC's coffin by appointing someone even more corrupt and incompetent to be this woman's successor.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

How many times are Tory voters going to fall for this?

Even if you get him into Downing St, he's not going to fucking do anything.

dagthegnome -11 points ago +4 / -15

I'm not interested in pretending I didn't know what he was talking about, and I'm not interested in pretending that I'm the one who initiated the argument.

dagthegnome -1 points ago +8 / -9

The thing is: I don't entirely disagree. But there is a difference between recognizing the disproportionate number of Jews in influential positions advancing political interests they believe to be favorable to their community, and alleging a two-thousand-year long conspiracy involving every last Jewish person who ever lived, and that's solely behind literally everything that has gone wrong in our societies.

Even then, what annoys me is not the overblown rhetoric in and of itself, but that some users feel the need to derail every single thread on here with it. That is a fed tactic: it's usually done in bad faith and its goal is to undermine the quality of discourse in right wing forums and drive away interest from people who might otherwise be amenable to some of what we have to say, but who are immediately put off by the wall-to-wall Stormposting. And I know not all of you are that extreme or stupid, but it is annoying. It's disruptive, it's counterproductive and it's totally ineffectual.

dagthegnome -17 points ago +7 / -24

I'm just tired of not being able to have even a single conversation on this forum without somebody telling me that I'm wrong if I don't make it about the Jews.

dagthegnome -35 points ago +5 / -40

I'm sorry you feel that way. Just continue to sit around in dark corners of the internet blaming the Jews for all of your problems. I'm sure it will make you feel better.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +22 / -4

What Douglas Murray calls the "existential tiredness" is a real phenomenon amongst Europeans and their descendents. We've had it too good for too long, and that prosperity creates indolence on the one hand and on the other a sort of all-encompassing guilt, a feeling like we don't really deserve all of this prosperity. And that has been capitalized on and amplified by the globalists and by all the rest who've been so envious of our success, so the guilt trip comes from the outside as well as the inside. Never mind that the rest of the world wouldn't have it as good as they do if it were not for European ingenuity and European ideas. When life gets easy enough, you're able to spend less and less time subsisting and innovating and more time navel gazing, and the result is always impotent resentment and self-hatred.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

The esgablishment and the left have been pretty downcast lately actually. The only cockiness I'm seeing is coming from the right. On the one hand you have all the slop accounts on X and everywhere else spinning a triumphant narrative and making their audience feel so complacent that it might depress the vote, and on the other you've got the black-pillers saying "fuck it" and telling everyone not to bother because they're going to rig it.

I think he can overcome the rigging, but only if turnout is high enough.

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