Not really. Finland's population centers are further north than Sweden's. The days are a lot shorter that far north for half the year, and it's colder.
Most of the immigrants who actually stay there are still white, though. Finland has actually become a thorn in the side of the White Genociders because it's so cold and dark the browns can't stand it and they leave as fast as they can be imported.
I'm so over the "The Left Are The Real Racists" trope. They don't care, so it's completely impossible to shame them with that.
The fact that this time it was an actual doctor is just the darkest irony.
The demarcation point isn't in action or drama films. You can really tell when the woke mind virus completely infected Hollywood because it was that which made them terrified to produce any actually funny comedies. After Get Him To The Greek and Horroble Bosses, which weren't hysterical but at least had their actually funny points, not a single real, funny comedy has been released by a single Hollywood studio. Not one. They're terrified of it.
It is. Overruling this might be one of the only things this SCOTUS is unanimous about (except maybe Kagan).
Matthew: 5: 15-16
15: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16: Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
These are the favorite Bible verses of Gary Gygax, who remained a Christian until he died.
Don't hate the game. Hate the players.
As I have often said, I am a biological determinist, and there is no question that male and female brains are different. It is apparent to me that by and large females do not derive the same inner satisfaction from playing games as a hobby that males do. It isn't that females can't play games well, it is just that it isn't a compelling activity to them as is the case for males.
-Gary Gygax
It's pretty clear what the creator of DnD would have thought of trannies.
Why didn't that ever occur to Mulder?
Get this through your Latvian head! He was Black! BLACK. Do you know what a black person is? And the guy who stopped him was white!
I would rather have a competent population that is able to function and innovate without the help of AI
That we know of
Orcposting alive and well, I see
She's been on FNT, Daily Wire and a whole bunch of other right-leaning political and pop culture shows. Her own channel has amassed a huge simping following on X and on YouTube, mainly boomercons and other so-called conservatives who are so desperate for women's approval that they need to hide behind this tattooed bulimic whenever feminists so much as glare in their direction and cry out in pathetic, whinging tones, "Look, see? We have women too!"
Maybe he thinks there's a broader point to be made here about the eternal tradcuck's unending desire to sacrifice his every principle to the nearest hot chick who looks his way?
Maybe if conservative "men" would stop putting tradthots like Melanie Mac up on a pedestal just because they're hot and they say they agree with you, it wouldn't be necessary to put so much effort into exposing what these women really are.
Melanie Mac, Brittany Venti, Sydney Watson . . . .
Every tradthot is a honey trap whose job is to convince you to sacrifice your independence, your hobbies, your money, your free time and control of your life on the altar of women's demands and women's feelings.
Every minute you spend gaming is a minute spent not giving women what they want.
It's about control.
You've proven nothing other than that you're so obsessed with him that you stalk him across platforms.
You can keep calling him "my hero" all you want in spite of everything I just said about him. The idea that you can accuse him of calling for censorship, whether true or not, at the same time that you defend the endless stormfag efforts to get him censored and removed from this board only further proves that you have absolutely no principles, and that you subscribe to the thoroughly leftist paradigm that there are no bad tactics, only bad targets.
No, no women are safe for men to cooperate with. Once again, I've never seen Imp say otherwise.
Also, since you're going to insist on making this about me, just because I defend him against your bullshit accusations, given that he is unable to do so himself on this board because you faggots keep reporting him to Daddy DoM like the playground snitch, doesn't mean I "support" him. I disagree with Imp about quite a lot. But at least he is more honest than you.
Wherein he literally says he only supports Israel as opposed to "terrorists."
Wherein he just points out that your endless bullshit line about the Jews having all the institutional power doesn't apply to the UN. Or for that matter to most other international organizations that have come out to condemn the Israeli invasion and express sympathy and support for the cousin-fucking jihadi towel-heads.
Neither of these amounts to "anti-white" positions.
I've never seen Imp say any of the things you just accused him of believing. It seems like you're more interested in debating the straw-man of Imp who lives rent-free in your head.
It certainly wasn't the worst thing ever made, although I never though it lived up to the hype.
You mean the faggots who hate Imp and report everything he says (and as this story demonstrates, he has a point) until he gets banned, even though they say similar shit about different groups all the time and get away with it?
TLJ did still turn a profit, but the audience numbers were way down from TFA.
TFA turned a lot of actual Star Wars fans off: the ones who knew the story well enough to recognize it as just a shitty do-over with no fresh ideas. TLJ was the beginning of the real slide because it turned everyone off: even the normies were able to see at the time that it was shit. I'm not sure TLOU is a good video game allegory for that: even now most gamers will insist the first one was good.
It's not about protecting children. They don't give a shit about that.