dagthegnome 6 points ago +9 / -3

Nope, it's so obvious it's not even 1d chess. It's tic tac toe.

Only if your hat is made of tinfoil and your glasses are wraparound.

Ron DeSantis Significantly Outpolling Donald Trump

This is objectively false.

They would not have waited for 7 years if they really wanted political persecution.

They waited until it became incontrovertibly clear that he plans to run again. Because they're afraid of him.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +17 / -1

I see, so now it's Trump's opponents playing super-duper 25d Chess.

Nah. First of all, nobody needed to be tricked into supporting Trump: the grassroots are still behind him. Second, sometimes the simplest explanation really is the most likely: in this case, that this is just a political prosecution against a man they perceive as a threat to their power.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure Razor will quickly release a rant correctly lambasting those people for the cucks they are

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's about what it looks like they spent on this game.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

Are we sure that isn't yen?

dagthegnome 9 points ago +10 / -1

He's better than nothing. The elite theorists are right about one thing: without maverick elites like Trump on our side, we have no chance at all. There has never been a successful grassroots revolution with no elite support: not once in all of recorded history.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +16 / -1

I think what sets billionaire "good guys" like Trump and Elon apart is that they understand the importance of aspiration and freedom of innovation to continued prosperity.

The rest of the elite, even the first-generation, self-made ones like Bill Gates seem obsessed with the idea of consolidating their position by eradicating the middle class. If they destroy people's freedom to innovate, and their ability to be self-sufficient without depending on the elite, they believe they can ensure there will never again be anyone who can dislodge them or compete with them. Only a very few, Trump included, understand that everyone's continued prosperity, including that of the super rich, depends on the freedom to innovate, and that can't exist without a free market of ideas. Not to mention that the elite will never be safe from the underclass without the promise of aspiration: if people don't feel they have any avenue to improve their circumstances and ensure a better future for their children, they will rapidly come to the conclusion that they have nothing to lose.

Trump has some pretty silly ideas, and he wasn't as effective in office as he could have been, but what draws people to him that he clearly and obviously values the same things about American and Western society that ordinary, non-elite people value, and that sets him apart from almost every other billionaire and politician.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +25 / -1

I disagree that Trump is no threat to them: I think there's a bit of a defeatist fallacy in dissident right communities like this where we tend to think the regime is much more stable than it is. In reality, it's a house of cards, and their increasing willingness to resort to transparent authoritarianism demonstrates just how fragile their hold on power really is. Trump represents the one thing they are most afraid of: a member of the elite, too rich to be bought or bullied, who doesn't subscribe to their worldview. He terrifies them.

dagthegnome 31 points ago +33 / -2

And how many people on the so-called right are going to be dancing around or even outright celebrating this obvious political prosecution?

The mere fact that they feel the need to do this is a the proof I need that Trump is still a threat to the regime

dagthegnome 10 points ago +13 / -3

oMg yAll r sO pOZzed iMMa mAKe a dRAMA tHReaD aBoUt iT

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

Hey why you so upset about this eh? That was like, last year, eh? It's all maple syrup under the bridge, eh?

-Canadian Courts

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

Dude bro I woulda totally loved to bang my hot teacher when I was that age bro!

NFL! Chicken Wings! Coors Light!

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

The ICC can only unilaterally enforce its statutes against citizens of countries which are signatories to the Rome treaty (which does not include the US, Russia, or China). Otherwise, it can only begin criminal proceedings against individuals in non-member countries if they are referred to the court by the governments of those countries, but it has no way to enforce its judgements or rulings on them.

This is the reason the only people who have been tried or convicted before the ICC are African warlords or former dictators, or occasionally former Serbian generals: this is just a means for the current governments to get rid of political enemies.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +14 / -1

ICC acting as an agent of US foreign policy even though the US is still not a signatory of the ICC treaty.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

They are not narcissists: they are solipsists. They genuinely believe the entire world is a reflection of their own beliefs and desires, and so a lack of affirmation is perceived as a threat not just to their identity, but to their existence.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

What makes meme magic work is not having to read a novel in order to get the message.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +2 / -1

If I were Trump I would absolutely want DeSantis to run.

Trump's superpower has always been his performances in debates. Even in his 70s, he has more charisma in his little finger than DeSantis has in his whole body. Trouncing DeSantis in debate before moving on to hammer Joe Biden in the general with "This guy has spent the past 4 years proving everything I said about him last time" is the best chance anybody has of getting Biden out of office.

dagthegnome 47 points ago +47 / -0

And then he killed a pedophile who tried to assault him.

I am okay with this.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +6 / -2

You would have me believe that the former isn't a threat, but the latter is.

Yep. You are not a threat to their power.

Right now, simply for the purposes of this conversation, I am paying you the courtesy of assuming that you actually believe what you say you believe, although I genuinely believe most of you are feds. Even those of you who aren't, and who are actually stupid enough to unironically believe the modern world would benefit from repeating all of the ideological failures of the 20th century, contribute nothing of value to this or any other discussion that is actually worth having. Your entire purpose, whether you're aware of it or not, is to discredit forums like this one and generally undermine the quality of ideological discourse in dissident right spaces. Even those of you who are not regime agents are still regime agents. You are pathetic.

As is the case with all of the hyper-rich, most of Kanye West's money didn't actually exist in the form of material wealth, and so he lost nothing of actual value by speaking out the way he did. He's fine. All he achieved was to further prove how useless you all are.

Again, assuming you are sincere in your beliefs, what you refuse to accept is that people like me, who actually participate in spaces like this, are your next logical allies in ideological terms, but even we aren't okay with your bullshit. You are a form of discursive Kryptonite, so radioactive that you are incapable of convincing anybody who doesn't already agree with you. You can whine and bitch all you want: you will never achieve anything.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't make sense to say they want young men to be kicked down by the system because they won't resist it.

First of all, yes it does. Secondly, I never said I believe it will actually work. Men have proven to be more resilient, and more willing to fight for their freedom, than I think the social engineering aficionados were prepared for.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +10 / -2

Peterson and Tate both became mainstream in spite of regime efforts to censor and suppress them, because their message resonated with too many people to keep it quiet.

You seem to be laboring under the misconception that the regime's control of mainstream discourse is so absolute that anybody who overcomes it must be a regime agent. The reason you believe this is because no voice which expresses your ideas about Jews has been able to enjoy that level of mainstream success, and you believe that you are so obviously correct that this can only be the result of a censorship campaign so efficient that it amounts to the internet equivalent of damnatio memoriae. You are incapable of considering the possibility that almost everyone outside of your stormfag echo chamber finds both you and your beliefs so repugnant that they simply refuse to engage with you.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

I actually don't agree with you that there is a secret cabal of feminists coordinating a global conspiracy. I think much of our society's prioritization of women's wants and needs over men is an emergent phenomenon that can be explained largely by biology.

To the extent that there is a global conspiracy, the people behind it, who are mostly men, are absolutely happy to let feminism run rampant: partly because of its effects on reproduction, and partly because nothing scares those people more than the prospect of a generation of young men with skill, confidence and nothing to lose. They would rather have young men be emasculated, demoralized and consumed by self-loathing, too weak to mount any effective resistance.

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