dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

No that one's safe because it's a non-denominational, nonbinary holiday vegetation of color.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

KYM was good for a while, but even they're going woke now.

Still, do we really need a right-wing meme repository for our enemies to use against us, or should we just use our own frame of reference, and if newcomers want to know what something means, we'll troll them as we explain it?

dagthegnome 35 points ago +35 / -0

Thousands of people suddenly keeling over dead in the prime of life due to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

Thousands of people unable to enter restaurants or attend sporting events due to Sudden Social Anxiety Disorder (SSAD)

Thousands of people unable to visit relatives for Christmas due to Grandparent Aversion Disorder Syndrome (GADS)

Thousands of people recently unemployed due to Post-Income Lethargy Syndrome (PILS)

Thousands of new COVID cases emerging due to Suddenly Have Oxygen Trouble Syndrom (SHOTS)

Thousands of people suddenly skeptical of novel medical diagnoses due to Quietly Unfolding Avaricious Covid Conspiracy Syndrome (QUACCS)

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

We have it all archived you absolute cuntbrain.

Also the irony of Baldwin saying that someone else's comments didn't help the situation when his own comments collectively amount to a signed confession.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ethan Van Sciver once said of Joss Whedon that all of his characters talk like an ugly redhead who had to be funny in high school in order to be likeable.

I enjoyed Buffy when it first came out because I was young enough then to be easily swayed by emotional manipulation. If you watch it for the first time as an adult, especially without that nostalgia to fall back on, I really don't know what there is to enjoy about it. It's a teen soap opera and nothing more. Once you get past the clever dialogue, which can be genuinely funny in some places, it's not much more than a precursor to the CW, maybe with a bit more character consistency, but with the same constant refocusing away from the action and onto emotional and relationship drama. If you're not a teenager, it's really hard to relate to any of it.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

The main theme that permeates all of Frank Herbert's work is that power corrupts and that governments and power structures are untrustworthy and faithless. The whole Dune novel series reinforces that messaging over and over again. The Fremen are portrayed as incredibly tough and independent because of the harsh environment they inhabit, and they gradually become less so as life gets easier for them.

The film largely held true to those themes and stayed true to Herbert's characters. Not so much with Liet Kynes, and that was a clear pander. Zendaya is not a good actor at all, and Chani is a redhead in the books, so that casting was also pandering, but casting Javier Bardem as Stilgar was actually a good choice, I think, and most of the rest of the casting was pretty good. The Atreides family was supposed to be of Mediterranean descent, so casting Oscar Isaac was not necessarily a "race-swap" as it's traditionally understood. The Harkonnens are supposed to be Nordic in origin, so Stellan Skarsgard was a good choice, and Dave Bautista's portrayal of Rabban is pretty true to the books, even though he's not Nordic.

My real concern is that they're never going to be able to maintain the faithfulness of those portrayals. A faithful portrayal of Vladimir Harkonnen would earn the film an R rating, for one thing, because in the books he is absolutely, disgustingly depraved. And as for what ends up happening to Paul Atreides' son, I don't think that will translate very well onto film, so if they end up making a film out of Children of Dune, they'll have to deviate from Herbert's vision while still trying to stay true to his message, and I doubt they will.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you might be reading a bit too much into the movie's message: the script for this film was written long before COVID and most of it was shot in 2019. I get that it suddenly seems much more relevant now, but I don't know that that was intentional: the whole film really seemed to me to be just another exercise in Millennial nihilism.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bro, you're not a kid anymore. You're not doing yourself any favors by trying to avoid conflict through obfuscation. The one piece of solid advice that I will give you is that, whatever decision you make, take responsibility for it, and stand by it. Don't pretend you made a different choice. Men can't get away with that shit, and you won't have any self-respect left if you try.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

Once again: you know what the risks are that are associated with your decision. If by choosing to retain your right to bodily autonomy and to make your own medical decisions, you are risking the possibility of homelessness, then you have to decide what is more important to you: your home, or your right to decide not to be injected with shit if you don't want to.

It's absolutely outrageous that anyone should be forced to make that decision, and it's not fair, but there it is. I honestly wouldn't judge you either way. It's not a call anyone else can make for you.

dagthegnome -2 points ago +3 / -5

There is an elevated risk associated with getting the vaccine. That said, the booster is still very unlikely to harm you, especially if the initial shots didn't.

But that doesn't mean you should get it. If you are young and healthy and have a reasonably intact immune system, Covid poses no threat to you. Even if you got it, your symptoms would likely be so mild that the risk of transmitting would be very low. You don't pass on viruses just by breathing on people: you pass them on by coughing and sneezing and not washing your hands. If you're not doing any of those things, you're unlikely to be contagious.

If the only good reason for you to get the vaccine is because of what they're gonna do to you if you don't get the vaccine, then the decision you're making is not a medical decision.

What's important here is your right to decide what you put in your own body, and the question you have to honestly answer is: How much are you willing to give up before you surrender that right?

dagthegnome 29 points ago +29 / -0

Never underestimate the power of meme magic. Concise memes, or cartoons like this one with concise slogans, can change people's minds. That's why leftist memes contain walls of text, and why good, based memes make them so viscerally angry. By boiling down a ridiculous leftist argument to its simplest parameters, you simultaneously expose just how idiotic it is and deprive them of semantics to gaslight with. They try anyway, but it's less convincing for the normies.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

Richard Dawkins is the leader of the atheists like I'm the leader of Gamergate.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

They'd rather you keep paying attention to the Michigan school shooting.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

Defending a government that is in the process of rounding aboriginals up and putting them in camps, and she has the audacity to accuse us of behaving like fascists.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

Their entire marketing strategy for almost two decades now has been nostalgia. They make games for IPs that dads remember playing back in the 90s, and that they play now with their kids. None of their newer properties have ever taken off. They make their money off of Mario, Zelda and Pokemon. If they move their focus away from that, or worse, fuck with those characters, then there goes their entire customer base.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +10 / -1

This guy is responsible for his own actions, and blaming women for what he did is no better than them blaming men collectively every time a woman does something monstrous.

dagthegnome -5 points ago +7 / -12

What we're watching is the cycle of SJW "inclusivity" playing out in real time. You move into a space that isn't yours. You bring all of your friends, and, in some cases alts, and take advantage of our tolerance of differing views, and then when people disagree with you, you demand that we exclude those people from our spaces. Not a single one of you is an honest actor. You engage in leftist tactics of mobbing and crybullying in order to gain control of online spaces and silence people in those spaces that you don't like.

And the reason most of us don't challenge you on the JQ is that it's fucking boring. It's only interesting to edgy teenagers and feds. I'm not interested in putting up with another round of goalpost-moving nonarguments with people who will never be mature enough to acknowledge that the world is more complicated than "joo bad!" The only one of you who was capable of putting forward an argument that was worth debating was Arch, and he fucked off months ago.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

bUt oNEroUs bAiL Is rAAAYciStS!

dagthegnome -6 points ago +10 / -16

Imagine expecting people to feel sympathy when you act as though there aren't a hundred other places on the internet to bitch about the Juice where no one will challenge you, and demanding that every community you invade bans people who call you on your shit, however halphazardly.

If you don't like it here, go back to /pol/ you useless fucking immigrants.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

My eyes! My eyes!

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