I like to think that this time period is one long case study showcasing the consequences of ignoring the scientific method. The scientific method is only important, because of the checks it makes to ensure that the results are as close to the truth as possible. It seems that the ego of modern science believes that it can bullshit it's ideas into reality.
I give it a decade and a half before all of these "intellectual" ideas are publicly shunned and despised in the mainstream.
Role Players Needed(Disaster Victim Actors for Military Training Exercises)
Role players needed to act as disaster victims, mass casualties, anxious and injured citizens for military exercises in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.
Civilians will be rescued, triaged and put through a decontamination process. See what it feels like to work along side our military and contribute to the readiness of our Nation's Homeland Security!
The training exercise dates are 1/26/21, 1/28/21, and 1/30/21
Could be nothing, but if there's a crisis event in Las Vegas on these days, I want to make sure there's a record of it being fabricated in advance. Here's the non archive link, just in case you want to see whether they leave it up or not.
This was actually posted back on the 7th December, deleted and then reuploaded on the 20th January. I wonder why. Archive link for reference.
The problem with tech like this is that it will be outdated very quickly. Political opinions aren't stagnant, and what the average looking person supports today is very different from what they would've support 15 years ago, and what they will support 15 years into the future.
It's very possible that Trump was an elaborate false choice, designed to quell the growing dissent. However, Occam's Razor suggests that this isn't the most obvious conclusion, based on the information we have.