Yeah one thing I forgot is how much kids are comfortable playing things on phones and tablets. Those touch controls make me want to throw the thing across the room.
I'd still be shocked if Nintendo goes away from that any time soon. They have a strong library of games people want that don't seem to be losing ground as badly.
I always thought console "wars" were for stupid 12 year olds arguing about teraflops and triangles.
It could be forseen with consoles basically becoming PCs. Terms people still use like "PC port." It's not really much of a port, they are the same architecture. I imagine most devs do a ton of the work on PC first, not like the old days where you would serial port to a dev kit. Even Sony sees there's money in opening up their games to more of a market with the work involved being minimal to do so.
I don't see consoles going entirely away, tons of people don't care about anything hardware and just want something to play their two or three really mainstream games on. Sony will keep making them. Nintendo will keep making them, if you call the Switch a console. It's more of a dockable successor to the 3DS.
A lot of my complaints about PC were addressed so I went back, with the added benefit of being able to run old games and emulators the easiest of any platform too. Now lets get rid of Windows.
As long as they import some spotted dick for them too. It’s probably already the state food of California.
How do the brits have so many uses for faggot? I didn’t know this one, but the cigarette one too. I remember reading a book and couldn’t get over a part where it said they “liked to have a fag every now and then”
I’ve found myself accidentally downvoting posts just from pressing a touchscreen to scroll or something before. If i see it I remove it, but just one possible explanation
I keep going back to Brave unfortunately. Librewolf has been good a lot of the time though. It just seems every time I use a non-Chrome/webkit based browser there's always a site that doesn't work. So, I guess I'd go back to Librewolf if I woke up tomorrow and Brave was gone.
Oh thanks I will grab this to play with my cousin later, it's tough to get a teenager to try anything new but this looks dumb enough and the price is right.
Oh wait Tom Holland, he's the bony little guy that plays Spiderman isn't he? I was confusing with Tom Hardy...
So I guess in the proper feudal system, Lord Montague saves Romeo from a life of misery with this thing and if he's actually desirable he gets a beautiful woman. Juliet still wins, as she is arranged to be married off to another undesirable disfigured person of a prominent family.
Or in the modern system, she turns tranny and joins the 41%.
Spencer said publicly traded companies have to show constant growth or else nobody will give them money.
This is an argument, and in my opinion a fallacy, they constantly perpetuate to call out capitalism. It's part of what's broken with the stock market too, and he's not wrong they will be unhappy with him along with driving his stock price way down if he doesn't present growth. The thing is, a continuous flow of steady profit, without growth, is still healthy capitalism (excluding adjusting the not-growth for rampant inflation). If you make a game that every year makes a $10M profit consistently every year, that should be celebrated as success. The commies just don't want to look at that because they only listed to wall street talking heads and speculators screaming for growth, growth, growth, as what is and only is capitalism.
Regarding Xbox though, can they even make consistently profiting games? The proportion of total gamers : those playing Microsoft games is what's really broken. How about just making some fun games without preaching a ridiculous message, and see where that gets you.
I've done okay with rentals outside of what you'd call hipster liberal areas, but that's in America where such places exist that aren't shitholes. Rural small-to-mid size towns in red state. Cheap to buy and easy to rent if you buy right. The rent isn't that crazy but I don't lose money at all. I've not had to evict but I've heard it's pretty easy in the state. My tenants stay in, pay, and don't trash the place. I fix things that are broken without much complaint and don't run the rent through AI models to extract every little cent. Works fine for me.
Although I may start to sell out if any tenants leave. Not that there's been a lot of issues, just I've built up quite a bit of capital there, maybe I'll try commercial real estate or something. For now, if they keep paying I'm going to leave them be.
Is it safe for me to say the English words presented here in both new and old are from officially released translations of the games? I just want to know what I'm looking at, particularly that with the old version of P3 shown it's not a fan translation or AI translation.
I made a ton of money in my early teenage years as a result of what would have started out with games. Starts as an elementary school making maps, hacking games, things like drivers, memory management, other things you had to do in DOS. Am I really in IT now, no, but that's by choice. The learning that resulted from that gaming had me learning people skills and business as a 13 year old trying to sell websites and tech services and continued to the point it paid for my entire college education with not a cent of debt coming out of it.
I don't think it applies less now. Well, maybe somewhat as things are a bit easier. I never had consoles much, we had one at one point, but never really had the money for games. I did have access to computers because my Dad was in IT.
How many people have left Twitter over "misinformation?" It seems like they are all still there bitching about it to me.
Is it deleted? Can't see the post
They really can't help but make it easy to compare them to animals.
Maybe the Piney Grove Baptist Church should have maintained ownership of their cemetery if they wanted it maintained. They are the ones that chose to disrespect the dead they were entrusted with so they could gain more of things that which are Caesar's.
I feel like 10 and 11 was given away to retail users just so they can gather and sell your data, when 7 didn't have that functionality in it.
They are so much worse too, like why do they have this "Settings" page then half the shit you have to go to Control Panel anyway. Either replace it or leave it alone. I don't need two places to screw with settings.
You didn't miss much with 8. I had it on a laptop for a bit. It was Windows 7 with touchscreen icons.
They had an opportunity not all that long ago to really take over the gaming market by just being the one who just wants to make games. They went the other way it seems.
I just went through my game pass sub to see what I might want to keep so I can just let it go. Most of it was on GOG, so on to the GOG watchlist. I was a bit surprised because at one time I played a lot off of game pass. They can have their sub back. The stuff I bought over the years, well if they ban my account then I'll just acquire an ocean-going vessel for anything they steal from me.
I'm going to guess Sony Japan got their hands on the gaming division a bit. It seems so far they've quietly been walking back from the full-on DEI push in ways, at least since Spider-Man 2 flopped.
These companies all killed me off, I was all-in on consoles for probably 15 years, now an upgraded Switch is about the only thing that might get my attention. PC support for TV play with controllers hurt my interest in consoles, and DEI games put in the killing blow.
I've had their game pass for years, as I'd built up maxed out Xbox Gold credit ages ago and spent a dollar to upgrade it. It finally goes away in June of this year. I can get it indefinitely for half price via some discounts I have access to.
I was leaning towards keeping, but I think at this point it's going to become how much do I have to buy that I was "leasing" to just rid of it forever. I don't think they release another new game I want at this point.
Their entire industry was created by white male gamers. If white male gamers never existed, neither would video games.
I was/am a Walmart hater for decades but they've become the least of so many evils and are the most content to just sell me shit without extra politics. They were also the only grocery place that dropped their mask inspectors the second the governor did. Others kept on with that stuff for months.
Funny the first thing I read about that said something about "threatening democracy" so I knew it must have been effective. It sounds like the average Salvadorian loves the policy too. Left wing "democracy" is just another way to describe mob rule by small minority groups, whether it be blacks and trannies or drug gangs.
He wuz a gud boy he didnu nuffin
I felt like they had been shooting themselves in the foot over franchises even before the propaganda became front-and-center. People that wanted a Call of Duty or Halo or whatever just wanted more of the same game with some fancier graphics and new maps in the end. Of course if they had just made these games instead of what they did, the game journalists and Youtubers and all the tiny voices amplified would have cried "omg it's just a DLC, don't play this, we need more changes!" You know what, people still buy the dreadful EA sports games with a roster update and a pretty menu every single year...