cccpneveragain 10 points ago +10 / -0

It is quite ironic how they will scream about being offended in one hand and then justify calling a team the Chiefs and doing an Indian chant in the other.

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

I always found they used incel against voluntary celibates (e.g. MGTOW) and people like myself that were either interested in a relationship for family building or not at all. More so than being used to describe actual revolting men, because that hit too close to home.

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have that type of hair, but so do tons of white guys. That's was never a beard though, that's a lame goatee.

Anyone using words like chuds and simps that seek validation of their appearance on Reddit is merely projecting.

cccpneveragain 9 points ago +9 / -0

These people are so stuck on the coasts. I’m not really aware of much of any of Irish, Jewish and Italian in my ancestry. I’m more English, Dutch, and a little German and most of us were here first. So, I guess my ancestors failed to gatekeep the country well.

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen a bunch on Xwitter. Not really anything locally, I don't think they are spending in Texas. They claim to be spending to get rid of Ted Cruz, but even then I think that's just being pocketed by someone as I never see those either.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Don't you know, all the kids have to be made scared of a mass shooting so they don't have guns and vote to confiscate others guns.

It's also shit nigger pop so anything goes.

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve had quite a nice Linux experience with the exception of Microsoft games and things with kernel anti cheat. I’d suggest most any steam-heavy user give it a try they’ve done such a good job making it feel seamless

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, I was supposed to be able to upgrade mine. Technically still can but upgrade paths are the problematic 13th and 14th gen Intel. I don't need it now and I don't foresee needing it for a couple more years at minimum.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's so much of that. Epic scenes like the lead up to Obi-Wan vs Anakin Vader duel ruined by dialogue that sounds like mediocre fan fiction.

There's other things that bother me that are relatively minor and I generally enjoy the prequels, but it's mostly Jar Jar and dialogue. Anyone expecting them to never talk needs to watch different movies. The original trilogy had a lot of talking too.

cccpneveragain 12 points ago +12 / -0

You're totally not wrong. I find myself more and more amazed at just how many people throw money at things mindlessly. I feel like the only reason I could totally buy this if I wanted is I am prudent, yet the list of people that will buy then then bend over and wait to be fucked by the PS5 Pro Slim model the next year is immense.

cccpneveragain 16 points ago +16 / -0

I never thought I would, but I'm glad I left the console space. My PC was barely more expensive than an original PS5 and outside of the large SSD I added later (also applicable cost to PS5) it's been fine and will be for a bit longer.

cccpneveragain 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fun fact, I was once banned from a Reddit sub for responding to one of those incessant "omg I found this poor kitty" posts with the Google Maps link of a Chinese restaurant and a suggestion that they could drop it off there no questions asked.

cccpneveragain 11 points ago +11 / -0

They also say they are a real woman, so why can’t they just pick woman? Why do they have to be an ugly turd of a woman. If I’m creating myself as a man in a game, do I not make myself a little taller and more muscular? Do these “real women” not desire to be attractive? Create that character

I think the answer is it’s all just to piss us off, that’s their objective.

cccpneveragain 6 points ago +6 / -0

#2 reason I quit using Amazon. It just plain sucks now. No, I don't want "LONGDONG real PC game mouse" that is $1 on AliExpress, I want the typical branded crap.

#1 is they hit me with fraudulent transactions on an account with all the security features on, having never triggered any of them, and their customer service for fraud is as shit as the contents of Biden's diaper. I have to get all the way to #3 to consider politics.

I've gotten where I target quality and repairability where I can and I just buy from the manufacturer's website when I need random boxed crap. It's a tiny bit more, but for example I just bought a Moccamaster single cup coffee machine, holy shit that thing is in a different world than the Chinese plastic k-cup things that will break in two years. I also buy less random boxed crap, didn't need it anyway,

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah trying to find things to do like that is tough. Kids less interested in old cars and want flashy, and it's not easy to just get a look at without getting way too close to thuggish and childish behavior. We've talked about going to Monterey in a year or two, but that's still a stretch.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Automotive Theme Park with giant drag strip

Would love to see something like this take off. My cousin is very into cars and being in the Youtube kid age group, there's so much promotion of idiots street racing. I've been trying to influence him a bit so he doesn't end up going from Ambulance to Hospital to Police Car to Jail.

Imagine waltzing with your partner to an orchestral cover of a Taylor Swift song

I'd rather not lose any brain cells, thanks. So since it's Netflix house, I just have to assume there will be an area for your child to practice being a stripper just like the ones in Cuties?

Funny how Japanese have a theme park where kids try to be adults, and we have Disney for forever baby adults.

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

A Fistful of Dollars, the Clint Eastwood classic, is getting a remake.

Only thing I have to say regarding whoever is going to remake this is, "Get three coffins ready." Totally unnecessary.

Yakuza Like a Dragon gets a TV show

That could be really cool, but I don't trust Amazon at all. Just wait, Kiryu will end up a black woman.

Disney May pay another $5 Billion for Hulu.

Hilarious, because I bet Comcast doesn't even want Hulu anymore.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cyberpunk locked themselves in a Catch-22 with the PS4 and Xbox One. They promised more than really could be delivered on the performance of those platforms. So they are left with severe graphical downgrades or poor performance, both of which would get them panned. They really should have released it as a next gen and PC exclusive and put their effort as such, but with all those preorders, that also gets them.

I get your point about spending money on pricey voice actors, but unless they were going to otherwise spend that money on good writers, it was still going to suck. It's not that poorly put together on hardware that can handle it, it's just boring.

cccpneveragain 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't see how there wouldn't have been. There was too much left unsettled from the first go-around. Germany was likely to do something with the state of their country whether Hitler or someone else. The US was already all over the Pacific. You had the British still in China. Stalin would have started pushing West.

There was far, far more going on than Hitler invaded Poland.

cccpneveragain 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, outside of a few years here and there I'm not sure when it was ever a nice city. In the late 1800s it was a literal shit hole, as just dealing with the horse shit disposal alone was a huge problem. Prior to that you've got all the Irish and Italians causing problems with each other.

Cities just suck really. The only good cities I can really think of are very culturally and racially homogeneous, and have harsh and strict punishments for bullshittery. What would they do to a chimpout in Singapore?

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

How long until it's Barronness? I assume he will also get rid of the Trump name, I mean how many people still have the name Hitler?

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

C'mon proud hippogryph, as soon as the rider demands use of pronouns, just throw them off.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm sure it's just someone grumpy about their valuable screen space or whatever BS angers people. I'd rather pick through some interesting links than a random autistic sperg, and the time lost to scroll past the things I'm less interested in is in mere seconds.

cccpneveragain 29 points ago +29 / -0

It's the same reason most people would recoil if you were to tell most people you are reading Mein Kampf. They are trained to fear seeking alternative points of view. I don't know anything about this guy, and I at least hope if Carlson has him on there's more substance behind it then just wild conspiracy.

There's only something to fear from listening to others if your stance isn't the right one. If you're standing on solid ground, why be afraid?

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