Bitch looks like Lord Farquaad from Shrek..
Comments section is lit.
Turn all N-word
You can't say nigger in 4chan now?
Unless they come with clear, undeniable evidence, any "sexual misconduct allegations" should be properly ignored - if not laugh at.
Fuck entertaining that shit.
Bruh show us where Brady touched you.
Sounds like another case of bitches making bullshit sexual assault allegations up.
Cool. Prolly pick it up the switch then.
Cool, Imma have to check this one out then.
EDIT: Oh the R is for remake. I didn't know they released a Remake.. coming from Squeenix tho.. how "updated for modern audiences" is it? After the shit they pulled on FF7Remake / Rebirth...
I keep forgetting. Is that the one with the retarded ending? Because that alone pushed me away from all Star Ocean games and i wanted to play them all.
Of course those cowards would disable replies.
Elon needs to remove that shit, if you broadcast your stupid opinion to the whole internet, you shouldn't be able to just hide.
I am glad the Japs hate Koreans. Feminism and retarded woke western ideals have taken hold of SK for a while now.
Just watch any Samsung ad. Promoting coalburning to Asians and Whites alike.
Giving free black eyes to coal burners at best and actively collecting tolls at worst.
People keep saying this, but I have yet to see the peace truck show up at those gay parades or Muslims give free parachute-less base jumping lessons to the rainbow people in Europe.
...believe the game is the worst thing they have ever seen.
Well it has a nig samurai, so.....
MSNBC analyst Mara Gay
Name checks out.
This is based on the Batman universe with the negress Catwoman?
Interesting. I would expect her type to flip out at the guy for trying to help her, strong and independent woman needs no help.
I did not expect to see so many tongue clickers coming out at night in Tokyo. The fuck is wrong with the Japanese importing nigs?
pro-Hamas mannequin in a Jewish neighbourhood.
Don't care.
Spain NT is getting close to France and Belgium levels of niggerness.
Not only that, their most decorated and arguably most famous club, Real Madrid is filled with niggers, with the insufferable Vinicius leading the victim role.
Also, is this a knock-on effect of democrats reliably accusing almost every conservative male nominee of sexual assault? Gotta put up women to avoid the SA smear.
If people still entertain these sexual assault allegations attacks, there is no hope of this country.
All these accusers coming forward now should be at best, laughed at mercilessly, and at worst thrown in jail for lying.
Whats the ratio of men / women so far?
Anyone got the ratio of men / women in Trumps picks?
Even the Spanish dub comment section is fucking lit lmfao.