acp_k2win 7 points ago +8 / -1

Wake me up when one person on that list spends 1 hour inside a cell.

acp_k2win 3 points ago +6 / -3

Have you developed mind reading capability that works through internet? If so you shouldn't be wasting your time here when your city needs you!

acp_k2win -4 points ago +6 / -10

I asked first. What are they drawings of? You will keep dancing around it but you don't that one simple question answered honestly makes you look really bad.

acp_k2win -3 points ago +5 / -8

Nobody does regardless of whether or not they agree with or voted for it or whatever. That is the way things work.

Do you think Trump supported that tarded business records law they tried to jail him for a billion years over? If someone wants to get you, and they have the pull, they well.

acp_k2win -9 points ago +5 / -14

Breathe man. Oxygen to the brain. If the plurality of the show isn't questionable then there is no reason to do anything about it. Just get rid of the one part.

But you haven't answered the question. What are they drawings of?

acp_k2win -3 points ago +5 / -8

That is all laws, all laws can be used against anyone who publicly engages in any activity because they are all subjective to a "reasonableness" test.

And that is good because the real purpose of laws isn't to tell people what to do and not to do but to be a legitimizing pretext for collectively harming bad people.

acp_k2win 4 points ago +11 / -7

Its a fetish like troonery or butt piracy. They can't NOT bring it up because inflicting it on people who don't want to hear about it is part of the fetish.

acp_k2win 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is an insignificant entirely online presence of tankies, I suspect most of them fell over into natsoc including lots of mexicans

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't want islam in my country but I'm fine with them practicing it in their sandy craphole countries

And I'm not going to countersignal when they are attacking my other enemies, when that happens keep your mouth shut, stay out of it, let them fight

acp_k2win 19 points ago +19 / -0

trannies were just a tactic in the toolbox of the distintegrationists

jews have been doing their subversion thing since rome conclusively proved they were inferior militarily in the 100s

you have to understand that we are just collateral damage in a war between two jewish factions - both of them agree on the end goal, a world where everything and everyone is owned by jews, they disagree on how to go about it

  1. globalists/communists (left) - less zealous, more secular, are basically trying to make star trek happen. Believe that their utopia is right around the corner and the only thing standing in the way is Whites and Christians who stubbornly don't want to go extinct and care about "outdated" stuff like (non jewish) ethnic nations.

  2. zionists/israel first nationalists (right) - more zealous, more religious, are looking to take decade of the 2000s global where Israel calls all of the shots behind the scenes in every significant country, and can sic their biggest minion, the US on the enemies of israel at a whim. Is fine with leaving a false veneer of national sovereignty as long as it is generally directed toward the interests of Israel.

Both use infiltration and subversion, both are against any kind of White ethnic identity (generational hatred against Rome).

Where they disagree is the zionists pretend to be pro "West" (not Christendom) because they want the west strong enough to fight israels its battles, the globalists work to weaken all White nations in favor of passing sovereignty to "international" organizations that they are effectively in charge of. Ironically the UN is one of the few that neither the jewish globalists nor zoinists are in charge of because of how muslim countries vote as a block.

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

The statue of Liberty pose hits so hard

acp_k2win 36 points ago +36 / -0

I'm flying twice in the next 4 weeks... If you don't see me again, it was a pleasure serving with you fine gentlemen.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +11 / -0

How does he vote and which policies does he advocate for. Specifically which policies does he advocate for that are pro-isreal at the expense of the american taxpayer?

This feels like a hit considering he is the one holding up the CR.

acp_k2win 16 points ago +16 / -0

It was OK, but they had to insert space lesbians, space antifa, and weird "indigenous" glorification

I did like how the imperial woman villain acted all tough but when shtf she just fell apart, that was quite refreshing.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +11 / -0

liberals think conservatives are evil and use that to justify any harm caused to their enemies without regard for justice or proportionality

conservatives think liberals are retarded so refuse to enact the full measures that would be necessary to prevent their bad behavior, just like you deal with women and children differently than you deal with adult men

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

money laundering, human trafficing, kickbacks, blackmail opportunities against other influential players who want in on the action

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes you are right he is hedging his bets by not saying anything "unforgivable" to his former station.

But I think he is just desperately clinging to the 90s fresh prince status quo that just isn't coming back. His contempt for Christianity and really any kind of morality grounded on fixed principles won't let him use his common sense to conclude certain activities are immoral because they harm society as a whole, and he thinks the only standard of behavior is "consent".

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its good up until he starts crying about Christian Nationalism. Then his 90s liberal atheist roots start to show through. He has graduated to full lolcow on twitter at this point.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't believe that was only 9 months ago. Lindsay's lolcow phase must have only started pretty recently.

Time flies and the ride never ends.

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