WeedleTLiar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where did all that free lumber come from?

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't equality just both sides being allowed to pick up apples?

As many people have pointed put, the blue kid could just walk to the other side and get some apples. Maybe he can't because, in a system without equality (like equity), there are different rules for different people? So, rather than ladders, equality is just the blue kid being able to do the same thing as the red kid.

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

And they kill the tree while trying to "fix" it.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

What if I don't like apples? Who's going to give me oranges?

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or, trade your labour of clearing branches and leaves to the person on the other side of the tree in exchange for apples? If the tree leans to one side, it'll be dropping more debris on that side and will require more work than a single person can provide to keep tidy.

It's as though there's already a clear and widely used solution to this problem.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cut the tree down and both sides can pick all the apples: justice!

WeedleTLiar 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's so weird that people used to get together in mobs and lynch a guy for absolutely no reason.

The government's job is to mete out impartial justice to pre-empt people from taking it into their own hands. When the government fails at justice, what do you do?

Nice of them to put out a description.

WeedleTLiar 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not a cult, it's pro wrestling. If you understand Trump's storyline at the WWE, you understand everything about the public facing side of American politics.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the RNC is currently crashing grindr due to how much they value "equity" for gays, and how much they hate "the real homophobes".

That's where playing by your opponents' rules gets you.

The Right needs to set it's own rules, and have the integrity to stand by them, or they'll just become the Left and it won't matter who wins.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just so long as you don't normalize the tactic in the process. It's pretty hard to go back to a world where your employment is dependend on just your job performance if both sides are looking to cancel you for stepping out of line with their playbook.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, too peaceful. Uttering threats is a crime and people should by prosecuted, not cancelled. That's my issue with the Right "cancelling"; they're not going after people who, say, publicly support communism, they're going after actual criminals with a lesser punishment than is warranted.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a big piece: the Right have things to lose while the Left usually do not.

I would hazard that most Rightoids have families and jobs that pay to maintain their standard of living. Getting cancelled means losing yoyr family home or at least being evicted with your wife and kids.

Most Leftards, otoh, are living off government stimulus and couldn't get kicked out of their homes if they were running a bike theft ring (which I've seen).

It's not an equal but the Left is playing it much smarter. By using bodies in the streets, instead of political donations, they take advantage of the inherent unemployability of their constituents. The Right actually has more resources, but they're obsessed with "getting theirs", even though half of it goes to taxes, which then finds the Left. The average Rightoid simply isn't willing to sacrifice their crumbs for their own political future (and that of their kids) while the Left quietly bleeds them dry.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +4 / -2

Right. And I don't want people to be cancelled for memes, so I still don't call for censorship.

What I will do is make a list of illegal memes posted by Leftists, in case they succeed.

WeedleTLiar 23 points ago +24 / -1

No, the rule of law is what makes the Right strong. You can clearly see this as they lose power when the Left undermines the law.

The strength of the Right comes from everyone uniting behind the law, but they've been convinced that they should let things slide out of "compassion", which is what the Left preaches. Extenuating circumstances, historic oppression, reparations, etc.

If the Right would unapologetically enforce the existing rules, the Left would be obliterated. No riots, no DEI, no threats of violence, just prison.

WeedleTLiar 7 points ago +7 / -0

A better metaphore would be America constantly building nuke bases and bioweapon labs on your borders and never retaliating.

WeedleTLiar -19 points ago +3 / -22

She's not wrong (although I can't say I'd expect access to his personal medical records when the sitting president won't tale a cognitive faculty test).

The big question is: was this a collaboration between Trump and the secret service to secure the election for him, or an actual attempt and the USSS is just so diverse that they were totally unable to identify the threat, stop the shooting, or force an 80yo man off the stage and into a vehicle with their 5'0" 80lb female agents?

WeedleTLiar 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's not enough to remove the rot because the hole remains. If they're smart MS will specifically pursue merit based hiring and promotions based on clear and objective criteria that are relevant to the job. Kryptonite for the Woke crowd.

WeedleTLiar 8 points ago +8 / -0

When your enemy puts a weapon on the table, you either pick it up or you lose.

Why would a pick up a switchblade when I have a machete?

The Right put down a much better weapon when they abandoned consequence-based justice for the Leftist "rehabilitative" justice (which never quite seems to). They don't need the weapons of the Left, they need to pick up their own weapon and fight.

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Left cancels people because they've broken no laws so they can only be hurt by the mob. The Right responds by stirring the mob against actual criminals, instead of demanding the State hold them to account.

The Right needs to beat the Left with their own stick: law and order.

WeedleTLiar -11 points ago +1 / -12

I get that feeling, but using their tactics is gay and cringe, not least lf which because the Right should be calling for arrests, not firings. They're uttering death threats against political opponents and the Right is going "we'll get them fired from their wage slave job, that'll show 'em". The Right needs to stand up for the rule of law, including tbe elimination of bad laws, of which we have many. If everything was fair today, these Far Left radicals would all be living in cardboard boxes.

We should be fighting, but we need to stop letting them dictate the terms of engagement; not because they'll likely win (and they will), but because if we win, we become like them.

WeedleTLiar 5 points ago +5 / -0

So this is a tricky one but hear me out.

"Cancel Culture" is not the same as "Consequence Culture" or even "the Rule of Law". People are saying the Right should copy the Left and cancel their enemies, but that's wrong. These Leftists aren't saying mean words, they're uttering threats. They shouldn't be fired, they should be jailed.

The whole "the Right should use the rules the Left has set for them" only serves to cover for the cowardice on the Right that completely fails to demand actual justice and settles for "giving them a taste of their own medicine". Having a bad opinion is not equivalent to calling for political violence, and we shouldn't accept that these people are walking free.

The Right shouldn't "cancel" individual retail workers, because that's gay and cringe, not to mention the fact that most Leftists don't work, which makes the tactic ineffective. Cancelling someone doesn't change their mind, and it makes you look fearful to others.

They absolutely should boycott companies who "support LGBETC", have DEI policies, pay for employee abortions, etc. Rightoids have money and companies will do what they think people want (especially once the ESG money dries up). Not only that, buy up the shares of these companies or do business with coops where you have a chance to vote on executives. Make sure they know where you stand as it relates to their business. Make political donations, not to the candidate you like, but to every candidate that will agree to your terms.

The Left took control, over a period of decades, by identifying and infiltrating all the levers of power. We can do that too, but it will take at as much time, resources, and perserverence as they put it.

The question you have to ask it: Am I as committed to my country as the Leftists are to destroying it?

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Integrity? I think you give too much credit.

The whole narrarive, Trump and Biden included, is unravelling so obviously that even Leftists are waking up. This is damage control.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

“When did the Secret Service start allowing the President under duress to tell them ‘to wait’, then stand up to be seen by the crowd fist-pumping?” one user posted on X. “Can you blame me for thinking this is fake?”

I mean, where is he wrong?

Also, there no way a guy named "Ken Klippenstein" is a real person and not a ridiculous meme-Jew created on ConPro.

Everything about this is fake and gay.

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