50 is not middleaged, it's quite a bit after middleaged. 80 is a generous age for most people, especially men but also for many women, and 40 is a long time since 50.
If they're really that green then even just the slightest squeeze should have them squealing and will rat out names higher up the chain.
Pro-tip: Don't be shit at your job, people won't tell you that you are shit at your job.
Red hair used to mean working class or poor
Because the highest density of redheads in the world is Ireland and Scotland, and migrants from both were generally not that high up the social ladder historically.
Multiple redheads who were cast with black in live action adaptations.
Now there’s some fat nigress whose power is being the smartest person on the planet, and they’re all her dummy pawns or some shit.
Her power quite literally sounds like "Mary Sue: The Power", where she warps reality like Scarlet Witch did in the comics so that reality goes along to her whims.
Be smarterer than all y'all's
Control everyone else like puppets
Re-write facts about existing characters like giving them prostate problems with even a nuclear bomb would have trouble leaving a dent.
It's honestly Tumblr tier levels of how bad the writing is.
He's the product of a Superman like child growing up under lab conditions with no real father/parental figure, so to the surprise of nobody with any actual brains the character is extremely fucked up. Now add on to the fact he's the single most powerful being on the planet and you a recipe for disaster, but then that's the entire point of the character in the comic, the tv show is just retarded in its takes.
Sounds like Leslye, who the fuck even spells it like that?, is thirsty for attention because her show is so shit so now she has to drum up controversy with obvious lies as she isn't getting engagement any other way.
We was kweens n shiet!
Going after a genius who played a major role in landing a probe on a freakin' comet because they didn't like his slightly provocative pinup shirt.
Reminder that shirt was given to him by a female friend.
They had to spray it on a nearby child in order to get him to take the test.
Just purge Portland, it will help multiple industries with the same action.
Smart move by the parents would be to cut him off completely, contact, inheritance, etc. I know he's not likely to need the money from them but it still sends the message that if he wishes them dead, then he should be dead to them.
On a tanget, I always found the cat lady dynamic very ironic. Decrepit pussy overindulging functional pussys.
It gets even more ironic the more you delve into it.
"Crazy cat lady syndrome" can in fact be a result of toxo infections since cats are one of the things that toxo needs to reproduce. Anyone with cats is significantly at greater risk than those who don't have them and the more cats you have the higher the risk. Many of the symptoms of toxo match the "crazy cat lady" stereotype.
There's also the meme about how cats are similar to men: https://i.imgflip.com/2tk3qh.jpg
I have never undstood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call, like to stay out all night, and when they're home they like to be left along and sleep.
BOTTOM TEXT:In other words, every quality that women hate in a man they love in a cat.
Don't be silly Impy
Don't bother, he was banned minutes after making this post.
2 hours ago
Alright, bye imp, see ya next year.
1 minute ago DomitiusOfMassilia banned user TheImpossible1 - 365 days
It turns out that the max ban time is 365 days. The only next escalation would be permanent.
Misread the year, thought these were made 3 days ago so diff pfp and no checkmark.
14 Jul 2022
Is TheOmniLiberal actually him? Why wouldn't he have a blue checkmark x account?
Anyone who has seen Silence of the Lambs (a very popular film) knows who Jodie Foster is.
Or Contact, or Taxi Driver, or Panic Room, or Freaky Friday.
an Australian senator demanding the comedy-rock band be deported.
lol, based.
Kyle apologized too.
When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.
no longer business critical
Never was you dumb fuck.