Vegan4Trump -8 points ago +1 / -9

You are looking at it rationally and according to parameters of story -telling; the OP is soliciting fanboys to circle jerk along w a collectively generated domination fantasy is the thing

Vegan4Trump -2 points ago +1 / -3

No one said "stupid" was a part of it. Also I doubt it, she's always the sensible Simpson

Vegan4Trump -11 points ago +1 / -12

Marge Simpson is one of the most popular female characters in the last many hundreds of years and has been since before a lot of your births.

Vegan4Trump -13 points ago +1 / -14

Been a while since I've seen Rosemarys Baby but probably her.

The gf character in the Prophecy 3.

There are also a lot of cool like lioness mother characters, Sara Connor and such, which is a good archetype.

Vegan4Trump 4 points ago +11 / -7

The Wire is an all-time very popular show and Beadie Russel, McNultys gf and the s2 port cop, is well liked by fans. She's also Michael Scott's love interest in the Office

The Office has women like that and is also very popular.

Sansa in Game of Thrones. Appolonia in the Godfather. Mama Corleone. Jimmy Darmodys wife in Boardwalk Empire.

It isn't that rare: tv is supposed to be engaging though, if the women aren't interesting then you watch something else.

Vegan4Trump -12 points ago +1 / -13

Sure, duh; that isn't even something I can do anything about. Still makes me ashamed of my humanity.

Vegan4Trump -4 points ago +1 / -5

So, phase 1- infiltrate secret service command Phase 2- arrange event security as kill box and steal guards for first lady Phase 3- dispatch a kid who can't shoot to wander the crowd, armed, for the final act

Makes sense to you?

Vegan4Trump -16 points ago +1 / -17

The continued existence of Kings on earth is a lasting source of embarrassment for me.

Vegan4Trump -8 points ago +5 / -13

The city people are split for Trump too, it's just that cities are multigenerational Democratic machine shitholes that cheat very effectively.

Vegan4Trump -6 points ago +1 / -7

"we don't need you for security except in the crowd, y'all are here bc we are filming a training exercise for a new orientation protocol." 2 sentences explains that.

Vegan4Trump -9 points ago +1 / -10

You sign it bc you think you are making a movie of a training exercise so you don't care to do anything bc it doesn't matter what you do.

Vegan4Trump -12 points ago +1 / -13

There's never in 3 lifetimes going to be any knowledge from any ballistic investigation so easily you can get around that by targeting some guy in the crowd from a different vantage.

Any investigation is going to be a scam, you the target audience already expect that.

Vegan4Trump -12 points ago +1 / -13

Why is the idea that there are factions within the long ago rogue embedded intelligence agencies and that one such faction wants Trump in any way unlikely or irrational?

Vegan4Trump -10 points ago +1 / -11

No, or, they signed NDAs and shit for a training exercise/production, thought it wasn't real, and then, omg what's happening, maybe someone does get shot. "is this real world or exercise?"

Vegan4Trump -7 points ago +1 / -8

That's what's going on in the stands, it is totally unbelievable an absurd is my point. Look at it in the shots and videos, it's crazy.

Vegan4Trump -13 points ago +1 / -14

Seems genuine enough,.first girl anyway. The 2nd one was basically wagging her tail when it was her turn to talk but maybe he just had the one shitty daughter.

But -if you were gonna fake it, probably you would kill some Americana for the authenticity. That guy getting killed or never existing in the first place is ultimately irrelevant in addressing whether or not Butler was a genuine article, a false flag, or some homunculus of one within another, which is likelier than a supra-govt cabal trapping him in a kill box with some shitty kid to get the shot.

Vegan4Trump -19 points ago +1 / -20

I thought it suggested perhaps a theatrical operation around Trump aimed at manipulating various actors and factions. Squeezing a Yale insider in as VP for example.

But then I also think about Pence. Watch the Family on Netflix w open eyes (as in that notice it's obviously about an Israeli blackmail ring for closet homo republican congressmen that Trump killed off)- I've thought, since I first watched it, that Trump took Pence as a kind of hostage, as he was perhaps a power-broker for the ring of compromised homo republicans

So I hope Vance means that the Trump faction has captured the Yale old money pirate families. Probably there are autists already connecting the Vance network and handlers with developments in the war "against Putin."

But I do have serious doubt about Butler. Just look at the crowd around the "dead guy." You're looking at actors who thought they heard cut and shit, unbelievable looking casual absurd.

Vegan4Trump -12 points ago +2 / -14

So you don't find the fact that he got tapped for the 9/11 operation to be a dubious resume bullet point?

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