Vebent 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think they should be banned from all social media, but I'll accept this as well.

Vebent 11 points ago +13 / -2

Of course you shouldn't trust them. They're fake. They do anything for attention. Especially when money is at stake.

Take Melonie Mac for example formerly women rights, LGBT rights and all of that. Once she saw money was to be made by saying Star Wars is dead and calling everyone a faggot she immediately changed her tune.

I trust no influencer that can change their whole outlook depending on where the money is blowing.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've only been playing old school games. Retroachievements is a pretty good site that adds achievements and leader boards to retro games.

Right now they're running an event for Final Fantasy V called Four Job Fiesta. Basically you're given a job to play as when getting to each crystal. At the last crystal you should have 4 jobs total. You can't level up any other job. If you do then none of the achievements trigger and you don't get the badge for completing the event. This event is proving a challenge since my first job is Blue Mage and my second is Knight. I only have potions for healing.

The other game I'm playing is Tony Hawk's Underground 2. Because I've never beaten the game and this is part of the weekly achievement event. This game is not as bad as I thought it was. It hasn't aged well as far as character designs, but that's Neversoft for you. They don't exactly make games that age well. Which is fine because the game isn't broken. Just a bit hard to look at.

Vebent 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh damn. When I originally saw that headline I thought it was a female that identifies as a dog. I'm releived to see that I am wrong.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cumbersome, yes. Noisy? Only if you plan on having hundreds of people connect to it at once. Only my family and I use it and the only time it's been noisy is when it restarts after an update.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't have to build one. I bought a refurbished Dell Poweredge on ebay for $500 about 2 years ago and it's been running non-stop since then.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree it looks like shit and really really cheaply done.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because it gives them ammo to completely tear down our argument and claim that all our complaints are meaningless. I would much rather them die in that fire they created.

People can downvote this completely, but it still doesn't change the truth. Lefties will use any tactic out there to make themselves look better. Even if it means using the older movies to prove us wrong.

Vebent -6 points ago +4 / -10

Look, I hate what they turned Star Wars into. I don't like the fact that women took it over and are claiming "oppression" even though they're the ones in power. But, this fire in space bullshit isn't the fight. Star Wars already has a bunch of stupid shit that we let get away with in the past.

EDIT: Looks like I pissef off the FNT fans. If he made the argument that the fire is cheaply done because the director doesn't know what the fuck she's doing then I would agree with him, but his argument isn't that. His argument is "fire in space". It makes us look like we're nitpicking at every single thing in Star Wars. We already have a compelling argument that women have destroyed Star Wars and we should've gatekept the fuck out of it. This argument about "fire in space" is retarded when it comes to Star Wars.

Vebent 21 points ago +22 / -1

It shouldn't be. It is the most retarded shit I have ever seen. Masked behind trying to be unique. Yet, they're purposely being vague in hopes of playing the victim card when someone misgenders their "partner". My neighbors do this shit. This is why I rarely say a word to them.

Vebent 33 points ago +33 / -0

Proper localization gets removed from all popular mod sites. Yet, the Persona 5 mod that adds gay romances is okay. Quite obvious there is a gay agenda.

Vebent 10 points ago +10 / -0

Because it's the quartering. This dollar store Ian Miles Cheong will take anything and try to get fake engagement on Twitter. Yeah, He-Man has been trash these last few years, but even with that I still wouldn't trust the quartering.

Vebent 4 points ago +4 / -0

No one show these people Konosuba. They would have a heart attack.

Vebent 4 points ago +5 / -1

We also participated in helping the quartering and I really regret that.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm no coder or programmer, but how the hell does Epic get access to other developers code? Just because they license the engine from them doesn't mean that Epic gets to see all the work they're doing using that engine. This is some big brother bullshit.

Vebent 4 points ago +5 / -1


We do a lot more talking off stream. What I just mentioned was a part of that, but that's are channel. Not many followers. It's something we do for fun and get a kick out of it.

Vebent 5 points ago +6 / -1

My cohost and I were just discussing this the other day. We're at a point where we avoid western content because there's such a high chance of there being some sort of social political nonsense in the show. All we're doing now is watching anime.

Vebent 8 points ago +9 / -1

Huh? Kingdom Hearts have been available on PC for awhile now. It was just exclusive to Epic Game Store.

Vebent 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exactly my thoughts. If they don't implement it in this game then they will do it in a future game. They will also make it a requirement to get PS+. That's their moneymaker right there.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

My media server is currently running Windows 10 and I refuse to upgrade to 11. Is there anyway to block all updates? I want to keep them from forcing the update. I also would switch over to Linux, but that would require me to get a 20TB external hard drive to move data around and I would need to take a day off work to do the transition. All because Linux is not too friendly with NTFS drives.

EDIT: Reading the rest of the OP's post. You do not want an easy to use normie distro. Well, not any easier than what SteamOS currently is. Because the more people that use an OS, the more likely you'll have security issues with that OS. Mainly because scammers tend to target very popular operating systems.

EDIT2: Reading the top comment here. I don't think my media server would be eligible for Windows 11 to begin with. It's a Dell Poweredge R720XD and I don't think it has that TPM that Microsoft has been trying to push on everyone.

Vebent 13 points ago +13 / -0

Normies took over the internet. The same people that were all about having the latest and greatest because their friends have it and they want to be cool. The ones that are easily influenced by anything and everything without knowing how to critically think. They took over the internet, completely changed how we saw social media to bring in all the normies for maximum ad revenue, and now we're seeing the destruction as we speak with the government sweet talking these normies into adding backdoors.

Now it's all about safety and security over privacy. Hurt feelings of certain groups is part of that safety and security. Your own privacy is what's given up in order to have that. Reddit and Discord moderators have all your info in order to effectively ban you. When reddit mods demanded more moderation tools before gamergate, this was the reason. To better ban anyone. They used emotion and vague reasoning to talk the admins into giving more tools and the power mods are given more info on users. This is how they're able to ban people with multiple accounts. They've also banned people for things they've done offsite.

Internet 1.0 was the beginning. Internet 2.0 was after the dotcom boom and the rise of forums. Internet 3.0 is the rise of social media and smartphone apps. We're now at Internet 4.0 where you have no more privacy and to speak freely on one site means you are completely eliminated from many other sites.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait, he's just now noticing this? He's been on Rumble and YouTube this whole time. This must be a slow news day for him. And don't get me wrong, it's a plus he's bringing light to YouTube retarded censorship. It just shows that this guy hardly knows anything and is spoon fed his information.

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