Vebent 8 points ago +8 / -0

Someone mentioned something about registering as a foreign agent. But I always assumed only individuals working in government had to do that. Not youtubers.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think he's blaming fascism. Looks like he's blaming Covid if anything. Which is still dumb and retarded because Covid only sets you back 2 weeks. Not 10 years.

Vebent 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is why normies don't belong on the internet. Sonarr is a godsend compared to what we had before and they don't even realize what they're passing up.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which leads to the problem of why aren't the anime rippers seeing this problem? Why haven't fan subs made a return after the stupid stunts CR have pulled? Most anime fans don't want CR subs. I'm sure a third of those know enough Japanese to create subs. Hell, give me the translated texts and I'll create the subs.

Vebent 24 points ago +24 / -0

Of course it has meaning. A meaning to them and them only because we can't comprehend it. Racism means white. I can be clearer. By you existing as a white person you are racist. It doesn't matter what you do or say.

Now here's the problem with their logic. If racism is white and by us existing means that we are racist then why should we care? There is no consequence at this point. Them hating me because of my skin color I see no consequence. I find great joy in this. I want them to hate me because they see racism in my skin color. By doing so it shows the complete lunacy of that person.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if it was "poor people" it's fictional nonsense. If I want a game about bum fights then I'm going to find and play a game about that. The shit isn't real.

Vebent 1 point ago +2 / -1

Dark Souls in general teaches you how to take it with stride and learn from your mistakes. You fell off the bike? Well get back up and try again. This is why current games journalists hate that series with a passion. They don't want to learn. They don't believe in themselves making mistakes.

Vebent 25 points ago +25 / -0

I don't need a YouTuber to tell me that. It's a given that anything DC or Marvel is lame and gay as long as feminists and trannys control these studios.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm glad this is at the top. I am a big proponent of having offline backups of all software. Making sure games that are purchased should be playable offline. The one thing I hate the most, and is notorious with Nintendo Switch games, is a download being required for a physical game. 2K and WB does this with just about all of their Switch games. 6GB is on the cartridge the other 34GB is on a server. The whole thing should be on a cartridge. If you lose online access then say goodbye to playing that single player game.

Most gamers don't see this or care because their consoles are constantly connected to the internet and they've always had the luxury of not losing their internet connection. I've been there before. I've been in places for days or months where my only internet was what's on my phone. This is why I now have a 100TB media server. All of my software, both PC and consoles, is backed up to it. I take no chances.

Vebent 11 points ago +11 / -0

Everyone has been saying it's good. Probably the best MCU film in many years. The problem is that the way I hear people describing it is that it's full of member berries. There's a lot of talk about "I can't believe [insert hero] is in the movie" and less about the story. Which worries me. I want a good story not "member this guy?" It's dumb.

Vebent 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, I've noticed the word pedophile being thrown around on Twitter similar to how SJWs throw around racist or sexist. It's gotten to the point where people that once talked to someone that later got arrested and charged for pedophilia are being called a pedo.

This is the one thing that can destroy someone even if they never did have any interactions with kids. Because you can't call the cops on someone being racist, but you sure can call the cops on someone you think is a pedo.

Vebent 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is a lot of truth in what Vance says. Anyone that doesn't have kids only have themselves to worry about. They can milk everyone for all they're worth and then leave nothing behind when they die. Someone with kids needs to insure that everything is set for their future. Home, education, and basic necessities.

If you don't want kids then that's all fine, but stop trying to get everyone else to follow in your footsteps by believing having kids is the end of the world and a curse.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

That would be funny as hell, but at the same time every other country would be laughing at us for having a President that is that incompetent.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only cancelation I do support because he actually went into this to change history for his own benefit. He is probably the worst historian in the world.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reason why I disagree with him getting banned is because I enjoy seeing everyone completely owning him. Put his ideas out there and then tear him apart for jt.

Vebent 9 points ago +9 / -0

I can't either. Because he'll break out of it and then bitch and complain about it to his friends on Discord.

Vebent 14 points ago +14 / -0

He has no dignity. It's why I will never stream to YouTube. I can't see myself helping them grow anymore than they are. Me, my cohost and our 20 followers will stay right on Rumble.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm staying clear of this whole situation. I've made comments on other platforms that he didn't break any laws, but morally the guy is fucked. There's also a lot of unproven claims going around. Especially by high profile people like Grummz and the Quartering. I'm not going to defend this guy, but I'm not going to add more fuel to the fire unless there's actual verifiable evidence. Social media and online celebrities are retarded.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are retarded. Any woman recently going viral. Pick any of them.

Vebent -1 points ago +1 / -2

I answered your questions. You don't like the answer so kindly get fucked.

Vebent -1 points ago +1 / -2

Reddit must be leaking into the .win sites if you immediately think I'm talking about all females. I'm talking about the ones going viral recently.

Vebent 6 points ago +7 / -1

That's one, but there's also that other female that just recently went viral because she said "hawk tui". It's really really cringe and I don't know why people are forcing it.

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