by Lethn
Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

free to play yet that's what the majority of the cons00mer types seem to be playing now.

From what I've seen, these types of games tend to attract people who don't have the money or the equipment to play better quality games. It's mostly children, Third Worlders, and bored non-gamers who want to check out whatever their friends are playing without risking any money over it. I don't mean any of this in a snooty way; it's only to point that it's a different playerbase with different needs and expectations than traditional gamers.

Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

It happens occasionally in Pittsburgh. The Liberty Bridge (one of the major bridges in the area) got hit by barges in 2012 and 2019, and nobody lost their shit over it back then. The flooding is the worst it has been in years--comparable to Hurricane Ivan in 2004--so this isn't a "routine" flood, either.

Totsugeki 15 points ago +16 / -1

I get the skepticism, but Pittsburgh received an extreme amount of rain and flooding the day before. A rapidly rising river creates more stress than the ties binding the barges can handle. There's a good chance that this really happened as reported rather than sabotage or DIE incompetency.

Totsugeki 15 points ago +15 / -0

They'll fill the military with foreigners and Americans will shrug it off as, "Well at least we're not being drafted."

Totsugeki 28 points ago +30 / -2

The photo was sourced from Google, but it's the same billboard advertisement that popped up around my area today. I wasn't about to take my own picture while driving at 75 mph.

by Lethn
Totsugeki 6 points ago +7 / -1

I keep seeing these generic Chinese made titles by suspiciously generic company names popping up. They know how much gaming influences young people these days so they're treating it like every other medium and the shit heads glowies are trying to muscle in.

Related: There was a headline last week about Putin demanding that Russia develop its own video game consoles. What I'd love to see in the future is for Russia to start offering White and Christian-themed entertainment to compete with the globohomo.

You snark about the possibility of North Korea putting out their own video games, but at least there wouldn't be any trannies, forced faggotry, or intentionally uglified female characters in it. Ditto for whatever China wants to develop. I welcome the competition.

Totsugeki 21 points ago +27 / -6

Imagine taking marriage advice from a fag.

Totsugeki 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the professional house flippers who are painting everything the same damn shade of gray. I have yet to see any actual homeowners in my neighborhood paint their house this color (or even paint over the brick in any color).

Totsugeki 8 points ago +8 / -0

Waterfox is great. Similar UI to Firefox so that you can easily make the switch without too much hassle.

Totsugeki 4 points ago +4 / -0

I finally switched to Waterfox last month after numerous problems with Brave. Performance is great! Not a single problem with Waterfox so far.

Totsugeki 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's not women who are painting over the brick houses in my neighborhood with NPC gray.

Totsugeki 37 points ago +37 / -0

Prediction: She's somehow involved in Diddy's shady business and distancing herself now.

Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

When did this even become a thing? The first time I saw it was from this one small farm I used to buy seeds from them. I recently go to their website to order seeds and instead found a bunch of cringey "land acknowledgment" apologies all over their website. It confused the hell out of me. First, because this has absolutely nothing to do with garden seeds. Second, because why are they publicly flagellating themselves in the first place? Needless to say, I was too weirded out and will not be ordering from them ever again.

Totsugeki 7 points ago +8 / -1

This is not even being presented as an attack

Not yet, anyways. Klaus over at the WEF has been pushing the cyber attack fearmongering for literal years, NATO is itching for any excuse at all to go to war with Russia, and America has been subject to asymmetric warfare for years. Of course people are going to be skeptical that this is an accident.

Totsugeki 7 points ago +11 / -4

Reminder that Russia suffered a major terrorist attack less than a week ago. Now I'm not some TDS-addled "everything is Russia's fault!" Lefty, but in this one particular case, I'm not ruling out a connection to that Russian attack. I don't believe for one second that "ISIS" killed all those Russians and not our own shitty CIA.

Totsugeki 23 points ago +23 / -0

Vanillaware, the current reigning champion of "curvy female characters" and amazing 2D art in general, has a surprising amount of women artists on their staff. You don't see anyone bitching about a woman sharing a lead artist's credit on Unicorn Overlord, for example. I'm not convinced that women gamers who genuinely love the hobby and aren't just grifting for the ESG money want these ugly characters, either.

Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

Even the "Before" picture looks like corporate Memphis art turned into 3D.

Totsugeki 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, I had no idea they were charging people to change their character appearance and had to go look for myself.

$1.99 - Obtain an item that allows the Arisen to edit their own appearance or the appearance of a pawn. It can be used only once when visiting a barberie.

For comparison, Stardew Valley has this feature for free (okay, you might need to farm for some in-game item) and just had an expansion pack's worth of content added for free a few days ago. WTF, Capcom?

Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

That pretty much captures it. Thanks for sharing! The one I saw was very similar, but had additional translated comments from Japanese people on 2chan complaining about the new art style. The Japanese are just as tired of this shit as we are.

Totsugeki 14 points ago +14 / -0

Who has that 4chan screenshot of Pokemon over the years where it shows it the series going from light-skinned characters made with love to amateur-looking character design with a multi-color cast? I'd share it I had it. The art looks soulless now and I'm not even talking about skin color.

Totsugeki 4 points ago +5 / -1

Mobile Suit Gundam (Gundam 0079) has aged well. Start there. The compilation movies are good if you don't feel like diving into the whole series.

Totsugeki 13 points ago +13 / -0

The censorship has grown so out of control that people are now censoring words that aren't even slurs. You aren't permitted to say "suicide," "rape," or "porn" on social media anymore. I swear it's part of a sick Satanic plot to make a mockery out of these serious issues.

Totsugeki 21 points ago +22 / -1

It's less about optics and more about strategically redpilling people. "Jewish banker uses Sweet Baby to intentionally ruin video games for anti-White social engineering purposes" might be the truth, but it's wholly indigestible to normies in one go. You need to break it down, simplify, and drip feed it. A more effective way of getting the message across is to break this into a series of simple memes:

  • Sweet Baby ruins video games by adding awful and unpopular content.
  • Video games companies are financially pressured by banks like Blackrock to hire Sweet Baby.
  • Blackrock is run by Jews who actively want this regressive social engineering.

Pick one idea. Don't try to do it all at once or you lose your audience.

P.S. The term "Jewish citizen" is both nonsensical and redundant. Just say "Jewish," e.g. "Larry Fink, Jewish CEO of Blackrock..."

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